Daily Saints

Our Lady of Fatima

Three Portuguese shepherd children named Lúcia (age nine), Francesco (age eight), and Jacinta (age six), received three apparitions from the Guardian Angel of Portugal in 1916 and six apparitions from Our Lady of the Rosary in 1917. Lúcia later became a religious sister and received several more apparitions from Our Lady and Jesus Himself. These apparitions and their messages are among the most inspiring spiritual events to occur in modern times.

The first apparition took place in the spring of 1916 while the children were tending their sheep. While taking refuge in a cave during a storm, the children had eaten their lunches and prayed the rosary. They were playing games when they saw an angel in the form of a young boy on a cloud, who was whiter than snow, yet transparent and radiant with the sun. The angel said, “Do not fear! I am the Angel of Peace. Pray with me.” With that, the angel bowed to the ground with the children and prayed three times: “My God, I believe in Thee, I adore Thee, I hope in Thee, and I love Thee. I ask pardon for all those who do not believe in Thee, do not adore Thee, do not hope in Thee, and do not love Thee,” and then disappeared.

During the summer of 1916 the angel appeared to them again, almost chastising them, saying, “What are you doing? Pray, pray a great deal! The Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary have designs of mercy on you. Offer unceasingly prayers and sacrifice yourselves to the Most High.” When Lúcia inquired how they were to sacrifice themselves, the angel replied, “Make of everything you can a sacrifice and offer it to God as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and in supplication for the conversion of sinners…”

During the fall of 1916, the angel appeared again, this time with a chalice and the Blessed Sacrament before which he bowed and prayed, “Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly, and I offer You the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifferences by which He, Himself is offended. And I draw upon the infinite merits of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, that You might convert poor sinners.” Afterwards, the three children received Holy Communion from the angel.

On May 13, 1917, the children, once again in the fields, received a visit from a lady from Heaven. She conversed with them and told them to return to that spot on the 13th of every month for six consecutive months. In their conversation she asked, “Are you willing to offer yourselves to God to bear all the sufferings He wants to send you, as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and for the conversion of sinners?” To which the children replied, “Yes.”

On June 13, 1917, the lady appeared again, this time with about fifty others from the town present. After they all prayed the rosary, the lady appeared to the children as before and conversed with them. In part, she said, “I will take Jacinta and Francisco soon, but you, Lúcia, are to stay here some time longer. Jesus wishes to make use of you in order to make me known and loved. He wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. To whoever embraces this devotion, I promise salvation; those souls will be cherished by God, as flowers placed by me to adorn His throne.”

On July 13, 1917, a crowd of about 5,000 accompanied the children. They prayed the rosary, and the lady appeared as before. This time she gave the children a horrifying vision of hell and then spoke about the need for prayer and sacrifice to end World War I. She also warned that a worse war would come if her message was not heeded. She said, “To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church.” Then she asked them to add this prayer to each decade of the rosary: “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who are most in need of Thy mercy.”

On August 13, 1917, as many as 20,000 people had gathered, but on that same day the children were arrested, detained in prison for a few days, and interrogated about their visions. The crowd, however, did see a phenomenon in the sky. On August 19, after the children were released, the lady appeared to them once again in the field.

On September 13, 1917, with a crowd of 30,000, the lady appeared and asked the children to continue to pray the rosary. She promised that if they did, the war would end. She then promised “In October, I will perform a miracle so that all may believe.”

On October 13, 1917, about 70,000 people gathered in the pouring rain. This time the lady revealed her name, saying, “I am the Lady of the Rosary.” She asked for a church to be built on that spot and promised that the war would soon end if they kept praying the rosary every day. When she left the children, everyone in the crowd saw the promised miracle. The sky opened, and those gathered were able to look directly at the sun as it glowed and danced. The sun then plummeted to earth, causing panic, but returned to the sky. Suddenly, everything—including the ground and everyone’s clothing—was completely dry.

Within a few years, Francesco and Jacinta died and went to Heaven as promised by the Lady of the Rosary. Lúcia entered religious life and received an apparition in 1925 during which Our Lady fulfilled her promise that she would return to ask for “the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays.” In 1929, Our Lady appeared to Lúcia again, stating, “The moment has come in which God asks the Holy Father to make, in union with all the bishops of the world, the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart.”

