Daily Saints

Saint Vicente Liem de la Paz

Saint Vicente Liem de la Paz, originally named as Phạm Hiếu Liêm, was a Vietnamese martyr. He was born to Vietnamese parents who were members of nobility.

His name, Vincent, was given to him after he was baptized. He was later brought to a missionary center by his parents to to learn catechism. Later on, he studied in the Philippines under a scholarship. He studied in Letran and finished a degree of lector of humanities. He entered the Dominican order after completing his studies and in 1758, he was ordained as a priest under the Dominican order. In 1759, he went back to his homeland.

He was appointed as a professor in Trung Linh seminary. However, in 1773, he was arrested along with his assistants. It was during this period that Catholics were being persecuted. Saint Vicente Liem de la Paz along another Dominican priest, Jacinto Castañeda, was given a verdict of beheading.

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Saint Alexander Nevsky

Saint Alexander Nevsky, born as Aleksandr Yaroslavich, was the prince of Novgorod and Kiev as well as the grand prince of Vladimir. He was the son of the grand prince of Vladimir and was elected as the prince of Novgorod in 1236. Three years later, 1939, he got married to the daughter of the Prince of Polotsk.

During his reign, he was able to defeat the Swedes, the Lithuanians and the Finnic people. He has also quelled multiple rebellions against Vassily and the Mongols. His good relations with the Golden Horde was said to have been an advantage and protected Russia from ravages.

Saint Alexander Nevsky died in 1263. In 1381, he was elevated to the status of a local saint and was later on canonized in 1547.

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Saint Cecilia

Saint Cecilia was born into a wealthy family in Rome. She is one of the most well-known virgin martyrs in the history of the Church.

According to accounts of her life, she has vowed her virginity to God ever since she was young. However, she was arranged to be married to a man named Valerian, who will eventually be a future saint as well. Saint Cecilia told Valerian that an angel was protecting her virginity. Valerian respected this but asked to see the angel for proof. St. Cecilia then told Valerian, who was a pagan at that time, that he had to be baptized first to see the angel. Valerian and his brother Tiburtius got baptised and afterwards they were able to see the angel. Later on, Valerian and his brother were martyred as well.

Cecilia proceeded to give away her possessions to the poor. She also preached and was able to convert more than four hundred people in her lifetime. Because of this, Cecilia was arrested by Almachius and executed.

She was first suffocated in the baths. However, she survived as the flames did not harm her. Almachius then ordered for her to be beheaded. They were not able to decapitate her head and so they left her to bleed for three days until she died.

Saint Cecilia is the patron saint of music and musicians.

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Saint Albert of Louvain

Saint Albert of Louvain was born in 1166, the son of the Duke of Brabant. At a young age of 12, he entered the religious life as a canon of Liege, France. But he later on resigned from that role. He was 21 years old when he resigned and became a knight of Count Baldwin V.

He eventually resumed his clerical life and even became a canon again. Then he took on the role as Bishop of Liege. His role as bishop was put into question due to Count Baldwin being against it. He even went to Rome to appeal his position. His appointment was declared valid by Rome and he was also ordained as a cardinal.

The political turmoil continued even after his appointment was declared valid. Saint Albert of Louvain was eventually killed when he met with a group of knights from Emperor Henry’s court.

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Saint Edmund the Martyr

Saint Edmund was a martyred king of the East Angles. He became king at the age of 14 years old. From 855 to 869, he ruled Suffolk, England.

In 869, the Danes marched through Mercia towards East Anglia, invading Saint Edmund’s realm. As the king, he engaged them in a fierce battle. Unfortunately, the Danes were victorious. Saint Edmund was slain during this period. Some versions of his life story indicated that he died during the battle while others state that it was after being captured and refusing to renounce his Christian faith.

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Saint Raphael Kalinowski

Saint Raphael Kalinowski was born on September of 1835. He was a Polish Discalced Carmelite friar in Vilnus, in the Russian partition of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

He entered the Institute for Nobles and studied under the teachings of his father. He excelled in his studies and continued to do so when he pursued Agriculture and Engineering in Hory-Horky and St. Petersburg, respectively.

Later on, he accepted the post of Minister of War in Vilna during the Polish insurrection against Russia. However, in 1864, he was arrested and penalized to 10 years of hard labour in Siberia. He was repatriated in 1874 and accepted a post of tutor Augsuto Czartoryski, a Venerable Servant of God. He also entered the Discalced Carmelites in Austria and studied theology in Hungary. In 1882, he was ordained into priesthood.

Saint Raphael Kalinowski was well-respected by all the people. He passed away on November 15, 1907 in the monastery he founded.

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Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne

St. Rose Philippine Duchesne was born on August 29, 1769 om France. She was born to a wealthy family with both political and financial connections.

In 1780, she studied at a convent and later on entered the Visitation Order in Grenoble. She offered charitable work and took care of the sick as the French revolution broke. Despite the convent closing during this period, she opened a school for homeless children and even helped priests in the underground.

Years later, she joined the infant Society of the Sacred Heart. She eventually rose to the role of a superior and supervisor of the novitiate and a school in only a short span of time. When she was 49 years old, she went on to do missionary work in America. Despite the disappointments and challenges, she founded the first free school for girls in the west of Mississippi.

At age of 83, Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne passed away. She was later on canonized in 1988.

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Saint Dionysius of Alexandria

St. Dionysius of Alexandria was once the bishop of Alexandria. He had a vision which moved him to convert to Christianity. He then entered a catechetical school and later on became the master of the school.

St. Dionysius was already a bishop during the persecution of Christians from years 250-251. He had to flee to the Libyan Desert. During 257-260, he was exiled due to the Valerian persecution.

He was the Patriarch of Alexandria from December 248 until he passed away on March 264. He was also the 14th Pope.

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Saint Gertrude the Great

Saint Gertrude the Great, also known as St. Gertrude of Helfta, pursued the path of a Benedictine nun as her vocation. She was hailed as a mystic and a great theologian, brought on by her deep relationship with the Lord.

Born on January 6, 1256, St. Gertrude entered the Cistercian monastery school of Helfta when she was only 4 years old. Saint Mechtilde, the sister of an abbess named Gertrude as well, had a close bond with the young Saint Gertrude. It is said that Saint Mechtilde took care of Saint Gertrude and had a great influence on her.
Saint Gertrude practiced “nuptial mysticism” and was known to be one of the great mystics of the 13th century. She showed charity for all classes, both poor and rich. She was a simple person who exhibited deep solidarity for souls who are still being purified in purgatory.

On November 17, 1301, Saint Gertrude passed away. Pope Benedict XIV gave her the title, “the Great”, to differentiate her from Abbess Gertrude. She is the only woman saint to have the title, “the Great”. She is the patroness of the West Indies.

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Saint Albert the Great

Albert the Great was a 13th-century German Dominican who decisively influenced the Church’s stance toward Aristotelian philosophy brought to Europe by the spread of Islam.
Students of philosophy know him as the master of Thomas Aquinas. Albert’s attempt to understand Aristotle’s writings established the climate in which Thomas Aquinas developed his synthesis of Greek wisdom and Christian theology. But Albert deserves recognition on his own merits as a curious, honest, and diligent scholar.
He was the eldest son of a powerful and wealthy German lord of military rank. He was educated in the liberal arts. Despite fierce family opposition, he entered the Dominican novitiate.
He achieved his goal while serving as an educator at Paris and Cologne, as Dominican provincial, and even as bishop of Regensburg for a short time. He defended the mendicant orders and preached the Crusade in Germany and Bohemia.
Albert, a Doctor of the Church, is the patron of scientists and philosophers.

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