Daily Saints

Saint Jean-Gabriel Perboyre


Jean-Gabriel was one of eight children born to Pierre Perboyre and Marie Rigal. At age 16, he followed his brother Louis to the seminary, and joined the Congregation of the Mission of Saint Vincent on Christmas Day 1818. He was ordained in Paris on 23 September 1825. He was a professor of theology, seminary rector, and assistant director of novices.

His brother died on a mission to China, and Jean-Gabriel was asked to replace him. In March 1835, he sailed for China, and began his mission in Macao in June 1836. A widespread persecution of Christians began in 1839, the same year England had attacked China. Father Jean-Gabriel was denounced to the authorities by one of his catechumens. He was arrested and tried on 16 September 1839. He was tortured by hanging by his thumbs and flogging with bamboo rods, and condemned to death on 11 September 1840. He was a martyr and the first saint associated with China.


  • 6 January 1802 at Le Puech, near Mongesty, Cahors diocese, southern France


  • lashed to a cross on a hill named the “red mountain”, then strangled with a rope on 11 September 1840 at Ou-Tchang-Fou, China


  • 10 November 1889 by Pope Leo XIII


  • 2 June 1996 by Pope John Paul II

Source: https://catholicsaints.info/saint-jean-gabriel-perboyre/

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Saint Ambrose Edward Barlow


Ambrose was the fourth son of Sir Alexander Barlow and Mary Brereton. A baptized Catholic on 30 November 1585, he was raised as a Protestant, but as an adult he returned to Catholicism. He was educated at the College of Saint Gregory, Douai, France, and the Royal College of Saint Alban in Valladolid, Spain. He became a Benedictine in 1616 and ordained in 1617 in Douai. He returned to England to minister to covert Catholics in south Lancashire for 24 years. Unlike many of his brother priests, Ambrose was very open about his work, and was arrested several times. On 25 April 1631, just as he ended Easter Sunday Mass at Morley Hall near Manchester, England, he was arrested by an armed mob led by the local Anglican vicar. He was charged with the crime of being a priest, and freely admitted it. He was one of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales.


  • 1585 in Barlow Hall, England


  • hanged, drawn, and quartered on Friday 10 September 1641 at Lancaster, Lancashire, England
  • skull preserved as a relic at Wardley Hall, sometimes known as the House of the Skull, near Manchester, England
  • his hand is preserved at Stanbrook Abbey, Worcester, England


  • 8 December 1929 by Pope Pius XI (decree of martyrdom)


  • 15 December 1929 by Pope Pius XI


  • 25 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI

Source: https://catholicsaints.info/saint-ambrose-edward-barlow/

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Saint Peter Claver, Priest

1581–1654; Patron Saint of African missions, African-Americans, black missions, black people, foreign missions, interracial justice, slaves, and Colombia; Invoked against slavery; Canonized by Pope Leo XIII on January 15, 1888

Saint Peter Claver was born to devout, upper-class parents in Verdú, Catalonia, Spain, a small farming village. Not much is known about his early years. At twenty years old, he entered the Jesuit novitiate and was sent to study at the Jesuit college of Montesión on the island of Mallorca, off the coast of Spain. There, he met Brother Alphonsus Rodriguez, the seventy-year-old doorkeeper of the college. Known for his humility, piety, and spiritual insight, Brother Rodriguez served as the college’s doorkeeper for forty-six years. He carried out menial tasks, delivered messages, welcomed guests, and offered a compassionate ear to all who came to the door with needs. Peter sought his advice and their friendship blossomed. Encouraged by Brother Rodriguez, Peter decided to become a missionary in the Spanish colonies in South America. In 1610, he set sail for Cartagena, Colombia.

The Spanish port city of Cartagena, in present-day Colombia, was founded in 1533, over seventy years before Peter Claver arrived. After the establishment of Cartagena and other colonies, the Spanish Crown began granting licenses for the importation of African slaves to meet labor demands. Cartagena quickly became a major hub in the transatlantic slave trade due to its strategic location. By the time Father Claver was ordained, it is estimated that about 10,000 slaves were being transported annually on Spanish ships to Cartagena and subsequently sold.

