Saint Jean-Gabriel Perboyre


Jean-Gabriel was one of eight children born to Pierre Perboyre and Marie Rigal. At age 16, he followed his brother Louis to the seminary, and joined the Congregation of the Mission of Saint Vincent on Christmas Day 1818. He was ordained in Paris on 23 September 1825. He was a professor of theology, seminary rector, and assistant director of novices.

His brother died on a mission to China, and Jean-Gabriel was asked to replace him. In March 1835, he sailed for China, and began his mission in Macao in June 1836. A widespread persecution of Christians began in 1839, the same year England had attacked China. Father Jean-Gabriel was denounced to the authorities by one of his catechumens. He was arrested and tried on 16 September 1839. He was tortured by hanging by his thumbs and flogging with bamboo rods, and condemned to death on 11 September 1840. He was a martyr and the first saint associated with China.


  • 6 January 1802 at Le Puech, near Mongesty, Cahors diocese, southern France


  • lashed to a cross on a hill named the “red mountain”, then strangled with a rope on 11 September 1840 at Ou-Tchang-Fou, China


  • 10 November 1889 by Pope Leo XIII


  • 2 June 1996 by Pope John Paul II


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