Daily Saints

Saint Henry

973–1024; Patron Saint of kings, Benedictine Oblates, handicapped people, and those rejected from religious orders; Invoked against sterility; Canonized by Pope Eugene III in 1146

Born into a royal family in Bavaria, Henry’s father was the Duke of Bavaria, and his paternal grandfather was the King of Germany. His maternal grandfather was the King of Burgundy. His father’s conflict with Holy Roman Emperor Otto II led to the duke’s exile and loss of title. Consequently, Henry was sent to study under the canons of the Cathedral of Hildesheim. Later, he received an exemplary Christian education from Bishop Wolfgang of Regensburg, who was later canonized a saint.

When Henry was ten, Otto II died, and Otto III’s regent restored his father as duke. Twelve years later, after his father’s death, Henry succeeded him as Duke of Bavaria. Shortly afterwards, he married Cunigunde of Luxembourg, who would also be canonized. The two formed a saintly couple who never had children. Some accounts state that they mutually agreed to live in celibacy.

In 1002, Holy Roman Emperor Otto III died suddenly at the age of twenty-one without an heir, leaving the throne vacant.  As Otto’s cousin, Henry made a claim to the throne but failed to gain the full support of the nobility. Regardless, he had himself crowned King of Germany, and then spent the next several years seeking support for his coronation as Holy Roman Emperor. Finally, in 1014, King Henry II was crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Benedict VIII in Rome.

Henry was known as a man of great faith who maintained a close relationship with the Church. He collaborated with the Church to appoint devout and loyal bishops, reform German bishops, create new dioceses, and endow bishops with temporal power alongside their spiritual power. Henry was also a man of great charity. His generosity with his wealth was such that many of his relatives complained he was being irresponsible. Undeterred, Henry felt his primary duty as emperor was to strengthen the Church, spread faith, and exemplify charity. His generosity extended not only to the poor and the Church but also to his enemies. He successfully ended wars and uprisings, pardoning those who rebelled against him, and restoring peace to the kingdom. On a personal level, Henry was fond of prayer, often visiting churches in each city he visited for extended periods of time. He harbored a deep devotion to the Mother of God, regularly received the sacraments, and prayed the Divine Office.

One of Henry’s greatest contributions to the Church was his dedication to monastic life. He constructed monasteries and supported monastic reform. Since the time of Saint Benedict, five centuries earlier, the Rule of Saint Benedict had become the norm guiding most monasteries. However, over time, Benedict’s Rule became neglected and monastic life started to suffer. Politics and ambition entered monastic life and prayer was no longer the central focus. In the early- to mid-tenth century, one of the primary centers of monastic reform was the Abbey of Cluny. Saint Odo of Cluny had helped to spark reform across Europe in the numerous Benedictine monasteries. After Saint Odo’s death in 949, others continued his good work. In 994 Saint Odilo became Abbot of Cluny. Once Henry became king and Holy Roman Emperor, the two worked closely together, Henry regularly seeking the counsel of Saint Odilo. One of Henry’s most important contributions to the Church was the building of a monastery in Bamberg, Germany, which he made a cathedral and a new diocese. He worked to make this monastery the new Rome of Germany and sought to make its spiritual influence felt far and wide.

Of all the Holy Roman Emperors throughout the ages, only King Henry II is recognized as a saint. While many Holy Roman Emperors might have had strong faith and advanced it, Saint Henry stands out. One could argue that when someone is given great power, it often brings with it great temptation. It’s challenging to exercise such power without it going to one’s head. Saint Henry wasn’t like that. Despite his engagement in political battles, warring, his entourage of politically ambitious people, royal treatment, and luxurious lifestyle, Saint Henry loved God and sought to use his power and wealth to further the mission of the Church. For this reason, Saint Henry is an ideal model for all those who govern or are entrusted with wealth or power.

As we honor this saintly king, consider the temptations you might face if granted great riches or power. How would you use those temporal gifts? Would you dedicate them to the service of the Gospel or use them for selfish gain?

Whether you are rich or poor, powerful or lowly in the world, follow Saint Henry’s example by devoting all your energies, gifts, and possessions to the service of the Gospel. Understand that God will take whatever you have to offer, large or small, and use it for the greater good.