Above all, the messages of Fátima reveal the ongoing need to make reparation for the sins and sacrileges committed against the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary, and to pray for the conversion of poor sinners. Daily sacrifice and penance, offered with prayer and profound faith, do more good than we could ever imagine. As we honor these most glorious apparitions today, reflect upon your own willingness to make reparation for the sins of the world through your daily sacrifices. “Make of everything you can a sacrifice and offer it to God…” Doing so will not only appease the Justice of God, it will also bring about the salvation of many souls.

Source: https://mycatholic.life/saints/saints-of-the-liturgical-year/may-13—our-lady-of-fatima/ 

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Saints Nereus and Achilleus, Martyrs

Died c. 98; Pre-Congregation canonization

Not long after Jesus’ death and resurrection, Saint Stephen, a deacon of the Church in Jerusalem, became the first Christian martyr. Then came James, the son of Zebedee; James the brother of the Lord; Saints Peter and Paul; and other apostles. Before the turn of the first century, dozens would follow. It is believed that today’s martyrs were among these first witnesses to the faith who shed their blood for Christ.

Very little is known for certain about Saints Nereus and Achilleus. Today theirs are among the 140 statues of saints towering over Saint Peter’s Square, Rome. In 1874, when the Catacomb of Domitilla was discovered and excavated, a fourth-century basilica dedicated to Saints Nereus and Achilleus was found. In that basilica was discovered a well-preserved pillar with the name Achilleus on it, images depicting the men’s decapitation, and the above inscription from Pope Saint Damasus (c. 304–384). In the sixth century, the relics of these saints were moved to another Roman church built in their honor in which they lie today.

Though details are uncertain, Saints Nereus and Achilleus might have been soldiers in the army of the Roman Emperor Domitian. They might have been brothers who were eunuchs responsible for the protection of Emperor Domitian’s niece, Domitilla. Domitilla and Clemens, to whom she was betrothed, were arrested by the emperor for “sacrilege or godlessness,” because they rejected the Roman gods and converted to Christianity. Clemens was put to death and Domitilla was exiled. Her guards, Nereus and Achilleus, also converted and fled their post, and might have even been responsible for converting Domitilla and Clemens. The brothers were arrested and sent into exile. Emperor Domitian died in 96 and was succeeded briefly by Emperor Nerva and then by Emperor Trajan in 98, who is believed to have ordered the beheading of the brothers while they were in exile. Their bodies were later buried in the family catacomb of Domitilla, one of the earliest Christian cemeteries in existence. One tradition states that Saint Peter himself baptized the brothers in Rome. 

On May 12, 592, Pope Saint Gregory the Great celebrated Mass at the tomb of these martyrs and said in his sermon, “These saints before whose tomb we are assembled, despised the world and trampled it under their feet, when peace, plenty, riches, and health gave it charms. And this world, which was still so flourishing in itself, was already withered in their hearts.”

Regardless of the lack of certainty regarding the historical details of the lives of these saints, it is certain that they were greatly honored in the early Church. Their witness inspired Christians of their time and for centuries to follow. They are among the earliest witnesses to Christ; and, with the blood they shed, undoubtedly planted the seeds of faith in the hearts of many. Today, their influence is hard to estimate; but in Heaven, the veil will be lifted, and we will be in awe of the effect that their sacrifice had not only on the early Church but also on the Church throughout the ages.

As we ponder these great saints today, reflect upon the important fact that the seeds you plant in the hearts of others is not only for them, it is also for everyone that they will touch with God’s grace. The seeds we plant do grow, and though we might not always be able to point to the fruit that is borne, we can be certain that God will reveal this to us with great joy in the glories of Heaven.

