Author name: Sani Militante

Saint Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio), Priest

1887–1968; Patron Saint of adolescents and civil defense volunteers; Invoked by those in need of stress relief, spiritual healing, and for January blues; Canonized by Pope John Paul II on June 16, 2002

Saint Padre Pio was born Francesco Forgione in Pietrelcina, Italy, a rural town of about 4,000 people. As a child, he was called Franci (Frankie). His parents were peasant farm laborers, and the children assisted with the work. Franci was the third of seven (or eight) children, two (or three) of whom died in infancy, which was quite common at that time. The town centered around the local church of Saint Anna with continuous feasts, Masses, processions, novenas, and parish festivals. The main festival each year was in honor of their patroness, Our Lady of Deliverance, which lasted three days every August. After the day’s work was completed, most evenings were spent with neighbors, eating macaroni, singing, telling stories, and playing in the fields.

The Forgione family was quite devout, and Franci exhibited extraordinary piety from a very early age. The family was especially devoted to the saints and the Blessed Virgin Mary, a love that would remain with Franci throughout his life. As a toddler, Franci often had nightmares. He would later say that he believed the devil was tormenting him at that young age. He also later recalled that, as early as he could remember, he was able to communicate with his guardian angel and had regular visions of the Blessed Mother and Jesus. From the age of five, Franci dedicated himself to God and the Blessed Virgin. He was a good student, even though only three years of public schooling was available in his village. He also suffered from various illnesses throughout his childhood.

At the age of ten, Franci encountered a bearded Capuchin friar who was traveling the countryside begging for food and provisions for his community. Franci was so impressed with him that he informed his parents, “I want to be a friar with a beard!” Though initially amused, his parents took his request seriously and visited the Capuchin friary about thirteen miles north. The friars agreed Franci could join them, but he needed a better preparatory education. Because his parents could not afford to send him to private school or hire a tutor, his father decided to travel to America to earn money for his education. Once in America, his father sent nine American dollars home each week, and Franci received his education. At the age of fifteen, he entered the Capuchins, receiving the name Pio, possibly after Pope Pio I, whose relics were in his hometown church of Saint Anna, or possibly in honor of Pio of Benevento, the provincial.

Just five days before he entered the Capuchins, however, Franci experienced worries about leaving the only life he knew and entering religious life. As he was praying, he had what is known as an “intellectual vision” in which his mind saw what he would later describe as “a majestic Man of rare beauty, resplendent as the sun.” This Man took him by the hand and led him to a “formidable warrior” and “mysterious creature” that he was told to do battle with. He hesitated but the Man encouraged him. He fought and won, and the creature fled. The Man then placed a crown of indescribable beauty on his head and informed him he would have to continually fight the creature but would always win with His help. Three days later, after receiving the Holy Eucharist, Franci realized that his life as a Capuchin would be a continuous battle against the creature from hell, but the Man at his side was Christ Who would never leave him. He had one more vision two days later, the night before his departure, of Jesus and the Blessed Virgin who consoled and strengthened him as he prepared for his new vocation. These visions would come true during his sixty-five years as a friar.

Life as a novice brought with it much structure and discipline. The friars gathered for prayer seven times a day, spent long hours studying, lived in a very simple and small cell, went barefoot, fasted often, and engaged in manual labor. In 1907, at the age of nineteen, Pio took his final vows, and in 1910, at the age of twenty-three, he was ordained a priest. Throughout his seven years of preparation for ordination, Friar Pio was continually in poor health. His fellow friars also reported that he regularly fell into ecstasy in prayer, levitating at times, weeping at others, so immersed that he lost track of time and place. Once ordained, his health was so poor that he was permitted to move to his family home in hopes of recovery. He remained there until 1916 when, at the age of twenty-nine, he was sent to Our Lady of Grace Capuchin Friary, in San Giovanni Rotondo, where he would live the rest of his life, other than a short period of time when he was drafted for military service and quickly discharged for poor health during World War I.

In San Giovanni Rotondo, Padre Pio quickly became known as a mystic. His Masses were exceptionally devout and lengthy due to his prolonged ecstasies. He heard confessions often and gave spiritual counsel to many. His most famous advice was to “pray, hope, and don’t worry.” On September 20, 1918, while praying after Mass, Padre Pio had a vision of a Man, dripping with blood from His hands, feet, and side. Suddenly, Padre Pio’s body was pierced with those wounds as he received the stigmata. He openly carried those wounds for exactly fifty years. They bled up to a cup of blood every day, had a heavenly aroma to them, and caused great pain, especially a wound he had on his shoulder where Christ carried the Cross. Countless doctors examined the wounds over the subsequent fifty years, none of whom was able to give a scientific explanation. Over the next thirteen years, people flocked to see this living saint and mystic. He began to manifest the charisms of healing, bilocation, levitation, prophecy, numerous miracles, and the gift of tongues, in which foreign visitors heard him speak in their own language. He had the ability to read hearts, would spend weeks at a time eating nothing but the Holy Eucharist, and would sleep very little or not at all. Miraculous and profound conversions resulted from his ministry.