The conditions the slaves endured on the ships were horrific, leading to the death from disease and malnutrition of an estimated one-third of them during the journey. The Spanish turned to African slaves in part because many of the indigenous people in their colonies had died of diseases brought by the Europeans, to which the indigenous populations had no immunity. When the number of indigenous people dropped, the colonizers looked elsewhere for laborers. With contact already established between Europeans and Africans—including slavery—the Spanish believed that the Africans were more resistant to European diseases and better able to survive the harsh conditions of forced labor. Despite outcries against these abuses from the Church, including from popes, the cruel behavior continued.

After arriving in Cartagena, Peter spent about six years studying in Tunja and Bogotá. He was then ordained a priest in Cartagena, where he committed himself to serving the African slaves for the rest of his life. Though there were other priests in Cartagena, most of them ministered to the colonizers. Father Peter chose to make the slaves his congregation and their salvation his mission. When he made his final profession, Father Claver signed it with these words: “Peter Claver, slave of the slaves, forever.” 

During his thirty-eight years as an ordained priest in Cartagena, it is conservatively estimated that Father Claver catechized and baptized over 300,000 slaves. His practice was to wait at the port for a new slave ship to arrive. Each ship often contained as many as 500 slaves who had endured conditions unsuitable for animals for the two-to-three-month journey. They were poorly fed once a day, chained naked to each other, abused, threatened, and forced to sit in their own excrement and vomit. Often, the flesh on their wrists bled and became infected from the metal shackles that held them as the ship tossed in the waves.

Once the ship arrived, Father Claver went door-to-door begging for food for his new flock. He then brought his small band of African interpreters and charitable workers, entered the foul-smelling hull of the ship where he found many dead and others lifeless, filled with fear, and in need of medical treatment and compassion. As a sign of his love for them, he often kissed their sores, sucked out the infectious pus, and washed the wounds with his own handkerchiefs. He would baptize any babies, provide food to the hungry, and demonstrate a depth of compassion that many had never seen. He then helped transport the slaves to a new location, carrying those who could not walk, where they could be well fed and regain their strength before being sold.

Father Claver’s approach to this horrific problem was unique. His primary concern was the salvation of souls. He did not stir up self-pity for their dreadful plight, nor incite the slaves against their oppressors, although he often chastised the oppressors directly, calling them to repentance for their cruelty. Instead, he preached the Gospel to the slaves in ways they could understand, in ways that would benefit them for eternity. He helped them see their innate dignity and restored that dignity, not by railing against the abuses they endured, but by railing against sin and helping the slaves find freedom in Christ. He told them they were sinners in need of repentance and that there was a loving God who died for their sins and wanted to forgive them and fill them with joy. He held up the crucifix, revealing the God Who suffered for them, showing them the way to Heaven and how to avoid hell. As they listened, learned, believed, and converted, they were baptized. The moment of baptism was often a moment of profound tears and rejoicing for these slaves. Though physically bound and abused, they found they were freer than ever before because of the grace that flooded their souls upon repenting, professing faith in Christ, and being baptized.

When Peter learned that the next ship would not be arriving for months, he set off to travel the countryside to meet up with those he had baptized. Upon arriving on a plantation, he avoided spending time with the owners and spent all his time with the slaves, even sleeping and eating in the slaves’ quarters. He gave them further instruction in the Catholic faith, taught them to pray, and offered them hope any way he could. At times, when the converted slaves returned to sinful habits, Father Claver seemed to arrive out of nowhere, chastising them with love and calling them to repentance, thus restoring their Christian dignity.