Source: https://mycatholic.life/saints/saints-of-the-liturgical-year/may-12—saints-nereus-and-achilleus-martyrs/

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Saint John of Ávila, Priest and Doctor of the Church

1499–1569; Patron Saint of Spanish priests; Canonized by Pope Paul VI on May 31, 1970; Proclaimed a Doctor of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI on October 7, 2012

Though today’s saint bears the name of Ávila, that was simply his name, not where he was from. John of Ávila was born in the town of Almodóvar del Campo, Spain, less than a decade after Spain was liberated from almost 800 years of Muslim rule. He was an only child born later in life to his parents who had struggled to conceive. His noble, wealthy, and devout parents attributed John’s birth to the intercession of Saint Bridget of Sweden. Notably, John was born on the Feast of the Epiphany.

At the age of fourteen, John was sent to study law at the renowned University of Salamanca, but he never completed his law degree. After four years of study, John had a profound conversion experience, after which he returned to his parents’ home for a three-year period of prayer and discernment. During that time, John began to hear God calling him to the priesthood. He sought spiritual advice from a Franciscan friar who told John that he believed him to be called to the priesthood and that he must go. That spiritual advice confirmed John’s interior calling, and in 1520 he began his theological studies. While in seminary, John was blessed with excellent teachers who were well versed in the theology of Saint Thomas Aquinas. John was smart, a good student, and very devout, especially regarding the Holy Eucharist. When John returned home in 1526, he was ordained a priest and celebrated his first Mass in his home parish.

Toward the end of his studies, both of John’s parents died. Being an only child of wealthy parents, John received a large inheritance. Though he could have used some of that money to throw a large ordination party for himself, he chose to do something more radical. He went out into the streets, found twelve poor people, and invited them to share a feast with him. He then sold the property he inherited and gave his money to the poor.

With his parents and childhood home gone, Father John decided to become a missionary to the West Indies. To achieve that goal, he contacted the newly appointed first bishop of Mexico who was waiting to sail to the New World. After receiving permission to travel with him, Father John went to Seville to wait for a ship. While waiting, he began to engage in public ministry in Seville, quickly drawing admiration for his devout celebration of the Mass, his preaching, and his catechetical approach. A local priest named Father Contreras, with whom he might have been living, became very impressed with Father John. Father Contreras spoke to the Archbishop of Seville, asking him to intervene and convince Father John to stay in the archdiocese. The archbishop did intervene and convinced Father John to abandon his desire to travel to the New World so he could remain in Spain to help revive the faith that had been so severely damaged by centuries of Muslim rule, as well as the confusion that was emerging from the Protestant Reformation.

In 1529, at the age of thirty, just three years a priest, Father John of Ávila began his ministry in the town of Andalusia. He would later be known affectionately as “the apostle of Andalusia.” He continued his studies at the local university and eventually earned the impressive title of “Master.” Father “Master” Ávila’s priestly ministry was abundantly fruitful in Andalusia. He often preached on repentance and on the value of the Sacrament of Confession, preparing for his sermons and celebration of Mass with long periods of prayer. After his sermons to an overflowing congregation, he would often enter the confessional and remain there for hours until everyone who wanted to confess their sins was able to do so.

Father John’s preaching not only bore good fruit, it also stirred up animosity. Father John lived a life of radical poverty and regularly preached about the dangers of excessive wealth. Some of the local clergy were convicted by his preaching because of their lavish lifestyles, so Father John was reported to the Inquisition, subsequently arrested, and imprisoned. The charge was that he had preached in a sermon that “the doors of Heaven are closed to the rich…” Though many would despair during such a personal persecution, Father John did not. During his yearlong imprisonment he devoted himself to prayer, study, and writing. He translated the book, Imitation of Christ, and wrote much of his most famous book Audi, filia (Listen, O Daughter)a spiritual masterpiece on Christian perfection and the universal call to holiness, written at the request of a Spanish nun, a spiritual directee of Father John. After a year, the Inquisition found him not guilty of any crime, and he was released in 1533. For the next eighteen years, Father John engaged in active ministry in Andalusia and the surrounding towns where he gained quite a following. In 1551 he began to experience ill health and lived a semi-retired life until his death in 1569.