Source: https://mycatholic.life/saints/saints-of-the-liturgical-year/july-13—saint-henry/

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Saint Jason of Tarsus


Acts 17:5-9 says that Saint Paul the Apostle stayed at Jason’s home in Thessalonica, and he is mentioned in Romans 16:21. Legend says he was bishop of Tarsus in Cilicia, and evangelized the Greek island of Corfu. While imprisoned for preaching the faith, he helped convert the Martyrs of Corfu. He was a martyr.


  • torn apart by wild animals


  • Pre-Congregation

Source: https://catholicsaints.info/saint-jason/

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Saint Benedict, Abbot

c. 480–c. 547; Patron Saint of Europe, monks and religious orders, ​​architects, dying people, cave explorers, schoolchildren, agricultural workers, civil engineers, and coppersmiths Invoked against erysipelas, fever, gallstones, inflammatory diseases, kidney disease, nettle rash, poison, temptations, and witchcraft; Canonized by Pope Honorius III in 1220; Declared Patron Saint of Europe by Pope Paul VI in 1964

Benedict was born into Roman nobility in Nursia, central Italy, roughly 100 miles northeast of Rome. His father was a prefect for the Western Roman Empire, which had fallen to the barbarians a decade prior to his birth. He had a twin sister named Scholastica, who also became a saint. As a youth, Benedict was sent to Rome for studies. However, he quickly became disillusioned by the prevalent immorality and disorder, particularly among his classmates. At the age of twenty, to find peace in his soul and avoid the traps that had ensnared many of his peers, he moved to the countryside of the town of Affile, about forty miles from Rome. Accompanying him was his nurse who cared for him like a mother. They moved in with some virtuous men in the Church of Saint Peter. While there, his nurse accidentally broke a dish used to sift wheat and was distraught. Witnessing this, Benedict miraculously mended the dish and returned it to her. News of this miracle spread quickly, and Benedict became the talk of the town.

Benedict wasn’t interested in the praise of men; he sought only holiness. Leaving his nurse behind, he moved closer to the town of Subiaco and took up residence in a cave. Nearby, he met a holy monk, Romanus, whom Benedict consulted for spiritual advice. At Romanus’ encouragement, Benedict took on the monastic habit and lived in the cave for the next three years as a hermit. Romanus visited him frequently, bringing him food as needed. As a hermit, Benedict prayerfully sought to root out all sin in his life, especially the three temptations common to most men: “the temptation of self-affirmation and the desire to put oneself at the center, the temptation of sensuality and, lastly, the temptation of anger and revenge” (Pope Benedict XVI, General Audience, April 9, 2008).

After having conquered these temptations, Benedict was invited by a group of local monks to become their abbot. He reluctantly agreed, recognizing that his form of religious life contrasted sharply with theirs. After a brief time as abbot, the monks so opposed him that, according to legend, they attempted to kill him by poisoning his wine. When Benedict blessed the wine, the glass shattered, and the scheme was revealed. Shortly afterward, Benedict left the monks and returned to his cave before emerging to found monasteries in the area over the following years. Many admired him and were attracted to his radical way of living, while others envied him and sought his life. Numerous miracles are said to have taken place through his intervention, such as raising a monk from the dead, healing a boy, foreseeing future events, multiplying food and wine, expelling demons, and walking across water.

After founding twelve small monasteries in the Subiaco area, Benedict felt it was time for a fresh start. One of the local priests had tried to poison him and was relentless in his persecutions. He even sent a naked woman to one of Benedict’s monasteries to tempt him and the monks. In addition to this persecution, some monks found his way of life challenging, and the locals were more taken with the stories of his miracles than with his devotion to God. Therefore, he moved about sixty miles southeast to the mountaintop of Monte Cassino, where, at the age of fifty, he founded his most famous monastery.

Upon arriving at Monte Cassino, Benedict found a temple built to the Roman god Apollo. He destroyed it, built two chapels in its place, and then constructed a monastery nearby. Before this, most monasteries consisted of loosely associated hermits living independently but also somewhat communally. Having seen the failure of this form of monasticism in Subiaco, Benedict adopted a new approach. Instead of several smaller monasteries, he built one large monastery where numerous monks could live. He wrote a rule, later known as “The Rule of Saint Benedict,” that guided his newly established monastery at Monte Cassino and eventually became the normative rule for Western monasticism for the next 1,500 years. Hence, Saint Benedict is often referred to as the “Father of Western Monasticism.”

