Saint Rupert of Salzburg

Rupert was a relative of Saint Ermentrude. Rupert became a Benedictine and Bishop of Worms, Germany. He was an evangelist to southern Germany.

In 696 Theodo, Duke of Bavaria, gave him the ruined town of Iuvavum, which Rupert rebuilt. There he founded the monastery of Saint Peter, serving as its first abbot, and a Benedictine convent. He worked with Saint Chuniald, Saint Vitalis of Salzburg, and Saint Gislar. To support the houses and his missionary work, he promoted the mining of salt, which led to the renaming of the place as Salzburg (salt mountain). He became the Bishop of Salzburg. and considered a confessor of the faith.


  • probably in France

718 in Salzburg, Austria


• Salzburg, Austria, city of
• Salzburg, Austria, province of


  • man holding a container of salt (refers to Salzburg and the salt mining there)
