Author name: Sani

Saint Frances de Sales, Bishop and Doctor

1567–1622; Patron Saint of authors, journalists, writers, deaf persons, educators; Canonized on April 8, 1665 by Pope Alexander VII; Declared a Doctor of the Church in 1877 by Pope Pius IX

Saint Francis de Sales was born fifty years after an Augustinian priest named Father Martin Luther ignited the Protestant Reformation, and just twenty-five years after John Calvin’s anti-Catholic teachings spread to Geneva, Switzerland. Francis was born into a noble family in the Duchy of Savoy, modern-day France, not far from Geneva. Because of his noble family heritage and his father’s influence, Francis was given an excellent education, eventually earning doctorates in civil law and theology. His father had selected a noblewoman for Francis to marry. He also had planned for his gifted son to enter into politics, but Francis was led in a different direction.

In 1586, at the age of nineteen, Francis attended a Calvinist lecture on predestination, which led him to believe he was destined for hell. This greatly affected him, and he struggled with the idea for months. Eventually, through the intercession of our Blessed Mother and the Memorare prayer, Francis was freed from this error and turned his focus to the pure love of God. After experiencing firsthand the effects that erroneous theology can have on a person, Francis devoted himself to a life of celibacy and began pursuing his God-given desire to be a priest. Though reluctant at first, his father eventually agreed to his son’s ordination and then helped to have him appointed to an important position in the Diocese of Geneva.

Because Geneva was under the control of the Calvinists, Father de Sales preached and resided in a cathedral some twenty miles south of Geneva. As a newly ordained priest, he began to make a name for himself. His sermons were preached with gentlemanlike qualities, showing great respect for those who disagreed with him. He never shied away from the theological truths under attack by the errors of the Reformation. He avoided controversy and criticism, focusing instead on virtues, prayer, holiness, and overcoming sin. Despite his kind nature and charitable approach, he was harshly treated by the many local anti-Catholics, some of whom even threatened his life.

In 1602, at the age of thirty-five, Father de Sales was ordained Bishop of Geneva, and his evangelical fervor moved ahead at full throttle. His intention was to win back the citizens of Geneva to the Catholic Church. So many had left, following the teachings of Calvin. For the first couple of years, Bishop de Sales was ineffective in winning over many converts. But little by little, one soul at a time, he began to have success. His success especially came in the form of placing written explanations of the faith under people’s doors, inviting them back to the Catholic Church. His preaching was clear, respectful, truthful, and charitable. His motto was “He who preaches with love, preaches effectively.”

Bishop de Sales was a very practical man, especially when it came to his theology. He believed that holiness was not reserved for those in the monastery or convent. He believed that everyone, in every state in life, within every occupation, was called to a life of sanctity. This conviction is most clearly seen in his most famous published book, Introduction to the Devout Life. This book was a compilation of letters he had sent to his spiritual directees over the years, which began by giving clear and practical advice on the importance of being purged of sin and of attachment to sinful habits. It then taught how to grow in the virtues, especially humility; navigate temptations; and overcome anxiety and sadness. It also provided exercises on how to renew one’s life of devotion, which was nothing other than loving and pleasing God with one’s life. This book, along with other writings, won many to the faith. In 1610, he assisted one of his spiritual directees, the future Saint Jane de Chantal, to establish the women’s Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary. His inspiring letters to her became a source of spiritual formation for the women of her newly founded order.

After turning down advancements within the Church, Bishop de Sales chose instead to devote his time and energy to the salvation of souls within his local diocese. It is said that Bishop de Sales won back as many as 40,000 Catholics who had become Calvinists. After nine years as a priest and twenty years as a bishop, Bishop de Sales suffered a stroke and died soon after. It is believed that one of the last things he wrote were the words “Humility, humility, humility,” his dying exhortation to his flock.

As we honor this holy bishop, try to imagine what it would have been like had he been your shepherd. He would have taken your call to holiness seriously. He would have exhorted you to overcome sin by fully confessing your sins in the Sacrament, and to then grow in virtue, especially humility. He would have helped you to learn and believe every truth revealed by God through His Catholic Church, and to seek every practical way imaginable by daily prayer and meditation to become a saint. He would have regularly reminded you that holiness is not reserved for the monk alone. You, within the context of your state in life, are also called. Respond as one of his flock and resolutely determine to follow the path God has in store for you, seeking to love Him and glorify Him with your life.


