Saint Maurice


Maurice was a layman, soldier, and an officer in a legion of Christian soldiers from Upper Egypt during the reign of Emperor Maximian Herculeus. His legion, as many as 6600 men, was massacred en masse by their own side when they refused to participate in pagan sacrifices prior to battle. He was one of the martyrs of the Theban Legion.


  • c.287 at Agaunum, an area of modern Switzerland


  • Pre-Congregation


  • against cramps
  • against gout
  • alpine troops, proclaimed
    – on 22 September 1941 by Pope Pius XII for Italian troops
    – on 25 January 1952 by Pope Pius XII for French troops
    – on 16 February 1961 by Pope John XXIII for Belgian troops
  • armies
  • armourers
  • infantrymen
  • soldiers
  • swordsmiths
  • boxers
  • cloth dyers
  • clothmakers
  • fighters
  • hatters
  • knife grinders
  • pugilists
  • weavers
  • wrestlers
  • Austria
  • Counts of Savoy
  • Dukes of Savoy
  • Pontifical Swiss Guards
  • United States Army Infantry
  • in France
    – Angers, city of
    – Angers, diocese of
  • in Germany
    – Magdeburg, diocese of
    – Niederaltaich Abbey
    – Stadtsulza
  • in Italy
    – Borgofranco d’Ivrea
    – Calasetta
    – Cassano Magnago
    – Castelnuovo di Ceva
    – Pianello Val Tidone
    – Piedmont
    – Sardinia
    – Sarre
  • Manresa, Spain
  • in Switzerland
    – Agaunum
    – Appenzell
    – St Moritz


  • banner
  • soldier
  • soldier being executed with other soldiers
  • knight (sometimes a Moor) in full armour, bearing a standard and a palm
  • knight in armour with a red cross on his breast, which is the badge of the Sardinian Order of Saint Maurice


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