To the normal Catholic, these miraculous events were beyond inspiring; to some of the Church authorities they were cause for concern. In 1922, a lengthy investigation began, and restrictions were placed on his priestly ministry. In 1931, the Holy See banned Padre Pio from public ministry and private communications with the people of God. Two years later, Pope Pius XI reversed the restrictions stating, “I have not been badly disposed toward Padre Pio, but I have been badly informed.” Though able to minister publicly, Padre Pio remained under scrutiny and suspicion by various Church authorities for the next thirty years until he was fully exonerated by Pope Paul VI after his papal election in 1963.

In addition to his miraculous ministry consisting of daily Mass, preaching, and countless hours in the confessional, Padre Pio constructed a hospital for those in extreme need. The Holy See granted him special permission to oversee and govern the hospital himself, which was beyond the normal rights and duties for friars.

On September 22, 1968, Padre Pio celebrated a televised solemn Mass attended by thousands to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of his reception of the stigmata. The following day, his wounds disappeared and he passed to Heaven. An estimated 100,000 people attended his funeral.

In many ways, Saint Padre Pio was a once-in-a-millenium saint. Though other saints have borne the stigmata, no one bore it so openly for so long. He lived continually in divine union, was used by God in the most miraculous of ways, brought about countless conversions, and believed that his real work would take place after his death. Since 1968, that work has continued as his story has been told, his intercession felt, and miracles continue to occur. His body now lies at rest in the Padre Pio Pilgrimage Church in San Giovanni Rotondo, one of the most frequented pilgrimage sites in the world.

As we honor this amazing saint, allow yourself to be inspired by his miraculous life. Ponder even more deeply the life of prayer and union with God that he led. His sanctity went far beyond miracles. It was primarily the result of prayer, penance, virtuous living, and unwavering obedience to the will of God. Every one of us is capable of this same level of sanctity, even if God does not use us in a miraculous and charismatic way. Seek holiness through prayer and penance, and seek Saint Padre Pio’s intercession to help you.


Saint Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio), Priest Read More »

Luke 8:18

Growth in Understanding

“Take care, then, how you hear. To anyone who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he seems to have will be taken away.”


Do you have much? Or little? According to Jesus’ words, if you have much, then you will receive much more; but if you have little, then you will lose even what you have. Does this seem fair?

Of course, our Lord is not speaking in worldly terms. He’s not saying that if you have much money, then you will gain more, or if you are poor, then you will become poorer. Instead, Jesus is speaking about the grace that comes from understanding His holy Word. Notice that the passage above begins by saying, “Take care, then, how you hear.”

To “hear” the Word of God implies that you truly receive what Jesus teaches. Hearing is not just hearing the words spoken with your ears. One early Church Father, Saint Bede, explains that truly hearing the Word of God with our minds leads us to love that Word, and loving the Word leads to understanding. This is not accomplished by an intellectual exercise alone, as if our natural gifts are the primary means by which we comprehend all that Jesus teaches. Rather, it comes through spiritual insight gained by the supernatural gift of the Spirit Who teaches us all things.

If you want “more” understanding of the mysteries of God, then commit yourself to engaging the holy Scriptures with your mind. Read the Scriptures, ponder them and pray with them. It’s easy to forget that the Word of God is a Living Word. This means that when we prayerfully immerse ourselves in the Scriptures, we are prayerfully encountering God Himself. God is alive in His holy Word. We meet Him, personally, and this happens only by a special grace that we must be open to receive.

The beautiful aspect of this teaching of Jesus is that the more we understand His Word by this grace, the more we will immerse ourselves in it, and it will continue to grow within us. If, however, we devote little time to engaging the Word of God in prayer, we will begin to “forget,” so to speak, the spiritual depths of the wisdom of God. We will lose the little understanding we have and when this happens, we will be prone to engaging and accepting the many confusions and deceptions alive in our world.

Reflect, today, upon your practice of prayerfully meditating upon the Scriptures. If this is not your current practice, resolve to make it so. Perhaps start with one of the Gospels and commit yourself to prayerfully reading it little by little every day. The goal is not to get through the books of the Bible. The goal is to enter into each book. Every chapter and every line provides us with a depth of spiritual insight and understanding just waiting to be given and received. Commit yourself to this holy practice, and you will be amazed at the spiritual riches our Lord bestows upon you.


Luke 8:18 Read More »

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading Wisdom 2:12, 17-20

The wicked say:
Let us beset the just one, because he is obnoxious to us;
he sets himself against our doings,
reproaches us for transgressions of the law
and charges us with violations of our training.
Let us see whether his words be true;
let us find out what will happen to him.
For if the just one be the son of God, God will defend him
and deliver him from the hand of his foes.
With revilement and torture let us put the just one to the test
that we may have proof of his gentleness
and try his patience.
Let us condemn him to a shameful death;
for according to his own words, God will take care of him.

Responsorial Psalm Psalms 54:3-4, 5, 6 and 8

R. (6b) The Lord upholds my life.

O God, by your name save me,
and by your might defend my cause.
O God, hear my prayer;
hearken to the words of my mouth.