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Mark 3:14-15

Confronting Evil with the Gospel

He appointed Twelve, whom he also named Apostles, that they might be with him and he might send them forth to preach and to have authority to drive out demons.


The Twelve Apostles were first called by Jesus and then sent to preach with authority. The authority they were given was for the purpose of driving out demons. But how did they do that? It’s interesting to note that the authority they were given over demons was, in part, associated with their commission to preach. And though there are some recorded instances in the Scriptures of the Apostles driving out demons directly by command, it should also be understood that the preaching of the Gospel with the authority of Christ has a direct effect of driving out demons.

Demons are fallen angels. But even in their fallen state, they retain the natural powers they have, such as the power of influence and suggestion. They seek to communicate with us to deceive us and draw us away from Christ. The good angels, of course, also exercise this same natural power for our good. Our guardian angels, for example, constantly seek to communicate to us the truths of God and His grace. The angelic battle for good and evil is real, and as Christians we must be aware of this reality.

One of the greatest ways to confront satan and his demons is to listen to the Truth and to proclaim it with the authority of Christ. Though the Apostles were given a special authority for their preaching, every Christian, by virtue of their Baptism and Confirmation, is entrusted with the message of the Gospel to proclaim in various ways. And with that authority, we must constantly strive to bring forth the Kingdom of God. Doing so will have a direct impact on the diminishment of the kingdom of satan.

Reflect, today, upon your duty to share the Gospel with others. Sometimes this is done by an explicit sharing of the message of Jesus Christ, and at other times the message is shared more by our actions and virtue. But every Christian is entrusted with this mission and must learn to fulfill that mission with true authority, knowing that as that authority from Christ is exercised, the Kingdom of God increases and the activity of the evil one is overcome.


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Saint Vincent, Deacon and Martyr

Late Third Century–c. 304; Patron Saint of vinegar makers, wine makers, brickmakers, and sailors; Pre-Congregation canonization

Saint Augustine deeply admired today’s deacon-martyr, Saint Vincent of Saragossa. The above quote comes from one of five existing homilies Augustine delivered on the heroism, faith, and witness of this saintly man, whose martyrdom occurred during Diocelatian’s fierce persecution of the Church in the early 300s. But the blood of martyrs is a holy sacrifice that extinguishes the fires of the devil and fuels the faith of those who ponder such sacred sacrifices. As Augustine would preach in a subsequent sermon, “the devil suffered greater torments from Vincent not being vanquished than Vincent did from the devil persecuting him.”

Vincent was born in today’s Spain and carries the title of “protomartyr,” indicating he was the first, or “proto,” man to die for Christ on the Iberian Peninsula. Little is known of his life, but the testimony of Saint Augustine sheds light on his character. As with many early saints, many legends are attributed to him.

According to these legends, the Bishop Valerius of Saragossa, Spain, had a speech impediment, which led him to first ordain and then appoint Deacon Vincent, who was well spoken, as his personal preacher. The local Roman governor at the time, Dacian, ruthlessly carried out the edict of the Emperor Diocletian to force Christians to renounce their faith by burning incense to Roman gods. Both the elderly bishop and his deacon were arrested by Dacian and imprisoned. While in prison, Deacon Vincent said to the bishop, “Father, if you order me, I will speak.” The bishop replied, “Son, as I committed you to dispense the word of God, so I now charge you to answer in vindication of the faith which we defend.” That was all Vincent needed. At that moment, the words of Holy Scripture were fulfilled in Vincent, “When they hand you over, do not worry about how you are to speak or what you are to say. You will be given at that moment what you are to say. For it will not be you who speak but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you” (Matthew 10:19–20). The deacon gave his “sermon” with serenity in the face of torture and death, and the governor was tormented by his own outrage. 

Legend has it that Vincent was scourged, stretched on the rack, fixed to a fiery grate, lacerated with iron hooks, burned with hot iron, and then thrown onto the prison floor covered with broken glass. Through it all, Vincent remained at peace, for he did not fear “those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul” (Matthew 10:28). The legend concludes that Vincent’s joy in the face of this torture was so great that it caused one of his jailers to immediately convert.