After more than forty years of dedicated and heartfelt ministry to the slaves, Father Claver himself fell ill. He spent his final days enduring mistreatment from one of his caregivers, who was also a slave. Far from complaining, Father Claver accepted this treatment, uniting it with the suffering of Christ on the Cross. He saw it as a form of penance for any remaining sins of his own and a way to deepen his communion with those he had devoted his life to serving.

“No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13). Saint Peter Claver indeed devoted his life to the slaves. He campaigned for better treatment for them and admonished their abusers, yet he discovered that his most significant act of love was to assist these children of God in becoming sons and daughters of God by grace. By instilling faith in them, he offered them hope. With hope, they cultivated charity, and by growing in charity, they found joy and fulfillment amid their terrible human conditions.

As we pay homage to this “slave of the slaves,” consider your own life priorities. Fighting injustice is not only noble but an essential work of mercy. However, working for the salvation of souls is the greatest act of mercy we can perform. Reflect on any ways you might endure injustice and draw inspiration, not only from Saint Peter Claver but also from the slaves who, despite suffering cruel treatment, dedicated their lives to Christ and found joy in Him alone. They teach us that no circumstance in this world can rob us of our dignity and joy if we surrender our lives to Christ and let His loving mercy encompass us.

Source: https://mycatholic.life/saints/saints-of-the-liturgical-year/september-9-saint-peter-claver/

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Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading Isaiah 35:4-7a

Thus says the LORD:
Say to those whose hearts are frightened:
Be strong, fear not!
Here is your God,
he comes with vindication;
with divine recompense
he comes to save you.
Then will the eyes of the blind be opened,
the ears of the deaf be cleared;
then will the lame leap like a stag,
then the tongue of the mute will sing.
Streams will burst forth in the desert,
and rivers in the steppe.
The burning sands will become pools,
and the thirsty ground, springs of water.

Responsorial Psalm Psalms 146:6-7, 8-9, 9-10

R. (1b) Praise the Lord, my soul!
R. Alleluia.

The God of Jacob keeps faith forever,
secures justice for the oppressed,
gives food to the hungry.
The LORD sets captives free.

R. Praise the Lord, my soul!
R. Alleluia.

The LORD gives sight to the blind;
the LORD raises up those who were bowed down.
The LORD loves the just;
the LORD protects strangers.

R. Praise the Lord, my soul!
R. Alleluia.

The fatherless and the widow the LORD sustains,
but the way of the wicked he thwarts.
The LORD shall reign forever;
your God, O Zion, through all generations.

R. Praise the Lord, my soul!
R. Alleluia.

Second Reading James 2:1-5

My brothers and sisters, show no partiality
as you adhere to the faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ.
For if a man with gold rings and fine clothes
comes into your assembly,
and a poor person in shabby clothes also comes in,
and you pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes
and say, “Sit here, please, ”
while you say to the poor one, “Stand there, ” or “Sit at my feet, ”
have you not made distinctions among yourselves
and become judges with evil designs?

Listen, my beloved brothers and sisters.
Did not God choose those who are poor in the world
to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom
that he promised to those who love him?

Alleluia Cf. Matthew 4:23

R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Jesus proclaimed the Gospel of the kingdom
and cured every disease among the people.

R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Mark 7:31-37

Again Jesus left the district of Tyre
and went by way of Sidon to the Sea of Galilee,
into the district of the Decapolis.
And people brought to him a deaf man who had a speech impediment
and begged him to lay his hand on him.
He took him off by himself away from the crowd.
He put his finger into the man’s ears
and, spitting, touched his tongue;
then he looked up to heaven and groaned, and said to him,
“Ephphatha!”— that is, “Be opened!” —
And immediately the man’s ears were opened,
his speech impediment was removed,
and he spoke plainly.
He ordered them not to tell anyone.
But the more he ordered them not to,
the more they proclaimed it.
They were exceedingly astonished and they said,
“He has done all things well.
He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”

Source: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/090824.cfm

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The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

c. 15 BC; Patron Saint of chefs, cooks, distillers, drapers, fish dealers, goldsmiths, silversmiths, needlemakers, potters, restaurateurs, silkworkers, and tilemakers

On December 8, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. That solemnity highlights the singular grace bestowed upon the Blessed Virgin Mary at the moment she was conceived. The Church dogma states, “…in the first instance of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege granted by Almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, was preserved free from all stain of original sin, is a doctrine revealed by God and therefore to be believed firmly and constantly by all the faithful” (Pope Pius IX, 1954).