R. The Lord upholds my life.

For the haughty men have risen up against me,
the ruthless seek my life;
they set not God before their eyes.

R. The Lord upholds my life.

Behold, God is my helper;
the Lord sustains my life.
Freely will I offer you sacrifice;
I will praise your name, O LORD, for its goodness.

R. The Lord upholds my life.

Second Reading James 3:16—4:3

Where jealousy and selfish ambition exist,
there is disorder and every foul practice.
But the wisdom from above is first of all pure,
then peaceable, gentle, compliant,
full of mercy and good fruits,
without inconstancy or insincerity.
And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace
for those who cultivate peace.

Where do the wars
and where do the conflicts among you come from?
Is it not from your passions
that make war within your members?
You covet but do not possess.
You kill and envy but you cannot obtain;
you fight and wage war.
You do not possess because you do not ask.
You ask but do not receive,
because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.

Alleluia Cf. 2 Thessalonians 2:14

R. Alleluia, alleluia.

God has called us through the Gospel
to possess the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Mark 9:30-37

Jesus and his disciples left from there and began a journey through Galilee,
but he did not wish anyone to know about it.
He was teaching his disciples and telling them,
“The Son of Man is to be handed over to men
and they will kill him,
and three days after his death the Son of Man will rise.”
But they did not understand the saying,
and they were afraid to question him.

They came to Capernaum and, once inside the house,
he began to ask them,
“What were you arguing about on the way?”
But they remained silent.
They had been discussing among themselves on the way
who was the greatest.
Then he sat down, called the Twelve, and said to them,
“If anyone wishes to be first,
he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.”
Taking a child, he placed it in their midst,
and putting his arms around it, he said to them,
“Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me;
and whoever receives me,
receives not me but the One who sent me.”


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Saint Maurice


Maurice was a layman, soldier, and an officer in a legion of Christian soldiers from Upper Egypt during the reign of Emperor Maximian Herculeus. His legion, as many as 6600 men, was massacred en masse by their own side when they refused to participate in pagan sacrifices prior to battle. He was one of the martyrs of the Theban Legion.


  • c.287 at Agaunum, an area of modern Switzerland


  • Pre-Congregation


  • against cramps
  • against gout
  • alpine troops, proclaimed
    – on 22 September 1941 by Pope Pius XII for Italian troops
    – on 25 January 1952 by Pope Pius XII for French troops
    – on 16 February 1961 by Pope John XXIII for Belgian troops
  • armies
  • armourers
  • infantrymen
  • soldiers
  • swordsmiths
  • boxers
  • cloth dyers
  • clothmakers
  • fighters
  • hatters
  • knife grinders
  • pugilists
  • weavers
  • wrestlers
  • Austria
  • Counts of Savoy
  • Dukes of Savoy
  • Pontifical Swiss Guards
  • United States Army Infantry
  • in France
    – Angers, city of
    – Angers, diocese of
  • in Germany
    – Magdeburg, diocese of
    – Niederaltaich Abbey
    – Stadtsulza
  • in Italy
    – Borgofranco d’Ivrea
    – Calasetta
    – Cassano Magnago
    – Castelnuovo di Ceva
    – Pianello Val Tidone
    – Piedmont
    – Sardinia
    – Sarre
  • Manresa, Spain
  • in Switzerland
    – Agaunum
    – Appenzell
    – St Moritz


  • banner
  • soldier
  • soldier being executed with other soldiers
  • knight (sometimes a Moor) in full armour, bearing a standard and a palm
  • knight in armour with a red cross on his breast, which is the badge of the Sardinian Order of Saint Maurice


Saint Maurice Read More »

Mark 9:33-34

The Greatness of Holiness

They came to Capernaum and, once inside the house, he began to ask them, “What were you arguing about on the way?” But they remained silent. They had been discussing among themselves on the way who was the greatest. 


One of the desires that we all have is for greatness. This is a good and natural desire. This desire is manifested in competitiveness in sports and games. It becomes a driving force in business and politics. It drives us to do better in life, such as in school, artistic endeavors, and hobbies, working hard to perfect various skills and talents so as to excel. The problem is that every good and natural desire we have is now disordered to a certain degree because of original sin. As a result, the desire we have for greatness can become an obsession, a cause of discouragement when we fail, a source of jealousy when others appear to do better, and can lead us to pursue empty and fleeting goals in life.

Even within the life of faith, we can be affected by both the natural desire for greatness and the fallenness of that desire. The natural desire for greatness, when mingled with faith, will lead us to the desire to be a saint and to do great things for the Kingdom of God. But as a fallen natural quality, we can also fall into the trap of seeing ourselves in competition with others within the Church, and we can become jealous of those who appear to be holy and who are recognized for their good work for Christ.

Just prior to the passage quoted above in which the disciples were discovered to have been arguing among themselves about who was the greatest, Jesus predicted to them, for the second time, that He would suffer and die. Recall that after the first prediction of His passion, Jesus took Peter, James and John up a high mountain and was transfigured before them. Perhaps some of the other disciples became jealous of this apparent special treatment. Then, after Jesus predicted His passion to them for the second time, they might have wondered if some of them would likewise share in a similar experience as the Transfiguration.