The governor, however, was not yet done. He gave Vincent a soft bed on which to recuperate, hoping to entice him to renounce his God through comfort. But neither threats of violence nor promises of comforts held any appeal for Vincent. No sooner was he laid upon the bed than he died. His body was thrown to vultures, but ravens came to his defense. Another account, from a sermon by Saint Leo, states that Vincent’s body was cast into the sea, but Providence washed him ashore, and his fellow Christians gave him a dignified burial where a shrine was later erected over his grave. The place in southern Spain where, according to legend, these final events unfolded, is now called Cape Saint Vincent. Flocks of ravens and vultures still hover over this very coast.


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Mark 3:9-10

Single-Minded Devotion

He told his disciples to have a boat ready for him because of the crowd, so that they would not crush him. He had cured many and, as a result, those who had diseases were pressing upon him to touch him.


It’s fascinating to ponder the enthusiasm that so many people had toward Jesus. In the passage above, we see Jesus asked His disciples to have a boat ready for Him so that He would not be crushed as He taught the crowd. He had been curing many who were sick, and the crowd was pressing upon Him to try to simply touch Him.

This scene provides us with an illustration of what must happen within our interior lives regarding our Lord. The people can be said to have been single-minded in their devotion to Jesus and fervent in their desire for Him. Granted, their desire may have been somewhat selfishly motivated by the desire for physical cures of their ailments and those of their loved ones, but nonetheless, their attraction was real and powerful, driving them to put their complete focus upon our Lord.

Jesus’ choice to get into a boat and distance Himself a bit from the crowd was also an act of love. Why? Because this act allowed Jesus to help them refocus upon His deeper mission. Though He did miracles out of compassion and so as to manifest His almighty power, His primary focus was to teach people and to lead them into the full Truth of the message He was preaching. Therefore, by separating Himself from them, they were invited to listen to Him rather than just try to touch Him for the sake of a physical miracle. For Jesus, the spiritual wholeness He desired to give the crowd was of much greater significance than any physical healing He also gave.

In our own lives, Jesus may “separate” Himself from us in somewhat superficial ways so that we will be more open to the deeper and more transforming purpose of His life. For example, He may remove certain feelings of consolation or permit us to encounter some trial through which He seems to be less present to us. But when this happens, it is always so that we will turn to Him on a deeper level of trust and openness so as to be drawn more deeply into a relationship of love.

Reflect, today, upon how single-minded your devotion is to our Lord. From there, ponder, also, if you are more attached to the good feelings and consolations you seek or if your devotion is deeper, focused more on the transforming message our Lord wants to preach to you. See yourself on that shore, listening to Jesus speak, and allow His holy words to transform your life more deeply.


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Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of the Unborn Children

We remember today the tragic United States Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade, issued on January 22, 1973, that essentially legalized abortion in all fifty states for almost fifty years. By God’s grace, that decision was finally overturned on June 24, 2022, by the Supreme Court case Dobbs v. Jackson. Though that latter decision gives us much to be grateful for, the battle for the sanctity of life must continue, since the Dobbs v. Jackson ruling simply deferred the decision on abortion to state legislatures. Thus, abortion remains legal in the majority of states in the United States and continues to be legal in many other countries around the world.

Throughout the world, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are approximately 40–50 million abortions every year. That translates into about 125,000 abortions every day. Up until the Dobbs v. Jackson decision, the WHO further estimated that twenty-two percent of all pregnancies in the United States ended by abortion, over one million abortions every year. These numbers are conservative estimates, given that the WHO promotes abortion.

Too often, abortion advocates premise their arguments on a woman’s right to do what she wants with her own body. Yet a baby in the womb is a new life, distinct from the mother’s, with as much dignity, beauty, and value as any other life, including the mother’s. The psalmist puts it this way, “You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise you, because I am wonderfully made; wonderful are your works!” (Psalm 139:13–14).

It is true that an unplanned pregnancy brings with it a myriad of concerns. But no such concern is so grave that it justifies taking an innocent life at its most vulnerable stage of development. “Such attacks strike human life at the time of its greatest frailty, when it lacks any means of self-defense” (Saint John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, #11).

