Author name: Sani Militante

Saint Wenceslaus, Martyr

c. 907–929; Patron Saint of brewers, Czech Republic, Bohemia, and Slovakia; Pre-Congregation canonization

In the early ninth century, Germanic priests and missionaries began arriving in Great Moravia. These German-speaking priests celebrated the Liturgy exclusively in Latin and struggled to communicate the faith to the Slavic people in their native language. Consequently, Prince Rastislav of Moravia asked the Holy Roman Emperor to send Slavic missionaries. In response, two brothers raised by a Slavic mother, Saints Cyril and Methodius, were sent. To evangelize the Slavs, they created an alphabet for the previously unwritten Slavic language and translated the Latin Scriptures and liturgical texts into written Slavic. Among their converts were Duke Bořivoj I and his wife, Duchess Ludmila. Bořivoj and Ludmila were from neighboring Bohemia. After their baptism in Great Moravia, the couple introduced the Catholic faith to Bohemia. Upon Duke Bořivoj’s death, his son Vratislaus I assumed the role of Duke of Bohemia. Although Vratislaus was Catholic, his wife, Princess Drahomíra, was a pagan from a Slavic tribe. The couple bore at least two children: Wenceslaus and Boleslaus.

Wenceslaus, the saint we honor today, was born in Bohemia, present-day western Czech Republic, during a transitional period. Christian conversions caused tensions with those clinging to traditional pagan and Slavic practices. This division was palpable even within the duke’s household. Duchess Drahomíra, Wenceslaus’ mother, staunchly opposed Christianity, in contrast to her Christian mother-in-law, husband, and sons. Of them all, Ludmila was exceptionally devout and ensured that both her son and grandson, Wenceslaus, were nurtured in the Catholic faith.

Upon Duke Vratislaus’ death, thirteen-year-old Wenceslaus became duke. Given his youth, he needed guidance until he was old enough to govern on his own. His pious grandmother, Ludmila, eagerly undertook this role, persistently encouraging her grandson to bolster the Catholic faith, much to Drahomíra’s chagrin. According to one legend, within a few years of Wenceslaus’ ascension, Drahomíra clandestinely orchestrated the assassination of her mother-in-law, Ludmila, to curtail her influence over Wenceslaus’ religious beliefs. Ludmila was reportedly strangled with a scarf at Tetín Castle. Shortly thereafter, she was canonized, by popular demand of the people.

With Ludmila eliminated, Drahomíra initiated a persecution of the Catholic faith. Catholics were ousted from public positions, churches were shut, and Catholic teachings prohibited. However, this oppression was short-lived. As Wenceslaus matured, Catholic nobles pressed him to exert control and counter his mother’s directives. Heartbroken by his mother’s actions towards his grandmother, Wenceslaus still accorded her respect, but he began to dismantle her anti-Catholic mandates, ultimately banishing her.

Duke Wenceslaus was a profoundly devout Catholic. He yearned for the entirety of Bohemia to embrace Christianity and sought to fulfill this mission by fervent prayers. Diligent in his daily duties, he would frequently devote entire nights to prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. He practiced regular penances, beautified the church, and took joy in preparing bread for the Mass, which he attended daily.

Early Bohemian biographers note an episode in which a neighboring prince aimed to annex Bohemia to obliterate the Catholic faith. Passionate about defending the faith, Wenceslaus led his army to confront the prince. As they clashed, Wenceslaus proposed a duel, with the victor ruling Bohemia. The prince consented, but as they charged, Wenceslaus was shielded by two enormous angels, sending fear into the prince and prompting him to immediately repent.

Throughout his rule, Wenceslaus invited numerous Germanic priests into Bohemia. Although Saints Cyril and Methodius had introduced the liturgy in Slavic, Wenceslaus favored Latin, encouraging its revival and widespread adoption. This preference impacted Bohemia’s liturgical customs, with the Latin rite prevailing over the Eastern rites of the Byzantine Empire.

Wenceslaus’ reign was tragically short. In his twenties, his mother, who preferred power to maternal affection, orchestrated his assassination, designating her younger son as the executioner. Boleslaus invited Wenceslaus to a meal and then slew his own brother. Wenceslaus’ last words are recorded as, “May God forgive you, brother.” Shortly after, Wenceslaus was venerated as a martyr and saint, inspiring biographies and becoming a beacon of virtue for future monarchs. Though Wenceslaus died as a duke, Holy Roman Emperor Otto I posthumously crowned him king, earning him the title “Good King Wenceslas.” Moved by the admiration for Wenceslaus and the miracles attributed to his intercession, his assassin-brother Boleslaus the Cruel sought penance. No records indicate Drahomíra’s remorse.