Regardless of what motivated the disciples to argue among themselves about who was the greatest, the fact remains that they did so. This was not the result of a holy and purified desire. It was the result of a good desire for greatness that became distorted and turned into an unholy competition based on jealousy and selfishness.

In Heaven, we will all know who is the greatest. Interestingly, the Scriptures, the official Church teachings, and many of the saints reveal to us that there will be levels of glory in Heaven. This is why Jesus said elsewhere, “Store up treasure in Heaven” (Matthew 6:20). In Heaven, each of us will be perfectly happy. But each of us will also share in God’s glory in varying degrees, based upon the merit of our charity on earth. The classic example of this is that if every soul is like a glass of water in Heaven, then every glass will be full. But some glasses will be larger than others and will be able to contain more water (glory). For this reason, we must remember that the natural desire for greatness is good, but it must be properly ordered by grace. That desire must not become as it was among the disciples who saw each other as competitors. Instead, it must be directed to the deepest desire for holiness and charity. In Heaven, we will all be in awe of those holy souls who are filled with the greatest depths of glory forever. Most likely, they will be widely unknown on earth, but loved and admired in Heaven for the greatness of their holiness.

Reflect, today, upon the desire within your own soul for greatness. Pray that this desire will not fall into selfishness or lead you to see others as competitors. Instead, pray that your desire for greatness will lead you to holiness so that you will be able to store up for yourself the most abundant treasures in Heaven and radiate that glory forever.


Mark 9:33-34 Read More »

Saint Matthew, Apostle, Evangelist

First Century; Patron Saint of civil servants, accountants, bankers, bookkeepers, customs officers, financial officers, guards, moneychangers, money managers, stockbrokers, and tax collectors; Pre-Congregation canonization

At the time that Jesus began His public ministry, Galilee was part of the Roman Empire. Among the expectations of the Roman authorities was that all who lived under their rule pay taxes. To accomplish this, they often collaborated with local Jews, authorizing them to collect taxes on behalf of the Roman emperor and local governor. The rest of the community often despised the local tax collectors because they were seen as traitors to their people for entering into an oppressive collaboration with the Roman authorities. Even the tax collectors’ families were shunned. For example, their children were often seen as unsuitable as potential spouses. Additionally, many tax collectors were corrupt, imposing more taxes upon the people than they had a legal right to do. The Roman authorities usually overlooked this abuse because they often received a portion of the excess. The tax collectors pocketed the rest. It is within this context that today’s saint, Saint Matthew the Apostle and Evangelist, emerged.

Saint Matthew was most likely born as Levi, the son of Alphaeus. Though nothing is known about his childhood, Levi became a tax collector for the Roman authorities. The name “Levi” implies that he was from the Tribe of Levi, the tribe responsible for Jewish liturgical worship. Though scholars cannot arrive at a definitive conclusion about the details of his life, it is almost universally accepted that the Levi mentioned in Mark 2:14 and Luke 5:27 is the same person mentioned in Matthew 9:9 by the name Matthew. Levi might have been his original name, and Matthew may have been the name given to him by Jesus upon his conversion. The name Matthew means “Gift of Yahweh.”

Levi’s call to follow Jesus was short but profound. He was a man clearly weighed down by his decision to betray his Levitical heritage by working for the Roman authorities to collect taxes for them. He might have been corrupt, greedy, and ostracized by his Jewish community. Most likely, his tax collecting took place in Capernaum, where Jesus had been living in Peter’s home. His duties likely involved gathering taxes on goods that came to Capernaum by way of the Sea of Galilee, as well as collecting a toll from those who arrived in that city by boat. When Jesus began His public ministry, many people took notice. Though there is no biblical account of Matthew listening to Jesus preach prior to his being called, it is reasonable to assume that he did hear about our Lord, and possibly even listened to Him preach in Capernaum. Matthew’s Gospel relates the conversion of the tax collector this way, “As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the customs post. He said to him, ‘Follow me.’ And he got up and followed him” (Matthew 9:9). There was no hesitancy. In an instant, the tax collector’s life changed.

Immediately after Matthew abandoned his occupation, he invited Jesus to dine at his house and Jesus accepted. Dining with them were other tax collectors and sinners. As a result, the self-righteous Pharisees quickly condemned Jesus for associating Himself with these men. Jesus, however, rebukes the Pharisees, saying, “Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. Go and learn the meaning of the words, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ I did not come to call the righteous but sinners” (Matthew 9:12–13).

Jesus’ call and Matthew’s response sent shockwaves through the rigid Jewish authorities. They had grown accustomed to making judgment and issuing condemnation. They were politically-minded powermongers who lacked hearts of mercy. When Jesus arrived and acted with mercy for sinners, desiring their conversion, the Pharisees opposed Him, but the sinners responded. Though tax collectors like Matthew were wealthy and lived comfortably, Matthew found something in Jesus that his money could not produce.