Much rhetoric has unsuccessfully attempted to justify abortion. Yet while debate over abortion never ceases, eternal truths never change. “Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person—among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church #2270).

In response to this ongoing attack against human life, the bishops of the United States have designated today as “a particular day of prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life and of penance for violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion” (GIRM #373). Note that our bishops wisely call for two distinct actions today. First, they call for prayer so that the innate right to life is legally guaranteed. Without this most fundamental right, no other rights matter. Second, they acknowledge the countless violations that have already been committed against human dignity by abortion, and call us to do penance to help atone for those violations.

Today, call to mind that the weakest, most vulnerable, and most at-risk human beings need you. Statistically speaking, the most dangerous place to live is within the womb. Also call to mind every mother who finds herself in an unplanned pregnancy. Both child and mother need your prayers and your acts of penance—that every mother makes the choice for life, and that the right to life will be enshrined in every civil law throughout the world. Your acts of penance help atone for every abortion committed, especially for the repentance and healing of everyone involved. Don’t underestimate the power of your prayers and penance. Unite yourself to the Body of Christ, and do your part to bring healing to the past and true hope for the future.


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Mark 3:4-5

Grieved at the Hardness of Heart

Then he said to the Pharisees, “Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath rather than to do evil, to save life rather than to destroy it?” But they remained silent. Looking around at them with anger and grieved at their hardness of heart, Jesus said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out and his hand was restored.


Sin damages our relationship with God. But hardness of heart is even more damaging because it perpetuates the damage done by sin. And the harder one’s heart, the more permanent the damage.

In the passage above, Jesus was angry with the Pharisees. Oftentimes the passion of anger is sinful, resulting from impatience and a lack of charity. But at other times, the passion of anger can be good when it is motivated by love of others and hatred for their sin. In this case, Jesus was grieved by the hardness of heart of the Pharisees, and that grief motivated His holy anger. His “holy” anger did not cause irrational criticism; rather, it drove Jesus to cure this man in the presence of the Pharisees so that they would soften their hearts and believe in Jesus. Sadly, it didn’t work. The very next line of the Gospel says, “The Pharisees went out and immediately took counsel with the Herodians against him to put him to death” (Mark 3:6).

Hardness of heart should be greatly avoided. The problem is that those who are hard of heart are usually not open to the fact that they are hard of heart. They are obstinate and stubborn, and oftentimes self-righteous. Therefore, when people suffer from this spiritual ailment, it is difficult for them to change, especially when confronted.

This Gospel passage offers you an important opportunity to look into your own heart with honesty. Only you and God need to be part of that interior introspection and conversation. Begin by reflecting upon the Pharisees and the poor example they set. From there, try to look at yourself with great honesty. Are you obstinate? Are you hardened in your convictions to the point that you are unwilling to even consider that you may be wrong at times? Are there people in your life with whom you have entered into a conflict that still remains? If any of this rings true, then you may indeed suffer from the spiritual ill of a hardened heart.

Reflect, today, upon your own soul and your relationships with others with as much honesty as possible. Do not hesitate to let your guard down and be open to what God may want to say to you. And if you detect even the slightest tendency toward a hardened and stubborn heart, beg our Lord to enter in to soften it. Change like this is difficult, but the rewards of such a change are incalculable. Do not hesitate and do not wait. Change is worth it in the end.


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Saint Agnes

c. 291–c. 304; Patron Saint of those seeking chastity and purity, engaged couples, rape victims, gardeners, young girls, and girl scouts; Pre-Congregation canonization

According to one tradition, the daughter of Emperor Constantine the Great—the first emperor to convert to Christianity and legalize its practice—contracted leprosy. Her name was Constantina. Seeking a cure, she approached the tomb of today’s young virgin-martyr and tearfully beseeched her intercession. The tradition further states that Constantina was indeed healed, and, in gratitude, her father commissioned the building of a church over Saint Agnes’ grave. To this day, a church adorns that same spot. To this day, it is named in honor of Saint Agnes. And to this day, the faithful beseech Agnes’ intercession in the same fashion as Constantina in days of old. 

Very little is known about Saint Agnes, except for Saint Ambrose’s brief words written many decades after her death. We do know for certain that she was martyred at the age of twelve or thirteen. Later traditions have supplied what history cannot, including what follows.

