Saint John of Pulsano


John was a Benedictine monk. He lived with such austerity that it brought on the enmity of his brothers who felt he was setting a standard that they could not meet, making them look bad, and drawing attention to himself. He was became a monk at Montevergine Abbey under the spiritual direction of his friend Saint William of Vercelli, its founder. He was a poopular preacher in Bari, Italy. He also founded the Saint Mary of Pulsano Abbey at Pulsano, Italy where he served as abbot, and from which grew a new congregation.


  • c.1070 at Matera, Basilicata region, Italy


  • 1139 at Pulsano, Italy of natural causes
  • buried in a niche in a cave in the church at Saint Mary of Pulsano Abbey
  • relics translated to Matera Cathedral in 1830
  • relics enshrined in a new sarcophagus in 1939

  • 1177 by Pope Alexander III


  • abbot driving away the devil with a rod


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