Throughout the rest of the Gospels, Matthew’s name is listed with the Twelve. He was present at the Ascension and at Pentecost where he received his commission and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit with the other Apostles. Early Church Fathers state that he remained for some time in Judea, preaching the Gospel and helping the newly formed Church. It is during this period that he might have penned his Gospel. It is also commonly held by the Church Fathers that Matthew eventually went to “Ethiopia,” but not Ethiopia in northeast Africa. Instead, he might have traveled to the territory south of the Caspian Sea, modern-day Iran or Armenia.

One legend holds that while in the territory of ancient Ethiopia, Matthew made many converts. Among them were King Egyptus and his whole household, including his daughter Ephigenia. Matthew is said to have consecrated Princess Ephigenia as a virgin and set her over a newly formed company of virgins who gave their lives solely to Christ as His spouses. When King Egyptus died, Hyracus succeeded him as king and wanted to take Ephigenia as his wife. After making this request to Matthew, Matthew invited the new king to church to be instructed in marriage. Once the king arrived in pomp and circumstance, Matthew preached clearly that the virgin Ephigenia already had a spouse, her Lord Jesus Christ, and that she could, therefore, marry no other. Outraged, King Hyracus sent an assassin who stabbed Matthew in the back and killed him while he stood at the altar. The king then ordered that Ephigenia’s home be burned, but the legend continues that Saint Matthew appeared at the house and redirected the fire to the royal palace, which burned down. Shortly afterward, the king was afflicted with leprosy and killed himself, and his son became possessed by demons but later repented at Saint Matthew’s tomb. After this, King Hyracus’ brother became king and established Christianity as the official religion of his kingdom.

The most enduring gift Saint Matthew left behind is his Gospel. Though some modern scholars question whether he was the original author, early Church Fathers attribute the first Gospel to him unequivocally. Matthew’s Gospel was written by a Jew for his fellow Jews. It was most likely written in Hebrew and Aramaic and later translated into Greek. The original Hebrew and Aramaic texts no longer exist. His Gospel clearly shows that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament, the long-awaited Messiah. He begins with a lengthy genealogy in which he traces Jesus’ roots back to Abraham, the father of the Jewish nation. Matthew’s Gospel is well structured and organized, offering five major discourses in which he presents the Kingdom of Heaven, the Church’s foundation on Peter, the call to righteousness and obedience to God’s will, unique parables, and the Sermon on the Mount. The Sermon on the Mount especially portrays Jesus as the new Moses, offering the New Law on the new mountain. Though Moses received the Law from God on Mount Sinai, Jesus gives the New Law as God Himself on the Mount of the Beatitudes.

As we honor Saint Matthew, we also celebrate the Gospel itself. Matthew was but a human instrument; the content of his Gospel is the Living Word of God. Ponder the inestimable value of this Gospel that God has used to transform countless lives. By his simple obedience to the will of God, Saint Matthew’s efforts have been exponentially fruitful and will continue to be so until the end of the age.


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Matthew 9:11-13

Seeking True Satisfaction

“Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” He heard this and said, “Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. Go and learn the meaning of the words, I desire mercy, not sacrifice. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.”


Just prior to this passage quoted above, Jesus saw Matthew, a tax collector, sitting at his custom post collecting taxes. Jesus walked up to him and said two simple words: “Follow me.” What did Matthew do? He got up and followed Jesus and invited Him to his home for a meal. When the Pharisees saw this, they acted with judgment and cruelty. They said, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” Their reaction and Jesus’ subsequent response to them says much about the goodness of our Lord.

When Jesus said that He “did not come to call the righteous but sinners,” He was not speaking of the truly righteous. For example, the most righteous person alive at that time, other than Jesus, was His dear mother. And we can be certain that not only did Jesus call her but that she always responded with her whole heart. However, Jesus was speaking of those who were “self-righteous.” A self-righteous person is one who thinks highly of themself, ignoring the truth of God but choosing, instead, to elevate their own image in their own eyes and in the eyes of others. Simply put, to be self-righteous is to believe a lie and, in fact, to believe the worst of lies. It’s the worst of lies because this sin has the effect of causing a person to remain obstinate and stuck in their sin. The self-righteous person does not see any need for repentance or change in their life. Therefore, they are not open to the Word of God and to allowing that Word to transform them.

Saint Matthew, whom we honor today, was different. He was a sinner indeed. Most likely he was greedy and overly attached to his money. Tax collectors were not highly regarded at that time because they were Jews who worked for the Romans and were, therefore, seen as traitors to their own people. Additionally, they were seen as thieves, because they often extorted more than they should receive so that they could pocket some of the money. For this reason, many Jews also feared the tax collectors because they knew the tax collectors had Rome’s support in this illicit activity.

What’s amazing is that Jesus approached Matthew, the sinner and tax collector, and confidently called him to be a follower. Most likely, Jesus could see into his heart. He knew Matthew was not happy with his life and was searching for more. Therefore, as soon as Jesus called him to follow Him, it is clear that something took place within Matthew’s soul. The fact that he got up and followed our Lord shows that the spiritual draw to Jesus was far more powerful than his desire for earthly wealth.