Agnes was born into a noble Christian family in Rome. She was said to have been quite beautiful, which, together with her wealth and holiness, caused many young noblemen to seek her as their bride. But Agnes’ eyes beheld One Who was the most beautiful of all—her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. After taking in His beauty, she could look upon no one else. She dedicated herself to a life of virginity.

Such self-gift, however, was neither well received nor well understood by the young men of her time. Agnes was reported to the local prefect Sempronius for being a Christian, in an attempt to dissuade her from her vow of chastity. The prefect first tried to convince Agnes to offer sacrifice to the Roman gods. She refused. Her heart was firm in its devotion to her Beloved. The prefect then tried to frighten her by displaying some instruments of torture in the hands of the cruel executioner himself. Agnes showed no fear and refused to burn incense to false gods. Outraged, the prefect ordered that she be taken to brothels to be violated by immoral men. 

During these ordeals, Agnes knew her Heavenly Spouse would protect her. Evil men could stain their swords with her blood, but they could never profane her body consecrated to Christ. At the brothels, the men looked at her with lust from a distance, but appeared more frightened of her than she was of them. None dared approach her. None dared defile her. It is said that only one young man did approach her, only to be immediately struck blind and brought to the ground. Through a prayer spoken by Agnes, though, his sight was restored.

The prefect, having failed to convert Agnes back to paganism, or to defile her body, then condemned her to a death by beheading. Agnes willingly offered her neck to the executioner, who trembled with fear as he approached, while she was as joyful as a bride waiting to meet her Bridegroom.

Saint Agnes, along with Saint Cecilia, was one of the earliest martyrs whose name was honored by its insertion into the Roman Canon (Eucharistic Prayer I in today’s Mass.) Her name in Latin means “lamb.” As a result, since the sixteenth century, every year on her feast day two lambs are brought to the Roman basilica built over her tomb. Their wool is shorn and weaved into various pallia, vestments covering the shoulders. These very pallia are later placed on the shoulders of archbishops by the pope himself on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul. Along with his crozier, or staff, the pallium symbolizes a bishop’s role as shepherd.


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Mark 2:23-24

Keeping Holy the Sabbath

As Jesus was passing through a field of grain on the sabbath, his disciples began to make a path while picking the heads of grain. At this the Pharisees said to him, “Look, why are they doing what is unlawful on the sabbath?”


The Pharisees were greatly concerned about many things that were distortions of the law of God. The Third Commandment calls us to “Keep holy the Sabbath Day.” Furthermore, we read in Exodus 20:8–10 that we are not to do any work on the Sabbath but are to use that day for rest. From this Commandment, the Pharisees developed extensive commentary on what was permitted and what was forbidden to do on the Sabbath. They determined that picking the heads of grain was one of the forbidden actions.

In many countries today, the Sabbath rest has all but disappeared. Sadly, Sunday is rarely set aside any longer for a day of worship and rest with family and friends. For that reason, this hypercritical condemnation of the disciples by the Pharisees is hard to relate to. The deeper spiritual issue seems to be the hyper “nitpicky” approach taken by the Pharisees. They were not so much concerned about honoring God on the Sabbath as they were interested in being judgmental and condemning. And though it may be rare today to find people overly scrupulous and nitpicky about the Sabbath rest, it’s often easy to find ourselves becoming nitpicky about many other things in life.

Consider your family and those who are closest to you. Are there things they do and habits they have formed that leave you constantly criticizing them? Sometimes we criticize others for actions that are clearly contrary to the laws of God. At different times, we criticize others on account of some exaggeration of fact on our part. Though it is important to speak charitably against violations of the external law of God, we must be very careful not to set ourselves up as the judge and jury of others, especially when our criticism is based on a distortion of the truth or an exaggeration of something minor. In other words, we must be careful not to become nitpicky ourselves.

Reflect, today, upon any tendency you have in your relationships with those closest to you toward being excessive and distorted in your criticism. Do you find yourself obsessing over the apparent minor faults of others on a regular basis? Try to step back from criticism today and renew, instead, your practice of mercy toward all. If you do, you may actually discover that your judgments of others do not fully reflect the truth of God’s law.


