Saint Leander of Seville


Leander was the son of Severianus and Theodora, known for their piety. He was the elder brother of Saint Isidore of Seville, Saint Fulgentius of Ecija, and Saint Florentina of Cartagena. He was a monk at Seville, Spain. He became the Bishop of Seville.

He converted Saint Hermengild and Prince Reccared, sons of the Arian Visigoth king Leovigild, who then exiled Leander to Constantinople from 579 to 582. There, he became close friends with the papal legate who later became Pope Saint Gregory the Great; he recommended that Gregory write his famous commentary (Moralia) on the Book of Job.

When Reccared ascended the throne, Leander was allowed to return to Seville. He worked against Arianism, and presided over the Third Council of Toledo in 589. He revised and unified the Spanish liturgy, and his boundless energy and steady faith led the Visigoths back to orthodox Christianity. Leander wrote an influential Rule for nuns. He introduced the Nicene Creed to Mass in the west. He was honored as a Doctor of the Faith by the Church in Spain.


c.534 at Cartagena, Spain


c.600 at Seville, Spain of natural causes




Seville, Spain


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