Today’s Feast of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated exactly nine months after the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, just as Christmas is celebrated nine months after the Church remembers the Incarnation of the Son of God on the Solemnity of the Annunciation. The birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of three liturgical feasts in which we celebrate a birth: Christmas, the Birth of Saint John the Baptist, and the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Only the three most consequential figures in the Bible receive the honor of a liturgical celebration to commemorate their births.

Nothing is known for certain about the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary or of her upbringing, since the Bible only introduces the Mother of God to us for the first time during the Annunciation. However, an early second-century apocryphal text called the Protoevangelium of James (The Gospel of James), paints a detailed picture of her conception, birth, early years, and betrothal to Saint Joseph. Though the account is not part of the canon of Scripture, it has been a source of reflection throughout the centuries and is the source of the traditional names of the Blessed Mother’s parents, Joachim and Anne.

The actual feast we celebrate today is believed to have been first celebrated in the fifth or sixth century in the East and was tied to the dedication of a Byzantine church near the Pools of Bethesda in the Old City of Jerusalem. The church was built over what was believed to be the birthplace of Mary and the home of Joachim and Anne, just a short distance from the Temple. In the twelfth century, the current Basilica of Saint Anne was built on the same site. Beneath the basilica lie what are believed to be the caves in which the Mother of God was born and lived.

Regardless of whether the apocryphal Gospel of James presents accurate historical truths regarding the conception, birth, and early life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it is not difficult to prayerfully ponder the importance of her birth and childhood. Saint Andrew of Crete beautifully relates that on this day, the “Creator of the world constructed His temple…” Mary is that temple, that Arc of the New Covenant, the tabernacle and first dwelling place of God Incarnate. Her soul was born pure, spotless, and holy. As she grew, she manifested every virtue perfectly. All who knew her as a child would have been deeply impressed by her sanctity.

Birthdays celebrate people. They are occasions to rejoice in and honor the whole life of that person. The other memorials, feasts, and solemnities of the liturgical year honor various specific aspects of Mary’s life. Today’s feast honors her whole life, her personhood, and the gift of who she was and is.

As we celebrate the birthday of the Mother of God, spend time pondering her soul. Though much of her earthly life has remained hidden from our eyes, she is the greatest saint to ever live and the holiest daughter of God this world has ever known. In Heaven, we will be in awe of her virtues and will forever rejoice in the great things God did in and through her. Begin that rejoicing today by prayerfully honoring her and pondering her, seeking her prayer for your life and for the whole world.

Source: https://mycatholic.life/saints/saints-of-the-liturgical-year/september-8the-nativity-of-the-blessed-virgin/

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Saint Regina


Regina was a daughter of a pagan aristocrat named Clement. A convert to Christianity, she was driven from her family’s home because of her faith, and lived as a poor, prayerful shepherdess. She was imprisoned, tortured and martyred when she refused an arranged marriage to the Roman proconsul Olybrius.


  • throat cut c.286 at Autun, (in modern France)


  • Pre-Congregation
  • venerated at Autun, France from soon after her death


  • poor people
  • shepherdesses
  • torture victims
  • Autun, France

Source: https://catholicsaints.info/saint-regina/

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Saint Magnus of Füssen


Magnus was a Benedictine priest and a spiritual student of Saint Columban and Saint Gall at Arbon (part of modern Switzerland). He became a superior of his house following the death of Saint Gall. At the request of the bishop of Augsberg, Bavaria, he evangelized in Eptaticus in the eastern part of Allgäu, Bavaria. By the River Lech in Bavaria, in a place still known as Sant Mangstritt (footstep of Saint Magnus) he founded the monastery of Füssen.