Throughout his ministry, Father John became a saint among other saints, offering spiritual direction and counsel to many. He became a mentor to Saint Ignatius of Loyola and inspired many young men to join Ignatius’ newly founded Society of Jesus. He advised the great Saint Teresa of Ávila, who sought his counsel on her writings. Saint John of God was converted by John of Ávila’s preaching and then founded the Brothers Hospitallers, a religious congregation devoted to the poor, sick, and mentally ill. He counseled Saint Francis Borgia, the third General Superior of the Jesuits, the Franciscan friar Saint Peter of Alcántara, the bishop Saint Thomas of Villanova, as well as other bishops, religious, civil rulers, and numerous spiritual directees. Not only did he leave behind a legacy by affecting so many people during his lifetime, he also left behind his spiritual classic Audi, filia, eighty-two sermons, Scripture commentaries, 257 letters, and various other minor works on reform in the Church in the spirit of the great Council of Trent in which he participated.

Though he lived in the sixteenth century, Saint John of Ávila was not canonized until 1970 and was made a Doctor of the Church in 2012. Why did it take so long? Perhaps one reason is that the Church of the twenty-first century needs to revisit John’s preaching. We need to return to his teachings on simplicity, poverty, the universal call to holiness, his vigorous attempts to reform the clergy, his devotion to the holy Mass, and his passionate pleas for repentance from sin. 

As we honor this sixteenth-century saint, look to him also as a role model for the Church. He began with a desire to be a foreign missionary but found his homeland to be the mission field to which he was called. Ponder your own call to evangelize those closest to you. Doing great things for God often starts at home. Commit yourself to that mission field, and pray that God will bear much good fruit through your efforts. If you suffer as a result, be encouraged by Saint John’s imprisonment and know that God can bring forth good from everything you are called to endure.

Source: https://mycatholic.life/saints/saints-of-the-liturgical-year/saint-john-of-avila/

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Saint Damien de Veuster of Molokai, Priest

1840–1889 Patron Saint of outcasts and those suffering from leprosy; Canonized by Pope Benedict XVI on October 11, 2009

Jozef De Veuster was the youngest of seven children born into a poor farming family in central Belgium. Jozef went to school until the age of thirteen, at which time he had to assist his father on the family farm. A few years later, after his older brother entered religious life, Jozef’s father sent Jozef to college to prepare him to take over the family business. At school, during a mission, he heard God calling him to religious life. At the age of twenty, Jozef followed in his brother’s footsteps and entered the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Jozef later took the name Damien after a fourth-century saint who was a physician and martyr. His brother Auguste took the name Pamphile. Two of their sisters also entered religious life.

During his formation, Brother Damien had to work diligently on his studies to catch up to the other students. His older brother tutored him, satisfying the superiors who then permitted him to the priesthood. During those first few years in formation, Brother Damien often prayed before an image of Saint Francis Xavier, seeking his intercession for the grace of being sent on a foreign mission.

In 1863, Brother Damien’s brother, Father Pamphile, received word from his superiors that he was being sent to Hawaii as a missionary. Before Pamphile could leave, he became seriously ill. Brother Damien stepped in and asked for permission to go to Hawaii in his brother’s place. The superiors agreed, and Brother Damien arrived in Honolulu on March 19, 1864, after six months on a ship. Two months later, he was ordained a priest.

At that time in the Kingdom of Hawaii, a serious health crisis was taking place. During the previous century, European explorers and traders brought with them various diseases, such as influenza, smallpox, syphilis, cholera, and whooping cough. It is believed that in the 1830’s, Chinese ships brought the dreaded disease of leprosy to the islands. In response to this growing crisis, on January 1, 1865, the Hawaiian government passed legislation to stop the spread of leprosy. The legislation forced those who contracted leprosy to be sent to a settlement on a remote part of the island of Molokai where they were to live and ultimately die. This law tore families apart and devastated those who became infected. Over the next decade, many who were sent to Molokai fell victim to alcohol abuse and immoral conduct. There was scarcely enough food for them all, and morale was quite low.