The “Rule” consists of seventy-three short chapters that address both the spiritual and administrative aspects of a healthy monastery. The Rule lays out guidelines for monastic living, particularly in areas of stability, conversion of life, obedience, prayer, work, community life, hospitality, and humility. The Rule takes into consideration the fact that most monks governed under the Rule did not engage in extreme penances or other radical charisms. Instead, the Rule fosters a balanced community life in which individual monks can discover a daily rhythm of prayer, work, and study conducive to a deeper and personal calling to holiness.

While Benedict set up his community at Monte Cassino, his sister, Scholastica, helped found a monastery for women. It’s likely that Benedict played a role in this founding and that his Rule guided the nuns’ daily life. Benedict and Scholastica remained close until her death, which he prophesied. Upon her death, Benedict had a vision of Scholastica being taken to Heaven. He brought her body back to Monte Cassino, where she was buried in his future grave, and which they still share.

After fewer than ten years at Monte Cassino, Benedict died, but his influence on the Church and all of Europe was just beginning. Monasteries across Europe, guided by the Rule of Saint Benedict, developed into important centers for education, medicine, culture, and social development. From these monasteries, universities were born. The monasteries helped to preserve ancient texts, stabilize communities, influence nobility, and draw many to Christ. Their liturgies flourished and influenced the wider Church, making many of these monasteries the central teachers of prayer and worship. For these reasons, many have referred to Saint Benedict as not only the father of monasticism but also the father of modern Europe, given the influence that monasteries using his Rule have had on Europe and the world as a whole. For this reason, Pope Paul VI declared Saint Benedict the Patron Saint of Europe in 1964.

As we honor this important figure in Church and world history, reflect on his humble beginnings. He witnessed the immoralities of his day and fled from those temptations to embrace a life of holiness. At that time, it would have been difficult for him to comprehend the influence he would have had on all of Europe and, in fact, upon the whole world for many centuries to come. Reflect on the fact that God also calls you to flee from sin and embrace a life of holiness. When that happens, God can do great things through you in ways you may never comprehend. Follow the example of Saint Benedict and commit yourself to holy daily living, and leave it up to God to use you as He wills.

Source: https://mycatholic.life/saints/saints-of-the-liturgical-year/july-11—saint-benedict-abbot/

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Saint Victoria


Victoria was a beautiful Roman Christian noblewoman and the sister of Saint Anatolia. The two sisters were set for arranged marriages to noble Roman pagans, and were hesitant. Victoria argued that it would be all right as the patriarchs in the Old Testament had been married; but Anatolia cited other examples to prove that for the holiest lives, they should devote themselves to God and stay single. Victoria was convinced, sold her jewelry, gave the money to the poor, and refused to go through with the wedding to a fellow named Eugenius.

The two suitors insisted on the weddings, and the sisters refused. The young men denounced the women as Christians, but obtained authority to imprison them their estates, in hopes of breaking their faith and changing their minds. The women converted their servants and guards sent to watch them. Anatolia’s suitor, Titus Aurelius, soon gave up, and handed her back to the authorities. Eugenius stayed at it for years, alternating between good and harsh treatment of Victoria, but eventually even he gave up, and returned her to the authorities. She was martyred by order of Julian, prefect of the Capitol and count of the temples.

Modern research indicates their story is most likely pious fiction that was mistaken for history.


  • stabbed through the heart in 250 by the executioner Liliarcus at Tabulana, Italy
    legend says her murderer was immediately struck with leprosy, and died six days later, eaten by worms


  • Pre-Congregation


  • against earthquakes
  • against lightning
  • against severe weather
  • in Italy
  • Aggius
  • Anticoli Corrado
  • Carsoli
  • Castilenti
  • Guardiabruna
  • Monteleone Sabino
  • Pietraferrazzana
  • Pisoniano
  • Poggio Sannita
  • Posta Fibreno
  • Santa Vittoria d’Alba
  • Santa Vittoria in Matenano
  • Siligo
  • Spongano
  • Telti
  • Thiesi
  • Tissi
  • Tornareccio

Source: https://catholicsaints.info/saint-victoria/

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Saint Augustine Zhao Rong and 119 Companions, Martyrs

1648–1930; Invoked for the people of China; Canonized by Pope John Paul II on October 1, 2000

The Syro-Persian Church of the East is believed to have first reached China around the year 630 when two monks arrived to engage in silk trade. Although they were Christians, they followed the Nestorian heresy, which denied the divinity of Christ. The Chinese emperor welcomed them and permitted them to share their faith. Over the next two centuries, some Christian churches were erected and converts were made. However, by the mid-ninth century, Christians were being persecuted. In the year 987, an Arab writer from Baghdad wrote of a conversation he had with a monk who had traveled to China. The monk explained, “Christianity is extinct in China; the native Christians have perished in one way or another; the church which they had has been destroyed and there is only one Christian left in the land.”