Some extraordinary stories grew up around Magnus, often involving animals. In Kempten, he dispersed a plague of snakes. At Füssen, he was forced to expel a dragon from the land he needed for the monastery; in one version of the story, he spared an infant dragon who helped local farmers by hunting rats, mice and other crop-damaging vermin. While on a walk in the woods near the monastery, he encountered a bear who showed him a vein of iron ore; he gave the bear some cake. The bear followed Magnus back to the abbey where the saint rounded up some tools and monks; the bear then led them all to several other iron ore sources in the nearby mountains, thus helping found the area’s most lucrative industry.


  • c.666 at the monastery at Füssen, Bavaria (in modern Germany) of natural causes


  • Pre-Congregation


  • against caterpillars
  • against hail
  • against hailstorms
  • against lightning
  • against snakes
  • against vermin
  • protection of crops
  • Füssen, Germany

Source: https://catholicsaints.info/saint-magnus-of-fussen/

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Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta

1910–1997; Patron Saint of Calcutta and the Missionaries of Charity; Canonized by Pope Francis on September 4, 2016

Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta was born Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu in Skopje, present-day North Macedonia. At the time of her birth, Anjezë’s hometown was part of the vast, predominantly Muslim Ottoman Empire, which spanned three continents. Today, Skopje is considered the political, cultural, economic, and academic center of North Macedonia, with a rich and ancient history dating back to Roman times. Anjezë was the youngest of five children, two of whom died in infancy. Her parents were devout Catholics who raised her in the faith. Her baptismal name was Gonxhe, meaning “rosebud” or “little flower” in Albanian, and it was by this endearing name that she was often called as a child.

When Gonxhe was eight, her father died suddenly, plunging the family into financial difficulties. At the age of twelve, Gonxhe felt a divine calling to serve the poor. Upon turning eighteen, she left home, never to see her mother or sister again, and entered the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Ireland, known as the Loreto Nuns, with the desire to serve in India. After learning English in Ireland, she moved to India in 1929 and became a novice at the Loreto house in Darjeeling. In 1931, she made her first profession of vows, taking the name Teresa, after Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. She was assigned to the Loreto Entally community in Calcutta, where she taught at Saint Mary’s Bengali Medium School for girls. She made her final vows in 1937, upon which she assumed the name “Mother Teresa,” as was customary among the Loreto Sisters. She spent the following eleven years in Calcutta with the Loreto Sisters, totaling twenty years in all.

On September 10, 1946, when Mother Teresa was thirty-six, she was traveling by train roughly 400 miles from Calcutta to the mother house in Darjeeling for an annual retreat and time of rest. It was during this trip that something mystical occurred. Although she kept the details of that experience private, she later recounted, “I heard the call to give up all and to follow Him into the slums—to serve Him in the poorest of the poor…I knew it was His will and that I had to follow Him. There was no doubt that it was going to be His work.” How she heard this call remains a mystery, but it was so compelling and convincing that she spent the subsequent two years discerning this call, consulting her spiritual director, and ultimately obtaining permission from her religious superiors. Mother Teresa had received a “call within a call” to quench the thirst of Jesus by serving the poorest of the poor. September 10 would henceforth be celebrated as “Inspiration Day,” the day on which she believed God founded what would become the Missionaries of Charity. Over the next year and a half, Mother Teresa repeatedly heard the “Voice” speak to her, guiding her and calling her to trust, surrender, and love. “Come, come, carry Me into the holes of the poor. Come, be my light.”

The theme of Jesus’ thirst on the Cross would permeate everything Mother Teresa did from that time forward. It was the central mission she had received, the purpose of her life, and the reason God wanted her to found the Missionaries of Charity. Jesus, as the Infinite God, had an infinite thirst. With no end to the depth of Jesus’ thirst, there was no end to the depth of love she was called to give to Him by loving the poorest of the poor and all of God’s children. Not only was Mother Teresa called to quench Christ’s thirst in those whom she served, she was also called to encounter Jesus in them. They were Jesus, hidden in the distressing disguise of the poor.