In 1873, after being a priest for nine years, Father Damien volunteered to go to the leper colony to meet the spiritual needs of this community of outcasts. Shortly after his arrival, Father Damien sent a letter to the Hawaiian Board of Health, describing the state of the approximately 700 lepers. He wrote that “these wretches, banished from society, live together, without any distinction being made regarding age or gender, and without anyone being classified according to whether their illness is advanced or in its early stages, and all of them, more or less, unknown to each other. They pass all their time playing cards, drinking some kind of rice beer and giving themselves over to various excesses.” His superiors had ordered him not to touch the lepers, not to be touched by them, and not to eat with them. But Father Damien could not obey that command, knowing that Jesus freely touched the lepers. In a letter to his brother, Father Damien said, “As for me, I make myself a leper with the lepers to gain all for Christ. Because of this, when I preach I normally say, ‘We lepers.’”

Over the next fifteen years, Father Damien worked tirelessly as a true father, doctor, construction worker, farmer, gravedigger, and priest. Throughout his ministry to the lepers, he personally dug more than 1,000 graves and built as many coffins for the people he buried, giving them a dignified funeral. For the living, he built hundreds of homes, chapels, roads, hospitals, and even a fresh water system. He taught catechism, celebrated the sacraments, and converted many souls. He regularly visited every person under his care—Catholic, Protestant, and atheist alike. In 1885, he wrote, “During the week I visit my numerous sick and busy myself with orphans, who are all lepers. At times it can be quite unpleasant to be always surrounded by these unfortunate children, but I find consolation in it. They learn their catechism well, and are present daily at morning Mass and the evening rosary.” Father Damien transformed that wretched community into a community of believers, giving them the hope of the Gospel and the dignity they deserved.

It soon became clear that Father Damien’s ministry was not only to those on the island. Many in Europe began to hear about and were inspired by his ministry. Letters he had written home were published in newspapers and as his fame grew, donations poured in to assist with the work. Though many held him up as a modern hero, others criticized him as reckless for touching the lepers and allowing himself to be touched. Even some within the Hawaiian government were critical, given his constant pleas for assistance for his lepers.

After eleven years of ministering to the lepers, Father Damien contracted leprosy himself. He suffered with the disease for five more years, dying during Holy Week in his sixteenth year of ministry on the island. On his deathbed, he announced to his companions that the Lord was calling him to celebrate Easter that year in Heaven. He died with a heart filled with joy.

Throughout history, the Church has always honored martyrs. Those who willingly endured suffering and death rather than renounce their faith give us a powerful witness. Father Damien, though not a martyr by blood, was a martyr of charity. His love for the rejects of society led him to lay his life down for them all, holding nothing back. The result of his heroic sacrifice was the transformation of a disordered society of outcasts into a community of faith and hope.

Ponder your own calling to reach out to those who experience isolation within your community. The poor, sick, mentally ill, and sinner are all in need of God’s mercy. Be open to any way that God may want to use you as an instrument of His limitless charity by pledging to be a martyr of charity yourself.

Source: https://mycatholic.life/saints/saints-of-the-liturgical-year/may-10—saint-damien-de-veuster-of-molokai-priest—usa-optional-memorial/

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Saint Gregory of Ostia


Gregory was a Benedictine monk, priest, and an abbot of the monastery of Saints Cosma e Damiano ad Micam auream, Rome, Italy. He was chosen as Cardinal–Bishop of Ostia, Italy and Vatican librarian c.1034 by Pope Benedict IX. He was a Papal legate to the kingdoms of Spanish Navarre and Old Castile. He was reported a miracle worker, especially concerned with saving crops from pests. He is venerated throughout Navarre and Rioja.


  • 9 May 1048 at Logroño, Spain of natural causes


  • protection of crops

Source: https://catholicsaints.info/saint-gregory-of-ostia/

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Pope Saint Boniface IV


Boniface was the son of a physician named John. He was a student under Saint Gregory the Great. He was a Benedictine monk at the Saint Sebastian Abbey in Rome, Italy. He served as deacon under Saint Gregory the Great; He was a dispenser of alms and patrimonies. He was chosen as the 67th Pope in 608.