This same truth applies to each and every one of us. No matter what we find ourselves drawn to and no matter how we seek satisfaction in life, the supernatural truth is that there is only one thing that will satisfy. We could have all the money in the world, all earthly power and prestige, and still, in the depths of our souls, we will not find peace until we turn to Jesus and follow Him. Some people learn this truth early in life, some later in life, and some never discover it at all.

Reflect, today, upon how satisfied you are with your life. Is there something missing? If so, look at your goals and priorities in life. What do you spend most of your time thinking about, talking about and daydreaming about? If it is not our Lord Who occupies your mind, heart and every desire, then you can expect that you will experience discontentment in life. In that case, look to the witness of Saint Matthew. He is a saint today because he responded to Jesus’ invitation to abandon his life of sin and greed so as to follow Him in poverty. But in that worldly poverty and abandonment of earthly things, Saint Matthew became abundantly rich and will remain so forever in Heaven.


Matthew 9:11-13 Read More »

Saint Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn, Priest; Saint Paul Chŏng Ha-sang; and Companions, Martyrs

Died 1839–1867; Patron Saints of Korea; Canonized by Pope John Paul II on May 6, 1984

From 1392–1897, the Great Joseon Dynasty ruled all of what is today North and South Korea. Though shamanism and Buddhism were among the religious beliefs of Koreans during that period, Confucianism was the main philosophical, ethical, and political system. Within that system, a clear hierarchy was established within the family and social structures, with the king on top. This class system was at the heart of their culture. Ancestors were also highly honored and even ritually worshiped, and various human virtues were emphasized, studied, and fostered.

Catholicism was first introduced into Korea via China. The Jesuit Matteo Ricci was one of the first missionaries to step foot in China and introduce the Catholic faith in 1583. Father Ricci and his companions attempted to blend into the culture, learn the language, and teach math, science, astronomy, and mapmaking. They were the first to translate the catechism into the Chinese language. In 1603, a Korean diplomat named Yi Su-gwang was introduced to Matteo Ricci’s catechism in Beijing and returned to Korea, bringing that material with him. Over the subsequent century, the Catholic faith was studied, debated by Confucian scholars, and eventually outlawed by the king in the mid-eighteenth century after determining that Catholicism contradicted various Confucian teachings, such as societal hierarchies and ancestor worship.

In 1784, a twenty-eight-year-old nobleman named Yi Seung-Hun, who had learned about Catholicism in Korea, accompanied his father on a diplomatic mission to Beijing. While there, he sought out some Catholic priests and was baptized as Peter, becoming the first known Korean convert to Catholicism. When he returned to Korea, he brought with him crucifixes, rosaries, statues, and holy images, and shared his newfound faith over the next decade. Catholicism grew covertly, led by the laity. One of the reasons that Catholicism was so attractive to the Koreans was that it placed all people on the same level, eliminating the unjust hierarchy promoted by Confucianism. Catholicism enabled everyone to see each other as equals, individually loved and redeemed by Christ, making them all brothers and sisters. 

As the faith slowly grew, the converts asked the Chinese Church for priests. In 1795, a Chinese missionary priest named Father James Zhou Wen-mo became the first recorded priest to step onto Korean soil and offer a clandestine Mass. Over the next six years, it is estimated that the Catholic population grew to about 10,000. In 1801, Father James was arrested and martyred. Though he is not named among today’s canonized saints, he and 123 other early Korean martyrs were proclaimed as Venerable by Pope Francis in 2014.

The 103 Korean Martyrs whom we honor today were canonized together by Pope John Paul II during his apostolic visit to Seoul, South Korea, on May 6, 1984, commemorating the 200th anniversary of the first Korean convert. Today’s saints suffered martyrdom in Korea during the years 1839–1867. Most of them were killed during three major persecutions in 1839, 1846, and 1866.

Among the martyrs of the 1839 persecution was forty-three-year-old Bishop Laurent-Marie-Joseph Imbert. In 1836, after joining the Paris Foreign Missions Society, Father Imbert was appointed the Vicar Apostolic of Korea, ordained a bishop, and entered Korea with ten companions in 1837. For about two years, he and his fellow missionaries hid during the day and ministered in secret at night to the covert Catholic population. In August 1839, Bishop Imbert was betrayed to the authorities who were growing increasingly concerned about the threat the Catholic faith posed to the traditional practices of class hierarchy and ancestor worship. Aware of the potential widespread persecution, Bishop Imbert turned himself in to the authorities and subsequently urged two fellow French priests, Fathers Pierre Philibert Maubant and Jacques Honoré Chastan, to do the same, in the hopes that the sacrifice of their lives would spare the lives of their people. After brutal tortures in an attempt to force them to renounce their faith failed, they were executed on September 21. Their bodies were put on public display for several days.