Saint Wenceslaus epitomizes the supremacy of divine love over earthly allurements. His life, marked by devout prayer, resolute leadership, and boundless compassion—even towards adversaries—attests to the primacy of God’s love over the worldly pursuits of power, prestige, or wealth. He serves as an exemplary figure for both leaders and followers. Allow him to inspire you today so that you will make the Gospel the central focus of your life.


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Luke 9:44-45

A Well-Ordered Soul

“Pay attention to what I am telling you. The Son of Man is to be handed over to men.” But they did not understand this saying; its meaning was hidden from them so that they should not understand it, and they were afraid to ask him about this saying.


This is the second time that Jesus predicts His coming passion to His Apostles. After telling them that He will be handed over, the Gospel relates that “they did not understand this saying.” It also states that “they were afraid to ask him about this saying.” Why did they not understand, and why were they afraid to ask Jesus about His coming passion?

The Apostles were deeply attached to our Lord, both on a spiritual level and also through their affections. And this is good. But sometimes our affections can cloud our thinking and make it difficult to understand the deeper spiritual realities in life. Though our affections are natural, they must always be directed by the will of God. For example, if we were to try to understand Jesus’ affections, we’d have to conclude that He both spiritually and affectionately desired to lay down His life for the salvation of souls in accord with the will of the Father. He not only chose this with His will, but He also desired it in His affections, because His affections were perfectly ordered.

The Apostles, however, were unable to understand that Jesus had to lay down His life, be rejected, suffer and die, in part because they were very attached to Jesus in an emotional and affectionate way. So in this instance, their human love and attachment to Jesus hindered their ability to understand the greater spiritual good of Jesus laying down His life.

Consider, also, our Blessed Mother. How would she have reacted to Jesus saying that He had to be handed over, be rejected, suffer and die? Though this would have grieved her with a holy sorrow, the perfection of her human nature would have led her to not only understand and accept this deep spiritual truth, but she would have also desired this to happen within her affections because she perfectly desired the fulfillment of the will of the Father. There would have been no conflict within her between the will of the Father and what she desired.

In our own lives, we will often tend to struggle in the same way that the Apostles struggled. When faced with some challenging cross in life, a cross that the Father calls us to embrace freely, we will often find that our affections resist. When this happens, we become confused and even fearful of the future. Thus, the only way to conquer fear is to work to surrender every emotion, every affection and every human attachment over to the will of the Father so that His will is all we desire with every power of our soul.

Reflect, today, upon the interior struggle of these Apostles as they came face-to-face with this the second time Jesus began to prepare them to accept, understand, choose and desire His passion. Consider the interior struggle they went through at that time and even as they saw this unfold. Eventually they understood. Eventually all fear vanished. And eventually they affectionately rejoiced in Jesus’ sacrifice. But it took much time and much surrender. Reflect upon those ways our Lord is inviting you to choose His Cross in your life. Where you see your affections resisting, try to surrender, pray for understanding and seek the courage you need to desire His Cross with all your soul.


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St. Vincent de Paul

c. 1581–1660; Patron Saint of charitable societies and workers, horses, hospitals and hospital workers, lepers, lost articles, prisoners, spiritual help, and volunteers; Canonized by Pope Clement XII on June 16, 1737

 Vincent de Paul was the third of six children born to peasant farmers in the village of Pouy in the Kingdom of France, about 100 miles north of the border with the Kingdom of Spain. As a child, he worked the fields and tended the livestock, but he also showed great intelligence. Although he was quite devout as a child, he was ashamed of his poverty and longed to advance in society. He later shamefully admitted that he was even embarrassed by his father when he was young: “I was ashamed to walk with him and to acknowledge him as my father because he was badly dressed and a little lame.” Vincent’s father, however, was not ashamed of Vincent and saw much promise in him. When Vincent was a young teenager, his father sold an ox so that he could send his son to be formally educated.


Vincent was sent to the seminary in Dax, a town about 100 miles to the west, where he lived with the Franciscan Friars. A few years later, he was sent to the University of Toulouse to study theology and was ordained a priest at the age of nineteen or twenty. (Note: Some historians believe he was born in 1676 rather than 1681, so it’s possible he was ordained at age twenty-four or twenty-five.) Since he might have had to receive a special dispensation for such a young ordination, he remained in Toulouse to complete further studies in theology and canon law. During his time at the university, he paid for his studies by working as a tutor.

