Diary #699
Eternal Contemplation of God’s Mercy
“My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or of angel, will be able to fathom it throughout all eternity. Everything that exists has come forth from the very depths of My most tender mercy. Every soul in its relation to Me will contemplate My love and mercy throughout eternity. The Feast of Mercy emerged from My very depths of tenderness. It is My desire that it be solemnly celebrated on the First Sunday after Easter. Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My Mercy”
What will it be like to contemplate the love and mercy of God for all eternity? To some, this might not at first seem that appealing. Won’t it become boring if all we do for all eternity is contemplate God’s mercy? If that is a question that resonates with you, then the reason this idea initially lacks appeal is because you cannot fathom how fulfilling and glorious this will be. Jesus said, “My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or of angel, will be able to fathom it throughout all eternity.”
God willed that this Sunday, the eighth day of the Octave of Easter, be celebrated as the Feast of Mercy. By placing this Feast on the last day of the Octave of Easter, God is telling us that the message of this Feast reveals the ultimate purpose of our lives. Easter is the culmination of the perfect plan of redemption. And Divine Mercy Sunday is the culmination of that perfect plan. Therefore, nothing is more important than trying to understand the message this Feast presents.
By analogy, if you were given a new car but never drove it, the car would be of no use. Or if you won the lottery and the money simply sat in your account unused, what’s the benefit? Or if you were gravely ill and were given a medicine that would cure that illness but you never took it, then you would remain ill. So also, if we believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus, but never allow the Mercy that is given by that act to transform us, then we have missed the point. The Divine Mercy is the point of life. It’s the only thing worth seeking. It’s the only source of satisfaction and fulfillment. It’s the only cure for our ills. It’s the only source of true riches. In three short words: It Is Everything!
When Jesus says that our eternity will be spent contemplating His Mercy, He doesn’t only mean that this is something we will do after we die. True, the fullness of the revelation of His Mercy will be set before us when we enter into the Beatific Vision and contemplate God forever. But “eternity” includes today. It includes the here and now. Therefore, our contemplation of The Divine Mercy must be the single most important goal in our life today. When it is, everything else in life will fall into place in support of this goal.
In order to make the contemplation of The Divine Mercy the most important goal of your life, you must begin to understand it. That’s why we were given this special day, this most solemn Feast of Mercy. Therefore, use this day as an opportunity to deepen your contemplation of this Gift. Begin by reading about God’s Mercy as it was revealed to us through Saint Faustina. Try to spend time reading Jesus’ words, His explanations, descriptions and revelations about His Mercy. As you do, if you find that it remains incomprehensible, don’t worry. It is incomprehensible! However, since Jesus promised us that our eternity would be spent in contemplation of His Mercy, then we must believe that the more deeply we enter into that contemplation now, the more glorious our lives will become. If we can truly taste of this Mercy, gain a small glimpse of its grandeur, and comprehend even a small aspect of its meaning, then we will truly find much satisfaction in this endeavor.
Reflect, today, upon The Divine Mercy. As you do, humble yourself through prayer by admitting to God and to yourself that His Mercy is beyond what you will ever comprehend. Do this in prayer. Reading about God’s Mercy is important, but it will only be through prayer that we begin our contemplation. And it will only be through this contemplation that we will begin to live the central purpose of our lives.
Source: https://catholic-daily-reflections.com/2024/04/06/eternal-contemplation-of-gods-mercy/