In the mid- to late-thirteenth century, Emperor Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan, showed greater tolerance of Christianity, especially since his mother was a Nestorian Christian. Franciscan and Dominican friars were permitted to spread the faith, but their efforts yielded little. By the following century, with the rise of the Ming Dynasty, Christianity was once again all but driven out.

In 1552, Saint Francis Xavier began his missionary activity in India, Malaysia, and Japan. Though he never made it to China, his missions paved the way for the Italian Jesuit Matteo Ricci and his companions to help found the Chinese Jesuit Mission on mainland China in 1582. Their approach was to learn the language and culture and try to assimilate as much as possible, winning over hearts and minds with kindness and teaching the people math, science, astronomy, and mapmaking. Ricci and his companions won over some influential converts and managed to translate a catechism into the Chinese language. However, their efforts later drew criticism from the Church hierarchy for blending Confucian religious beliefs with the Catholic faith.

The 120 saints we honor today spilled their blood for the faith during the four centuries that followed. The first to be martyred was Father Francisco Fernández de Capillas, a Spanish Dominican priest. Father de Capillas spent his first two decades as a priest working in the Philippines as a missionary. In 1642, Father de Capillas arrived for his final mission in mainland China. He and his companions worked fervently for the next several years, winning over many converts and even establishing a lay order of Dominicans. In 1644, the less-tolerant Qing Dynasty replaced the Ming Dynasty, immediately threatening the missions. In 1647, Father de Capillas was captured, imprisoned, and tortured. While in prison, he wrote a letter in which he said, “I am here with other prisoners and we have developed a fellowship. They ask me about the Gospel of the Lord. I am not concerned about getting out of here because here I know I am doing the will of God. They do not let me stay up at night to pray, so I pray in bed before dawn. I live here in great joy without any worry, knowing that I am here because of Jesus Christ. The pearls I have found here these days are not always easy to find.” Two months later, he was sentenced to death and immediately decapitated on the charge of teaching false doctrine and opposing the new emperor. He died while praying the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary.

From the martyrdom of Father de Capillas until 1930, 119 other Catholic saints would follow in his footsteps as martyrs in China. Eighty-seven were native Chinese Christians who were lay catechists, merchants, cooks, farmers, and even a young boy. Thirty-three were foreign missionaries from various religious orders, working to spread the Gospel at the risk of their lives.

The next several decades after Father de Capillas’ death were relatively peaceful, as successive emperors tolerated Christians. That all changed, however, when in 1707 the Pope issued a decree forbidding the co-mingling of Confucian religious practices with the Catholic faith, such as ancestor worship. This infuriated the emperor, and over the next fifteen years, most of the Catholic missions were suppressed. In 1724, the new emperor officially banned Christianity and expelled all Catholic priests. Churches were confiscated and turned into public buildings. By the end of the eighteenth century, there remained just a little over 100,000 Catholics in China who practiced their faith in secret.

In 1747–1748, five more Spanish Dominicans were martyred. In 1814, persecutions picked up again as a result of new imperial decrees forbidding the practice of the Christian faith. This time, the persecutions were directed towards native-born Chinese Christians. Among them was Father Augustine Zhao Rong, a priest of the Diocese of Chengdu, China.

Father Augustine, whose name is attached to today’s memorial, was the first native-born Chinese priest and the first Chinese priest to be martyred. He was originally a soldier entrusted with the task of transporting to Beijing French Bishop John Gabriel Taurin Dufresse who had been arrested and would also be martyred. During the long journey, the bishop greatly impressed Zhao Rong with his kindness and peaceful demeanor in the face of persecution. Zhao Rong requested and received baptism after learning about the Catholic faith. Taking the name Augustine, he was later ordained a priest. After his arrest, he was offered the opportunity to renounce the Catholic faith but refused. After horrific tortures, Father Augustine died of his injuries in prison.

Between 1814 and 1862, twenty-six Christians were martyred in China. In the summer of 1900, a fierce persecution of foreigners and Christians broke out. The Boxer Rebellion claimed the lives of eighty-six martyrs, including many religious sisters, priests, catechists, and other laity. In addition to the eighty-six canonized martyrs, thousands of other Christians died. The final two martyrs honored today, an Italian priest and bishop, died in 1930.