After her retreat, Mother Teresa spoke to her spiritual director, Father Van Exem, about her calling. Although he knew this was from God, he decided to test the call and forbade her to talk about it or even to think about it. After four months, however, Father Exem felt the time was right and gave her permission to write to the archbishop. She wrote to him, sharing what Jesus spoke to her, “I want Indian nuns, Victims of My love…I want free nuns covered with my poverty of the Cross…I want obedient nuns covered with My obedience of the Cross…I want full of love nuns covered with the charity of the Cross. Will you refuse to do this for Me?”

During the four months prior to sending this letter, the other sisters noticed that Mother Teresa spent an unusually long time in the confessional with Father Exem. Suspecting an unhealthy attachment between them, her superiors transferred her to another convent. Furthermore, the archbishop had concerns about her call and instructed her to wait and pray. He informed her he was traveling to Rome and would not return for several months, at which time he would reconsider her request. After more back-and-forth letters and conversations with Father Exem, Father Exem presented Mother Teresa with a final test. He told her that she was to “drop the whole thing for eternity,” never to bring it up again unless he or the archbishop initiated the conversation. Mother Teresa obeyed, and some months later Father Exem raised the topic again. He and the archbishop continued to test her and even challenge her. She responded from her heart, sharing everything the “Voice” had said to her. Finally, on January 6, 1948, the archbishop gave her permission to proceed. He later wrote to the Loreto superior, “I am deeply convinced that by withholding my consent, I would hamper the realization, through her, of the will of God.” After receiving permission from the Loreto Superior, as well as from the Holy See, Mother Teresa began her new mission on August 17, 1948, almost two years after her “Inspiration Day.”

On December 21, 1948, after completing medical training, Mother Teresa began her life as a Missionary of Charity in the slums of Calcutta. Calcutta had been heavily affected by World War II, famine, and ongoing riots. Countless people were homeless, poor, uneducated, and suffering intensely. After securing a place to live, Mother Teresa began caring for the poor. She dressed their wounds, showed compassion for the suffering, listened to their stories, provided them with food, and treated them as if they were Jesus. This was a novel approach in India where poverty was sometimes viewed as a result of bad karma. In March 1949, one of her former students joined her in the work. By the following year, her companions numbered twelve. On October 7, 1950, with the approval of the Holy See, the Missionaries of Charity were formally established in the Archdiocese of Calcutta. In addition to the usual three vows, the Missionaries of Charity took a fourth vow “to devote themselves with abnegation to the care of the poor and needy who, crushed by want and destitution, live in conditions unworthy of human dignity.”

By the early 1960s, the number of sisters continued to grow, and houses were established in various parts of India. Shortly thereafter, the Missionaries expanded their reach to Venezuela, Rome, and Tanzania. In 1963, the Missionaries of Charity Brothers was established. A contemplative branch of the sisters was founded in 1976, followed by the Contemplative Brothers in 1979, and the Missionaries of Charity Fathers in 1984. In 1962, Mother Teresa received the Padma Shri Award from the Republic of India, and in 1979, she was honored with the Nobel Peace Prize, which she accepted “in the name of the hungry, of the naked, of the homeless, of the crippled, of the blind, of the leprous, of all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared, thrown away of the society, people who have become a burden to the society, and are ashamed by everybody.” After that, she was sought out and welcomed by kings, dictators, presidents, prime ministers, and religious leaders and enjoyed an open door from the pope any time she was in Rome. Her influence on an international level was profound, yet she remained deeply humble and devoted to her central mission of love. By the 1990s, houses had been set up on every continent, including nearly every communist country. By the time of her death in 1997, the Missionaries of Charity numbered about 4,000, across 610 foundations in 123 countries. Two years after her death, Pope John Paul II opened her cause for canonization. He beatified her in 2003, and she was canonized by Pope Francis in 2016.

Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta was one of the greatest saints in all of history. After her death, those closest to her shared many of her private letters that tell an incredible story. From the time she began her work with the poor and suffering, she started to experience an inner darkness, a complete loss of the sense of God’s presence. This interior darkness mirrors the spiritual writings of the greatest mystics, such as Saints John of the Cross and Teresa of Ávila. God stripped her of every interior consolation so that her charity would be absolutely pure and devoid of all selfish motivation, resulting in pure selfless giving, fueled by unshakable faith, and driven by divine hope. She was truly a mystic in the deepest sense, an icon of the satiation of Christ’s Thirst.

Source: https://mycatholic.life/saints/saints-of-the-liturgical-year/september-5-saint-mother-teresa-calcutta/

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Saint Rosalia


Rosalia was born to the Sicilian nobility, the daughter of Sinibald, Lord of Roses, and Quisquina. She was a descendant of Charlemagne and raised around the royal Sicilian court. From her youth, Rosalia knew she was called to dedicate her life to God. When she grew up, she moved to a cave near her parent’s home, and lived in it the rest of her life; tradition says that she was led to the cave by two angels. On the cave wall, she wrote “I, Rosalia, daughter of Sinibald, Lord of Roses, and Quisquina, have taken the resolution to live in this cave for the love of my Lord, Jesus Christ.” Rosalia remained apart from the world, dedicated to prayer and works of penance for the sake of Jesus, and died alone.

In 1625, during a period of plague, she appeared in a vision to a hunter near her cave. Her relics were discovered, brought to Palermo, and paraded through the street. Three days later the plague ended, intercession to Rosalia was credited with saving the city, and she was proclaimed its patroness. The traditional celebration of Rosalia lasted for days, involved fireworks and parades, and her feast day was made a holy day of obligation by Pope Pius XI in 1927.


  • c.1130 at Palermo, Sicily


  • c.1160 Mount Pellegrino, Italy, apparently of natural causes
  • buried in her cave by workers collapsing it


  • locations in Italy
    – Baucina
    – Benetutti
    – Bivona
    – Caltagirone, diocese of
    – Campofelice di Roccella
    – Delia
    – Isola delle Femine
    – Lentiscosa
    – Palermo, archdiocese of
    – Palermo, city of
    – Pegli
    – Racalmuto
    – San Mango Cilento
    – Santo Stefano Quisquina
    – Sicily
    – Vicari

Source: https://catholicsaints.info/saint-rosalia/

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Saint Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor

c. 540–604; Patron Saint of choir boys, educators, masons, musicians, popes, students, and singers Invoked against gout and the plague; Pre-Congregation canonization; Declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Boniface VIII in 1295

Saint Gregory the Great was born in the city of Rome into an aristocratic family whose members filled political and religious offices. Gregory’s father was a senator and later became the Prefect of Rome, similar to the role of mayor. His mother, Silvia, was a virtuous woman who was later recognized as a saint, as were two of his aunts. Thus, Gregory’s influential, wealthy, and saintly family provided him with a stellar education and nurtured him in the Catholic faith from a young age.

During the first fourteen years of his life, Gregory witnessed war and disease ravage the city of Rome. The Ostrogoths had ruled Rome since 479, but from 535–554, the Eastern Roman emperor waged war in an attempt to reclaim control. The war caused significant destruction in Rome and resulted in many deaths. Gregory and his family may have even had to flee for a time. Once peace was restored in 554 and Italy came under the control of the Eastern Roman emperor, people began to return to Rome, rebuild the city, and reestablish order.

From 554–574, Gregory followed in his father’s footsteps, assuming various civil leadership roles. Around the year 573, he was elected to the same position his father had held earlier: Prefect of Rome. However, not long after Gregory assumed this role, his father passed away, prompting Gregory to make a major shift in his life. He resigned as Prefect, turned his family home into a monastery, and took monastic vows. That time of deep prayer was invaluable to him and would prepare him for the important tasks God would later entrust to him.