Boniface converted the Roman temple of the old gods, the Pantheon, to a Christian church dedicated to Our Lady and all the Martyrs in 609, the first such conversion of a temple from pagan to Christian use in Rome. He supported the expansion of the faith into England, and met with the first bishop of London. He encouraged reforms among the clergy, and balanced it with improvements in their living and working conditions. He corresponded with Saint Columba. He worked to alleviate the sufferings in Rome due to famine and the disease that follows it. Late in life, he converted his own house into a monastery and lived there, dividing his time between his papal work and life as a prayerful monk.


  • c.550 at Valeria, Abruzzi, Italy

Papal Ascension

  • 25 August 608


  • 615 at Rome, Italy of natural causes
  • relics moved c.1100
  • relics moved in the late 13th century by order of Pope Boniface VIII
  • relics re-interred in Saint Peter’s Basilica, Rome, Italy on 21 October 1603


  • Pre-Congregation

Source: https://catholicsaints.info/pope-saint-boniface-iv/

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Saint Rose Venerini


Rose was the daughter of Godfrey Venerini, physician in Viterbo, Italy. Following the death of her fiance, she entered a convent; following the death of her father, she returned home to care for her mother.

Rose invited neighbourhood women to pray the rosary in her home, and formed a sort of sodality. As these friends had little religious education, she began to teach them. Jesuit Father Ignatius Martinelli, her spiritual director, convinced her that she was called to be a teacher instead of a contemplative nun.

With two friends, Rose opened a free pre-school for girls in 1685, which was well received. In 1692, Cardinal Barbarigo asked her to oversee training of teachers and the administration of schools in his diocese of Montefiascone, Italy. She organized schools in many parts of Italy, including Rome, and by the time of her death there were 40 schools under her direction. She was a friend and co-worker of Saint Lucia Filippini.

Rose often met opposition, some fierce, and some actually violent – her teachers were shot at with bows, and their houses burned. She was never deterred, teaching, and finding people who were willing to face the danger in order to do good. The sodality, or group of women she had invited to prayer, were ultimately given the rank of a religious congregation. Today, the so-called Venerini Sisters work with Italian immigrants in the United States and elsewhere.


  • 9 February 1656 at Viterbo, Italy


  • 7 May 1728 at Rome, Italy of natural causes


  • 15 October 2006 by Pope Benedict XVI

Source: http://catholicsaints.mobi/calendar/7-may.htm

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Saint Francis de Montmorency Laval


Francis was the third son of Hughes de Laval, an aristocrat soldier, and Michelle de Péricard. His was an old, distinguished and religious family, and Francis early felt a call to the priesthood. He was educated by Jesuits at La Fleche from ages eight to fourteen. His father died when he was thirteen, and as clerical positions were often as much politics as religion, Francis was made a parish canon so that his salary could help support the family.

Francis studied for the priesthood at the Jesuit Clermont College in Paris, France at age nineteen, but withdrew for a while in 1645 when his two older brothers died and he was forced to manage the family estates. He was ordained on 1 May 1647. He became the archdeacon of Evreux and a member of the Paris Foreign Mission Society at age thirty. He was a Vicar apostolic of Tongkin, Indochina (modern Vietnam) in 1653, but family obligations and the turmoil of the region prevented him moving there. He resigned his position in 1654 to spend four years in a hermitage in Caen. He was also a titular bishop of Petraea.

Francis was appointed vicar apostolic of New France (modern Canada) by Pope Alexander VII in 1658. He was consecrated as bishop on 8 December 1658. He arrived in Quebec City, population 500, to take up his new duties on 16 June 1659. His territory covered all of Canada and the central section of what would become the United States. It was an enormous frontier diocese in need of administration, stability, and evangelization, and Francis approached it as spiritual work. He promoted missionary work, and supported missionaries from the Jesuits and Recollect Franciscans.

Francis restored the shrine of Saint Anne de Beaupré, and built the cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. He founded the seminary of Quebec in 1663, and started the Catholic school system throughout Canada. Quebec was established as a diocese in 1674, and Laval consecrated its first bishop. He fought the alcohol trade to the Indian tribes, had it outlawed within his territory, and excommunicated those who dealt in it. His work slowed the trade and improved the lives of the natives, but made him many enemies within the liquor trade.