As the Church Father Tertullian famously said, “The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church.” Such is the case in China. The proclamation of the Gospel in this populous land continues today, and much resistance continues. As we honor these Chinese martyrs, pray for the Chinese people, begging God to continue to send holy men and women to that land to share the saving message of Jesus Christ.

Source: https://mycatholic.life/saints/saints-of-the-liturgical-year/july-9—saint-augustine-zhao-rong-and-companions-martyrs/

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Saint Sunniva of Bergen


Sunniva was the daughter of a tenth century Irish king. To avoid an arranged marriage with an invading pagan king, she, her brother Alban, and several female companions fled her home to settle in a cave on the island of Selje off the Norwegian coast. Some time later, Viking locals decided that the group was stealing cattle, and sent an armed band to attack them. When they arrived, they found the cave sealed by a landslide; none of the group of exiles were ever seen alive again. Years later, around 995, after reports of strange lights in the area, King Olaf Tryggvason had the cave opened; Sunniva’s body was found incorrupt, and the king built a church there in her honour.

Sunniva’s story was retold and revised over the years, often combining elements of Saint Ursula‘s history. Sometimes, she is a nun leading a group of pious sisters seeking solitude. According to post-Reformation sources, Sunniva had two sisters, Saint Borni and Saint Marita, and her brother was Saint Alban.


  • Pre-Congregation


  • Bergen, Norway
  • Norwegian west coast

Source: https://catholicsaints.info/saint-sunniva-of-bergen/

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Saint Ethelburga of Faremoutiers


Ethelburga was the daughter of the king of East Angles. During her childhood, Ethelburga lived in a Gallic convent under the direction of Saint Burgundofara, a home she would have for the rest of her life. She was known throughout the community for her adherence to the Rule of the Order. In the mid-seventh century, Ethelburga was chosen abbess. She ruled with wisdom and justice until her death. Saint Tortgith of Barking was one of her nuns.


  • 664 at Faremoutier, France of natural causes
  • when her body was exhumed seven years after her death, it was found incorrupt


  • Pre-Congregation


  • Faremoutiers, France

Source: https://catholicsaints.info/saint-ethelburga-of-faremoutier/

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Saint Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr

1890–1902; Patron Saint of young people (especially girls), rape victims, and the poor; Invoked for the grace of mercy and forgiveness; Canonized by Pope Pius XII on June 24, 1950

Maria Goretti was born into poverty in Corinaldo, Italy. She was the third of seven children and was affectionately called Marietta by family and friends. Due to her family’s poverty, Maria was unable to attend school. She spent most of her time in the family home, performing chores and caring for her younger siblings. Her father owned a farm but lost it when Maria was only five years old. Hiring himself out as a farmhand, Maria’s father provided enough for his family to eat, but when Maria was nine, he died of malaria. To provide for her seven children, Maria’s mother began to work in the fields, with Maria taking on increased responsibility at home. Despite her lack of formal education and inability to read, Maria had deep faith. The family’s suffering from poverty and loss of their father did not diminish her faith; it strengthened it. When her mother began to lose hope during their difficulties, Maria habitually said, “Mother, be brave, God will help us.” Maria’s hope that her father would be freed from Purgatory led her to constant prayer, particularly the rosary.

When Mr. Goretti lost his farm, the Gorettis moved into a home shared with the Serenellis, Mr. Serenelli and his son Allessandro. Alessandro’s mother had suffered from a mental disorder and died when he was young. Alessandro’s brother suffered from a similar disorder, and their father was an alcoholic. As a result, Alessandro was a young man prone to anger who engaged in immoral behavior.

During the three years Maria and her family lived with the Serenellis, Alessandro made at least three sexual advances toward her. Each time she refused him. Outraged, he threatened to kill her if she told anyone, so she remained silent. When Maria was only eleven and Alessandro was twenty, he found Maria alone in their shared home, caring for her youngest sister and mending a shirt while her mother and older siblings were in the field working. Once again, Alessandro made a sexual advance toward her and she refused him. With an awl in his hand, Alessandro threatened to kill Maria if she refused him. “No! It is a sin! God does not want it!” she cried. She ran for the door, but Alessandro caught her and stabbed her fourteen times in the neck before running out of the house. As Maria lay bleeding on the floor, her little sister began to cry, catching the attention of her mother who came to investigate. After finding Maria stabbed and bleeding, she brought her to the local hospital where Maria survived for only a day.