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Saint Fabian, Pope and Martyr

Died 250; Patron Saint of Rome; Pre-Congregation canonization; Elected pope 236

 It wasn’t until 313 that Christianity was legalized by the emperor, Constantine the Great. Up until that time, Christians were widely persecuted by various emperors trying to please their gods. Fabianus (Fabian) was born into this Roman culture, most likely around the year 200. Although we know nothing about his early life, we do know that he served as pope for fourteen years.

Fabian’s election to the papacy took place in a divinely inspired way. After the death of Pope Anterus, who served for only one year, Fabian, a layman, traveled from his farm to the city of Rome to attend the election of the new Bishop of Rome with the people and clergy. It is not known what status Fabian held in the Church as he traveled to Rome. Yet no one present even considered Fabian as a possible pope, since other far more noble churchmen were being considered. During the public discussions, however, all that changed. The fourth century Church historian, Eusebius, explains what happened next. “All of a sudden…a dove flew down from above and settled on his head as clear imitation of the descent of the Holy Ghost in the form of a dove upon the Savior; whereupon the whole people, as if moved by one divine inspiration, with all eagerness and with one soul cried out ‘worthy,’ and without more ado took him and placed him on the episcopal throne” (Ecclesiastical History). Just as the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus in the form of a dove at His Baptism, it appears that the Father chose an unsuspecting farmer as His Son’s new vicar on Earth.

Fabian’s reign as pope began during a relatively peaceful period in Rome. Prior to that, from the time of the Apostles, there had been only sporadic persecutions of Christians in the Roman Empire. Hatred of Christians first began with Nero in 64 and continued in various forms under successive emperors until the Emperor Decius rose to power in 249, thirteen years after Fabian became pope. Within a year of Decius’ ascension to the emperor’s throne, he issued an edict that required everyone in the empire to offer sacrifice both to the Roman gods and for the good of the emperor himself. What’s more, the sacrifices had to be confirmed by the magistrate who, after witnessing the sacrifice, would issue a certificate verifying the sacrilegious deed had been completed. Those who refused could be imprisoned or killed.

In the face of persecution and the threat of death, some Christians went through the motions of offering sacrifice to save their lives. Others fled and hid. Pope Fabian was among those who looked persecution and death in the face and accepted them. Pope Fabian and many other Christians died as martyrs for the faith.

In addition to his martyrdom and his divine election as pope, Saint Fabian is also known for being a good administrator of the Church, organizing the Church into various districts with appointed leaders. He had a heart for evangelization and sent several bishops as missionaries to Christianize Gaul (present-day France). Lastly, like many other saints of his time, he stomped out heresy, working to preserve the pure and orthodox faith.


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Mark 2:19-20

To Fast or Not to Fast

“Can the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them? As long as they have the bridegroom with them they cannot fast. But the days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast on that day.”


The passage above reveals Jesus’ response to the disciples of John the Baptist and some Pharisees who question Jesus about fasting. They point out that the disciples of John and the Pharisees each follow the Jewish laws on fasting, but Jesus’ disciples do not. Jesus’ answer goes to the heart of the new law on fasting.

Fasting is a wonderful spiritual practice. It helps to strengthen the will against disordered fleshly temptations and helps to bring purity to one’s soul. But it needs to be pointed out that fasting is not an eternal reality. One day, when we are face-to-face with God in Heaven, there will no longer be any need to fast or do any form of penance. But while on earth, we will struggle and fall and lose our way, and one of the best spiritual practices to help us return to Christ is prayer and fasting combined.

Fasting becomes necessary “when the bridegroom is taken away.” In other words, fasting is necessary when we sin and our union with Christ begins to fade. It is then that the personal sacrifice of fasting helps open our hearts once again to our Lord. This is especially true when habits of sin form and become deeply ingrained. Fasting adds much power to our prayer and stretches our souls so as to be able to receive the “new wine” of God’s grace where we need it the most.

Reflect, today, upon your approach to fasting and other penitential practices. Do you fast? Do you make regular sacrifices so as to strengthen your will and help you to turn more fully to Christ? Or has this healthy spiritual practice been somewhat neglected in your life? Renew your commitment to this holy endeavor today and God will work powerfully in your life.


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