In 1684, Francis went into retirement, becoming a hermit at the seminary in Quebec, hoping to live out his life in prayer. However, disastrous fires in November 1701 and October 1705 brought him out of retirement to oversee needed re-construction, he was ever involved in charitable work for the poor, and available to consult with his successor. Laval University in Quebec is named for him.


  • 30 April 1623 in Montigny-sur-Avre, Normandy, France


  • 6 May 1708 in Quebec, Canada of natural causes


  • 3 April 2014 by Pope Francis (equipollent canonization)


  • patrons of the bishops of Canada

Source: http://catholicsaints.mobi/calendar/6-may.htm

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Conversion of Saint Augustine of Hippo


Augustine was the son of a pagan father who converted on his death bed, and of Saint Monica, a devout Christian. He was raised as a Christian, he lost his faith in youth and led a wild life. He lived with a Carthaginian woman from the age of 15 through 30. He fathered a son whom he named Adeotadus, which means the gift of God. He taught rhetoric at Carthage and Milan, Italy. After investigating and experimenting with several philosophies, he became a Manichaean for several years; it taught of a great struggle between good and evil, and featured a lax moral code. A summation of his thinking at the time comes from his Confessions: “God, give me chastity and continence – but not just now.”

Augustine finally broke with the Manichaeans and was converted by the prayers of his mother and the help of Saint Ambrose of Milan, who baptized him. On the death of his mother he returned to Africa, sold his property, gave the proceeds to the poor, and founded a monastery. He was a monk, priest, preacher, and a Bishop of Hippo in 396. He founded religious communities. He fought Manichaeism, Donatism, Pelagianism, and other heresies. He oversaw his church and his see during the fall of the Roman Empire to the Vandals. He is a Doctor of the Church. His later thinking can also be summed up in a line from his writings: Our hearts were made for You, O Lord, and they are restless until they rest in you.


  • 13 November 354 at Tagaste, Numidia, North Africa (Souk-Ahras, Algeria) as Aurelius Augustinus


  • 28 August 430 at Hippo, North Africa


  • against sore eyes
  • against vermin
  • brewers
  • printers
  • theologians
  • 7 dioceses
  • 7 cities


  • child
  • dove
  • eagle
  • pen
  • shell
  • flaming heart, an allusion to a passage in his Confessions

Source: http://catholicsaints.mobi/calendar/5-may.htm

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Saint John Houghton


John graduated from Cambridge with degrees in civil and canon law. He ordained in 1501 and served as a parish priest for four years. John was a Carthusian monk, doing his noviate in the London Charterhouse, and making his final vows in 1516. He was a prior of the Beauvale Carthusian Charterhouse in Northampton, England and of the London Charterhouse.

In 1534, John was the first person to oppose King Henry VIII’s Act of Supremacy. He was imprisoned with Blessed Humphrey Middlemore. When the oath was modified to include the phrase “in so far as the law of God permits”, John felt he could be loyal to Church and Crown; he and several of his monks signed the oath, though with misgivings. Father John was released, and a few days later, troops arrived at the chapter house and forced the remaining monks to sign the modified oath.

On 1 February 1535, Parliament required that the original, unmodified oath be signed by all. Following three days of prayer, Father John, with Saint Robert Lawrence and Saint Augustine Webster, contacted Thomas Cromwell to seek an exemption for themselves and their monks. The group was immediately arrested and thrown in the Tower of London. True to his Carthusian vow of silence, John would not defend himself in court, but refused to cooperate or sign anything. The jury could find no malice to the king, but when threatened with prosecution themselves, they found John and his co-defendants guilty of treason.

John Houghton became the first person martyred under the Tudor persecutions, dying with Blessed John Haile and three others. One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales.


  • 1487 at Essex, England


  • hanged, drawn, and quartered on 4 May 1535 at Tyburn, London, England
  • body was chopped to pieces and put on display around London as an example to others


  • 25 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI


  • Carthusian monk carrying a noose
  • Carthusian with a rope around his neck and holding his heart in his hand

Source: http://catholicsaints.mobi/calendar/4-may.htm

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