At the hospital, the surgeon was surprised that Maria had survived that long. He immediately performed surgery without anesthetic. During the surgery, Maria woke up, and another doctor said to her, “Maria, think of me in Paradise.” Maria replied, “Well, who knows which of us is going to be there first?” The doctor said to her, “You, Maria.” To which Maria responded, “Then I will gladly think of you.” Before her death, Maria was able to express her forgiveness of Alessandro, further expressing her hope that she would see him in Heaven. She also received the last sacraments. On her deathbed, she told the Chief of Police that it was Alessandro who attacked her and added, “I forgive him, and I want him with me in heaven!” She died the following day.

In many ways, Maria’s brutal death marked the beginning of her new life. Her family was devastated, but they were also inspired by her faith, mercy, and act of forgiveness. At her funeral, many said of her, “A saint has died!” Devotion to her immediately began to spread and continues to spread today.

Since Alessandro was young, he was sentenced to thirty years in prison rather than life. During his first several years in prison, Alessandro remained defiant, refusing to repent. Although he knew that Maria had forgiven him, he could not accept forgiveness, nor admit his sin. However, when the local bishop, Giovanni Blandini, felt inspired to visit him in prison, things began to change. Around that time, Alessandro had a dream in which he saw Maria coming to him and handing him lilies, a symbol of purity. When he took the lilies, they burnt his hands and turned to dust. He wrote to the bishop thanking him for his visit, revealing the dream, and asking for prayers. In the years to follow, Alessandro underwent a profound conversion. After serving twenty-seven years of his thirty-year sentence, he was released.

Upon his release, Alessandro went to Maria’s mother, Assunta, and begged for her forgiveness, which she bestowed. “Who am I to withhold what my daughter so readily gave?” she responded. The next day, Alessandro and Assunta attended Mass together, receiving Holy Communion as if they were mother and son.

On June 24, 1950, Pope Pius XII canonized Maria and referred to her as the “Saint Agnes of the Twentieth Century.” Most remarkably, Maria’s mother and four of her siblings were present at the canonization. This was the first time a mother attended her child’s canonization. Even more remarkably, Alessandro was also present. Saint Maria’s prayers had truly worked a miracle of mercy, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Alessandro became a lay Franciscan brother, working as a gardener until his death at the age of eighty-seven.

Saint Maria Goretti’s short life and tragic death present us with so much more than a tragedy. They present us with hope—hope that even the most hardened sinner can repent and be saved. So often our world reacts with outrage toward sin, rather than mercy. Mercy is the defining virtue in the heart of Saint Maria, and this eleven-year-old girl should inspire us to work to overcome all anger, bitterness, and resentment toward the sinner. Ponder your own depth of mercy, or lack thereof, and allow this young child to inspire you to follow her example.

Source: https://mycatholic.life/saints/saints-of-the-liturgical-year/july-6—saint-maria-goretti-virgin-and-martyr/

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Saint Anthony Zaccaria, Priest

1502–1539; Patron Saint of physicians; Canonized by Pope Leo XIII on May 27, 1897

In 1502, Anthony Mary Zaccaria was born into a noble family in Cremona, a town in northern Italy. His father died when Anthony was two, leaving his eighteen-year-old mother to raise her only child. She ensured he received a good education and instilled in him a deep faith. His mother taught him to pray, leading him to spend long periods praying before a special altar dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary in their home, attending Mass, and preaching to his friends. Anthony was also deeply influenced by his mother’s care for the poor. Once, while returning from church, he encountered a poor, half-naked beggar who asked for alms. Having nothing on him, Anthony gave the beggar his silk cloak. His mother’s praise for this act of charity further motivated Anthony’s dedication to caring for the poor and sick.

After Anthony completed his elementary studies in Cremona, his mother sent him to Pavia to study philosophy and then to Padua to study medicine. At the age of twenty-two, he earned his doctorate in medicine and returned to Cremona, where he began his work as a physician, devoting much of his time to the care of the poor. As a physician, Doctor Anthony discovered that he could minister to both the physical and spiritual needs of the sick, especially those who were on their deathbeds. When called to the bedside of the sick, he encouraged them to turn to God in prayer, to receive the Sacraments, and to turn away from sin. He also gathered poor children together and taught them catechism. As his influence grew, members of the noble class also sought him out as a teacher for their children. Eventually, Doctor Anthony began preaching in the local church as a layman, drawing a diverse crowd of rich and poor, young and old.