Catholicism, however, could not be stopped. The seed had been planted, began to grow, and was bearing good fruit. The two martyrs specifically mentioned in today’s memorial are Sts. Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn and Paul Chŏng Ha-sang. Paul was born in 1795 into a noble Korean family. He was a lay catechist and a married man. In addition to teaching the Catholic faith, Paul made several trips to Beijing to convince the Paris Foreign Missionary Society to send priests to Korea. He even wrote to the pope with the same request. Partly due to his efforts, Bishop Imbert and his ten missionary companions were sent to minister to the needs of the clandestine Korean Catholic community. In 1839, Catechist Paul Chŏng Ha-sang was martyred during the same persecution that took the life of Bishop Imbert.

Andrew Kim was also born into the noble ruling class of the Joseon Dynasty. His parents were among the many new converts to Catholicism. In 1836, at the age of fourteen or fifteen, Andrew was baptized. Three years later, his father was among the 1839 martyrs and is included in the list of today’s saints. After Andrew was baptized, he traveled 1,300 miles to the Portuguese colony of Macau where he entered seminary. He was later sent to the Philippines to complete his theological training, and in 1845, was ordained in Shanghai as the first Korean priest. Shortly afterward, he secretly returned to Korea via a treacherous sea journey so as to avoid the border guards and to begin his priestly ministry in Korea.

Father Andrew’s ministry in Korea was short-lived, but abundantly fruitful. In addition to offering the Sacraments in secret and teaching the faith, he helped to coordinate the arrival of other French missionary priests. His activity, however, did not go unnoticed. He was arrested in 1846 and subjected to brutal tortures in an attempt to get him to renounce his faith. Father Andrew not only remained strong in the profession of his faith while imprisoned, he also wrote several letters, including a most inspirational one to his parishioners. In that letter, he addressed the hardships that his parishioners would face, offered them hope, pointed them to salvation in Christ, and encouraged them to remain firm in their faith by finding strength in the teachings of the Catholic Church. He died by beheading on September 16, 1846, on the banks of the Han River at the age of twenty-five. 

Persecution of Christians continued for the next twenty years, and in 1866, the worst persecution took place, claiming thousands of lives. In all, it has been estimated that between 10,000–20,000 Christians were martyred in Korea during the nineteenth century. The attempts to stop conversions to Catholicism  in Korea were brutal. Imprisonment was not enough. Death was not sufficient. Cruel torture was the weapon used by the rulers to deter the spread of the faith. The 103 martyrs we honor today tell us that those efforts failed. Furthermore, the 123 martyrs proclaimed as venerable in 2014 give further credence to the fruitfulness of faith in the face of persecution. 

As we honor today’s Korean martyrs, we are reminded that an authentic encounter with Christ so transforms a person that Christ becomes the center of his or her life. Real faith cannot be stopped. These martyrs chose faith over their earthly lives and eternity over temporal comforts. Their united witness should challenge each one of us to examine how deeply we believe in Christ. Is your faith strong enough to endure what they endured? If not, seek their intercession today and recommit yourself to making Jesus Christ the center of your life.


Saint Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn, Priest; Saint Paul Chŏng Ha-sang; and Companions, Martyrs Read More »

Luke 8:1-2

All In!

Jesus journeyed from one town and village to another, preaching and proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God. Accompanying him were the Twelve and some women who had been cured of evil spirits and infirmities… 


Our Lord was on a mission. He traveled on foot from one town to another, “preaching and proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God.” His message truly was “good news.” He healed the sick, cast out demons and, most importantly, He forgave sins. As a result, many began to follow Him. Not only did His followers consist of the Twelve whom Jesus personally called and who He would eventually send forth as His Apostles, but others followed Him also. Today’s Gospel also mentions three women by name: Mary of Magdala, Joanna and Susanna. These are but a few of the people who were deeply touched by our Lord, who in turn left all to follow Him.

The choice of these first followers to abandon all and follow Jesus invites us to examine the extent to which we have committed our lives to following Him also. Among the many people who heard Jesus preach, there were undoubtedly various responses. Some rejected Him, others were intrigued by Him, others believed in Him but were not willing to become His disciple, and some did commit themselves wholeheartedly to Jesus and His mission of proclaiming good news. For the latter, the good news they heard changed their lives.

What is your response to our Lord? One good way to properly answer this question is to examine the amount of time and energy you have committed to our Lord and His message of good news. How much time have you spent reading His holy Word, praying to Him, speaking about Him and learning the faith that He has taught? How much does His message affect the decisions you make in life? Being a Christian is not something we can compartmentalize. We cannot have our “faith time” a few moments of each week and then spend the rest of our time on other activities. True, our days will be filled with many activities that are simply normal parts of our lives. We all have duties and responsibilities that occupy much of our days. But being “all in,” so to speak, means that Jesus and His message permeates everything we do. Even our ordinary daily activities such as work, chores, and the like must be done for God’s glory and in accord with His divine will. 

For Jesus’ first followers, though they traveled with Him from town to town and radically changed the course of their daily lives, they still would have engaged in many ordinary activities. But those ordinary activities were ultimately done so as to help them and others fulfill their ultimate mission of listening to and responding to the Word of God.

Reflect, today, upon the extent that you have consecrated every part of your life to our Lord and His mission. Doing so does not necessarily require that you become a public evangelist, spend all day at Church or the like. It simply means that Jesus and His mission are invited into everything you do every day all day. We can never serve our Lord fully enough. As you examine your daily activity, look for ways to bring our Lord into everything you do. Doing so will truly make you one of His faithful disciples who are all in with your life.