As a monk, Gregory spent the next four years immersed in quiet prayer and study. These years were some of the happiest of his life. In 578, Pope Pelagius II ordained Gregory as one of the seven deacons of Rome and sent him to Constantinople a year later as his apocrisiarius, or papal ambassador. Despite the challenges of his six years there, Deacon Gregory maintained his monastic life of prayer and study while fulfilling his duties at the imperial court. During this time, Deacon Gregory began writing his famous commentary on the Book of Job, which provided teachings on the nature of God, the problem of evil, the Christian understanding of human suffering, and the virtue of patience.

After completing his service in Constantinople, Deacon Gregory returned to Rome, was chosen as the abbot of his monastery, and enjoyed several more years of peaceful monastic life. In 590, Pope Pelagius II died, and the people of Rome chose Gregory as his successor. He accepted this responsibility, albeit reluctantly. He was the first monk to be elected pope.

Over the next fourteen years, despite constant ill health, Pope Gregory I established himself as one of the most consequential popes in history. Among his accomplishments, he implemented significant reforms in the Church’s administration and liturgy. Administratively, he reformed how the Church’s property and finances were managed. He implemented strict guidelines to ensure the responsible use of these resources, put measures in place to prevent abuses such as nepotism, increased transparency, and greatly expanded charitable works, to the point of emptying the papal treasury. He also forged important strategic military and political alliances that strengthened the papacy and ensured the safety and betterment of those under his care. Many civil leaders even turned to him for guidance.

Liturgically, Pope Gregory contributed to the standardization of the Liturgy by offering clear guidelines and rubrics. He established prayers, the flow of the Mass, and the liturgical year, and helped develop liturgical chant, which came to be known as “Gregorian Chant.”

Pope Gregory also demonstrated his missionary spirit. Most notably, he initiated a mission that began the conversion of the Anglo-Saxon peoples in England. It’s said that Pope Gregory once encountered some slave boys in the Roman market. He asked where they were from and was told they were Angles from England. Gregory replied that the boys were angels. Seeing the boys being sold as slaves planted a desire in Gregory’s heart to convert that pagan nation and a resolve to send missionaries to the Angles and Saxons in England. These missions were ultimately very successful through the efforts of Saint Augustine of Canterbury and forty of his brother monks, who were sent from Pope Gregory’s own monastery.

In addition to his commentaries on Scripture, Pope Gregory authored the “Pastoral Rule” (Regula Pastoralis), an influential guide for bishops and other church leaders. It outlined their pastoral responsibilities and the conduct expected in their personal and public lives. His “Dialogues” are a collection of inspiring visions, miracles, and stories of the lives of the saints, including an early biography of St. Benedict. Pope Gregory’s approximately 800 letters offer a valuable insight into the ecclesiastical, social, and political landscape of his time. These letters contain practical theological and pastoral advice that has formed an enduring legacy and significantly influenced Church leadership throughout the centuries.

Enduring legacies cannot be fabricated, purchased, or contrived. They are the result of true leadership and the profound impact one leaves behind. Pope Gregory I is now known as Saint Gregory the Great. He is “great” because he not only had a major influence upon the people of his time, both religiously and politically, but also because his influence and writings solidified the direction that the Church would take after him. His first loves were of Christ and the monastic way of life. God used Gregory’s humble way of life as a foundation upon which He would continue to build His Church.

As we honor this great pope, ponder the importance of making your life a foundation upon which others will grow and flourish. We establish a firm foundation for our spiritual lives and for the lives of others around us only when we make prayer and union with God our primary mission. Saint Gregory did this well, and God used him in glorious ways. May the same be said of each one of us.

Source: https://mycatholic.life/saints/saints-of-the-liturgical-year/september-3-st-gregory-the-great/

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