Not long after starting his medical practice, Doctor Anthony realized that the salvation of souls was of far greater importance than the healing of the body. As a result, he abandoned his medical practice and devoted himself more fully to prayer so that he could discern God’s will. At the urging of his spiritual director, Anthony pursued theological studies and ordination to the priesthood, and in 1528, at the age of twenty-six, he was ordained a priest. During his first Mass, a miracle took place. At the moment of consecration, Father Anthony was enwrapped in light that remained until the Blessed Sacrament was consumed. News of this miracle spread quickly, and many wondered what would become of this new saintly priest.

As a priest, Father Anthony continued to minister to the spiritual needs of the people of Cremona. At that time, morals were in steep decline, poverty was on the rise, constant wars had taken a toll, and church attendance had greatly diminished. North of Italy, the Protestant Reformation was in full swing and confusion was prevalent. In this context, Father Anthony continued to catechize the young and old, rich and poor. Many were attracted to him due to his eloquence and manifest holiness. Indifferentism had become the “religion” of the day, but in Father Anthony, many people found an answer to their spiritual emptiness. They listened to his sermons and teaching, confessed their sins, attended his Masses, and sought out his counsel.

After laboring in Cremona for two years, divine providence led Father Anthony to Milan. Milan was a flourishing city at that time, but it was also a city without morals. Then under Spanish rule, Milan suffered from the turmoil caused by the Protestant Reformation. In Milan, Father Anthony attempted to do what he had done in Cremona, catechizing, preaching, calling people to repentance, visiting the sick and imprisoned, and caring for the poor. The moral decay in that town, however, was so great that Father Anthony knew he needed to do more. After much prayer and meditation upon the Cross, he was inspired to form a new community of religious individuals who would work for the salvation of souls. He met two kindred spirits, Bartholomew Ferrari and Anthony Morigia, who listened to his ideas and enthusiastically joined him. Together, they formed the Clerics Regular of St. Paul, a new religious order dedicated to simple and prayerful living and preaching that sought to imitate the great evangelist Saint Paul. This order later came to be known as the Barnabites, taking the name of one of Saint Paul’s faithful companions, Barnabas.

The Barnabites lived the radical Gospel message of Christ crucified, as preached by Saint Paul, by embracing radical poverty, mortification, charitable works, and the proclamation of the Gospel. Little by little, they aroused the interest of the people of Milan and hearts began to convert. The devil, furious at their victories for Christ, lashed out in numerous ways, first by disturbing them in their dwellings with noises and vile manifestations, and then by stirring up some townspeople against them. Father Anthony and his companions, however, were victorious, and the devil’s attacks were thwarted as the people turned to adoration of Christ crucified.

In addition to a new religious order for men, Father Anthony gathered some holy women together under Countess Ludovica Torelli, Countess of Guastalla, for whom Father Anthony was spiritual director. At Father Anthony’s request, the countess petitioned the pope for permission to found a new order. Once granted, Father Anthony, the countess, and other women founded the Angelic Sisters of St. Paul. They not only lived a life of prayer, penance, and poverty, but they also engaged in public works of charity, working to reform religious life as a whole by their good example. The order flourished and made a great impact in Milan and other cities.

For the next few years, Father Anthony and his followers worked to expand their ministry by offering conferences for the clergy, establishing an organization for married persons, and offering missions of evangelization. He fostered devotion to the Blessed Sacrament by instituting the practice of forty-hours devotion before the exposed Eucharist, encouraged frequent Communion, and prompted churches to ring their bells at three o’clock on Fridays to invite people to a moment of prayerful recollection on the Passion of Christ.

After years of severe penance and tireless service in his apostolate, Father Anthony died on the eve of the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul at the age of thirty-seven. Twenty-seven years after his death, his body was found to be incorrupt.

As we honor this fervent founder, preacher, lover of the Cross, and servant of charity, ponder Saint Anthony’s discovery that the salvation of souls is the greatest mission one can have in life. In the end, what will matter is how well we fulfilled the will of God. First and foremost, the will of God invites us all to have zeal for the proclamation of the saving message of Christ crucified in our words and deeds. Seek to imitate this servant of Saint Paul by freely embracing Saint Paul’s words, “But may I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world” (Galatians 6:14).