Luke 8:1-2 Read More »

Saint Januarius, Bishop and Martyr

Died c. 304; Patron Saint of Naples, Italy and blood banks; Invoked against volcanic eruptions; Pre-Congregation canonization

The third-century theologian Tertullian famously wrote, “The more we are mown down by you, the more in number we grow; the blood of Christians is seed.” Sometimes, his phrase is translated as, “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church” (Apologeticus, L.13). There has been no time when this phrase rang truer than in the Roman Empire between the years 303 and 313. In 303 and 304, the Roman Emperor Diocletian issued a series of edicts initiating what has come to be known as the “Great Persecution.” Though the exact reason for this persecution remains unclear, many Christians were imprisoned, tortured, and killed. Others had their properties confiscated or were sent to work in mines under harsh conditions. Among the most famous martyrs of this persecution are Saints George, Catherine of Alexandria, Agnes, Sebastian, Vincent, Pancras, Cosmas, Damian, Anastasia, Lucy, and today’s saint, Saint Januarius.

Januarius is believed to have been born into a wealthy aristocratic family in the city of Benevento, located about 150 miles southeast of Rome, via the Appian Way. Little is known for certain about Januarius’ childhood and life, aside from what was recorded centuries later in various legends. One legend states that he became a priest at the age of fifteen in Benevento and the bishop of either Benevento or Naples at twenty.

When persecutions under Emperor Diocletian began in 303 and 304, chaos ensued across the empire, including Naples. According to legend, four of Bishop Januarius’ friends were arrested: two deacons named Sosius and Proculus, and two laymen named Eutyches and Acutius. To encourage them, Bishop Januarius went to visit them in prison. However, during his visit, he too was arrested and imprisoned by Timothy, the Governor of Campania. Shortly afterward, the bishop’s deacon, Festus, and a lay lector named Desiderius were also arrested when they came to visit Bishop Januarius.

During their interrogations, each Christian boldly professed his faith. They were threatened with death if they refused to offer sacrifices to the Roman gods, but they refused. Consequently, an order was issued for them to be burned. However, when Bishop Januarius was thrown into the flames, he remained unharmed. Next, it was decreed that they be fed to wild beasts in the arena. According to one legend, the beasts became docile and refused to devour them. Ultimately, they were ordered to be beheaded. When the executioner approached, he was struck blind, but Bishop Januarius cured him in front of everyone, leading to many conversions.

After consenting to their martyrdom, all seven men were beheaded. Saint Januarius’ body was taken to Naples and buried in the principal church. Since then, many miracles have been reported by those who prayed at his tomb. It is believed that Naples was saved from volcanic eruptions from nearby Mount Vesuvius due to these miracles.

Though his heroic martyrdom is the greatest witness he could offer, God has continued to use Saint Januarius in a mysterious and ongoing way. Legend holds that, after his death, a holy woman named Eusebia collected some of his blood and stored it in two glass vials. That blood, the blood of a martyr, was later enshrined in the church next to his body. Veneration of Saint Januarius began soon after his death. At some point, an ongoing miraculous phenomenon began to occur. Every year, three times each year, his dried blood liquefies in the presence of the faithful. On some occasions, the blood fails to liquefy, which some interpret as a sign that the faithful should pray for an impending threat to the city. The first written record of the liquefaction of Saint Januarius’ blood is believed to be from 1389, as noted in the chronicle of the cleric Giovanni Diacono of Naples. Records of this annual miracle have continued ever since.

Today, the blood is enclosed in a silver reliquary containing two hermetically sealed vials. The larger one is about four inches high and two and a quarter inches in diameter. Throughout the year, the blood appears as an opaque, dark, and solid mass when viewed in the light. When turned to the side, it does not move. The first instance of liquefaction is on the Saturday before the first Sunday of May, commemorating the translation of the saint’s relics to Naples. The second time is on September 19, the feast of Saint Januarius. The third event takes place on the anniversary of the 1631 eruption of Mount Vesuvius, December 16, when a silver bust believed to house the skull of Saint Januarius is placed on the altar, and the blood is brought out for veneration. The liquefaction usually occurs during the first two times but often fails on December 16.

Although scientists have attempted to explain this phenomenon, no one has successfully cast sufficient doubt on its miraculous nature. It remains a source of deep devotion for Catholics in Naples and continues to inspire many worldwide.

As we honor this ancient saint who continues to inspire us today, ponder the simple truth that miracles do happen. For God, miracles are easy. However, miracles should never be the foundation of our faith in God. True faith comes only from a personal encounter with the Living Lord. Ponder the depth of your own faith. Though this miracle should inspire you, look more deeply and ponder the true source of faith in your life. Seek out the voice of God as that source, spoken gently to you in your conscience. Listen to Him and allow Him to reveal Himself to you, so that God and God alone is the true source of all that you believe and all that you do.


Saint Januarius, Bishop and Martyr Read More »