Source: https://mycatholic.life/saints/saints-of-the-liturgical-year/july-5—saint-anthony-zaccaria-priest/

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Saint Elizabeth of Portugal

1271–1336; Patron Saint of widows, brides, charity workers, those falsely accused, victims of adultery, and the Canary Islands, Spain; Invoked against jealousy, war, and difficult marriages; Canonized by Pope Urban VIII on June 24, 1625

Rainha Santa Isabel, or Saint Elizabeth, was born into the royal family of Aragon, Spain. She was one of three daughters of King Peter III of Aragon and Queen Constance of Sicily. Elizabeth’s older brothers would become successive kings of Aragon, Alfonso III and James II. Her namesake was her great-aunt, Saint Elizabeth of Hungary.

As a young princess, Elizabeth enjoyed all the privileges of a royal upbringing, yet her stature did not distract her from her faith. She was deeply devout from a young age, spending hours in the castle chapel engaged in prayer. By age eight, she regularly fasted, attended Mass, and prayed the entire Divine Office daily. Unlike other girls her age, she sought virtue and glory for God rather than indulging in frivolous activities. Her humility extended to her royal status, which she saw as a platform for service rather than privilege. She consistently demonstrated a loving concern for the poor, sick, and suffering.

In 1279, Elizabeth’s father arranged her marriage to the seventeen-year-old King Denis of Portugal, who was a notable poet. This strategic union was designed to strengthen the political alliance between Spain and Portugal. In 1282, twelve-year-old Elizabeth wedded King Denis, becoming Queen Elizabeth of Portugal. Despite her husband’s infidelity and immoral lifestyle, Elizabeth showed remarkable grace, treating her husband with love and fulfilling her duties as queen with humility. They had two children: their daughter, Constance, in 1290, and a year later, their son, Afonso, who would succeed his father as King of Portugal.

Queen Elizabeth stood out in the royal court, which was marred by the king’s immoral lifestyle. Her virtuous living served as a rebuke to others. She offered the resulting ridicule she suffered to God with humility and love. As queen, she sustained her prayerful life, attending daily Mass, engaging in penance, and continuing to pray the entire Divine Office. Her deep love for the poor and sick remained steadfast, and she sought daily opportunities to aid them. Elizabeth would personally distribute food and money to those in need at the palace door, and despite the king’s anger at her generosity, she found ways to continue her charitable work secretly. Using her royal position, she also improved others’ lives by constructing monasteries, churches, and hospitals.

The royal family also included the king’s other children, born to women other than the queen. Despite their complicated family dynamic, Elizabeth treated her stepchildren with love. Her son Afonso, however, was not as accepting. He was particularly resentful of the attention his father paid to the children born out of wedlock. Tensions escalated to the point of war, but before a battle could occur, Queen Elizabeth intervened. She rode out to the scene of the battle herself, kneeling between her husband and son, begging for peace. She successfully reconciled the two, earning the title of “Angel of Peace.”

In 1325, upon King Denis’s death, Queen Elizabeth, then fifty-four, retired to a house next to a Poor Clare monastery. She joined the Third Order Franciscans, a lay order begun by Saint Francis. For the next eleven years, she lived in simplicity and poverty, continuing her charitable work and welcoming all who sought her counsel. She once again played the role of peacemaker when her son, now King Afonso, initiated a war against his own son-in-law. Elizabeth fell ill and died on July 4, 1336, after returning from this intervention. She was not buried next to her husband but in a convent she founded in Coimbra, the Convent of Santa Clara. Years later, her body was found to be incorrupt, and as recently as 1912, medical examiners and Church officials declared that her body remained free of decay, looking as if she were only sleeping.

Though Saint Elizabeth of Portugal was born into royalty, she encountered many challenges. Her arranged marriage, her husband’s infidelity, family division, and an immoral royal court were burdens she bore with dignity, peace, and strength. Her faith and virtues, fueled by deep prayer and charitable acts, guided her through these difficulties.

In honoring this Queen of Portugal, consider the passing nature of earthly honors. Queens come and go, but saints live on forever. Saint Elizabeth willingly traded her earthly crown for a higher one in Heaven, where her saintly dignity eternally glorifies God. Follow in her humble footsteps, preferring sanctity over worldly honors and ambitions. Strive for the eternal over the temporal, and you too will give eternal glory to God and dwell in His royal court forever.

Source: https://mycatholic.life/saints/saints-of-the-liturgical-year/july-4—saint-elizabeth-of-portugal/

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