In 1604, Father Vincent received an inheritance from a wealthy woman and traveled to Marseilles to sell the property. Marseilles was about 200 miles to the east of Toulouse by foot but could be reached much more quickly by boat. After selling the property, he was invited by a man to accompany him by boat to the port of Narbonne. Traveling by boat was known to be dangerous since many North African Muslim pirates patrolled those waters, looking for men to enslave. Father Vincent decided to sail to Narbonne because the wind was in their favor and the trip should be quick. However, pirates did intercept them, attacked the boat, killed some onboard, and injured everyone else. Father Vincent received an arrow in his shoulder. Once captured, they were taken to the North African port of Tunis, in modern-day Tunisia, where they were humiliated, treated like animals, and sold. Father Vincent reports that over the next two years he was bought and sold multiple times. Finally, he was sold to a master who was a Franciscan priest turned Muslim, having renounced the Catholic faith to win his freedom. Father Vincent won him over, helped him convert back to the faith, and together, they escaped.

Father Vincent’s imprisonment profoundly affected him. One of his motivations for priestly ordination was to escape poverty as a peasant farmer and lead a more comfortable life. Being a slave transformed him. His faith deepened, and his concern for the poor and suffering grew. Perhaps more than the seminary, his captivity molded him into the saint he became.

After returning to France from two years in captivity in 1607, Father Vincent met Monsignor de Berulle (later Cardinal Berulle), and traveled to Rome with him where he continued his studies. Monsignor de Berulle was an influential writer often credited as the founder of what came to be known as the French School of Spirituality, a movement that focused on fostering a deep personal relationship with Christ, apostolic works, deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, abandonment to the will of God, and reliance on the work of the Holy Spirit. This movement would influence many future saints, including Father Vincent.

In 1609, he was sent back to France to help coordinate almsgiving for Queen Marguerite of Valois. Father Vincent served her briefly, but it was a fruitful period during which he realized the good that the wealthy could do for the poor. In France, he also became a pastor and entered the service of the wealthy and generous Gondi family. In 1617, he became their personal chaplain and tutor to their children. While serving them, he gave missions to the rural populations on their properties. The Gondi family also supervised the prisoners who served as rowers in the galleys of France. This connection allowed Father Vincent to start a ministry for these prisoners, who often had dire spiritual needs. He also formed the Confraternities of Charity, an association of laywomen from various social classes who provided physical and spiritual care to the poor and sick.

In 1625, to address the growing needs he observed, Father Vincent founded the Congregation of the Missions, later known as the Vincentians (or Lazarists). The congregation had begun the prior year when five other priests started assisting Father Vincent with his missions on the Gondi property. The group aimed to minister to the rural poor who, due to poorly trained and neglectful clergy, were spiritually deprived and lacked even a basic understanding of the Catholic faith. The new congregation embarked on a mission of catechesis, sacramental celebrations, and spiritual direction for these peasants. They also worked to meet the physical needs of the sick and poor.

Father Vincent and his fellow priests soon realized that a better long-term solution was to improve clergy formation. Therefore, in line with the recent decrees of the Council of Trent, the Congregation of the Missions began managing seminaries and offering ongoing formation to the clergy. By the time of his death, the congregation was running eleven seminaries. Roughly a century later, the Vincentians controlled about one-third of the seminaries in France.

Also in 1625, Father Vincent became the spiritual director of the widow, and later saint, Louise de Marillac. In 1629, Father Vincent invited Louise to work with the Confraternities of Charity. This collaboration proved fruitful. Over time, Father Vincent and Louise realized that many wealthier women in the confraternity struggled to personally care for the poor. They discerned a need for a congregation to take over this work, allowing the ladies of the confraternity to help in other capacities, such as fundraising. In 1633, they co-founded the Daughters of Charity who dedicated themselves to serving the poor in various capacities, including soup kitchens, hospitals, schools, orphanages, job training, and prison outreach.

For the next twenty-seven years, Father Vincent continued to expand the ministries God had inspired. At the time of his death, the Daughters of Charity, Confraternities of Charity, and Congregation of the Mission were all thriving.

Saint Vincent de Paul was a man of exceptional empathy who acted on that empathy, rather than just feeling it. He was an outstanding organizer who inspired many from every social class to follow him. He inspired seminarians, priests, men, women, the rich, poor, powerful, sick, and everyone else within his circle of influence. Just over 150 years later, Saint Vincent’s ministry continued to inspire, leading to Frédéric Ozanam’s founding of what is today known as the Saint Vincent de Paul Society, an international lay organization providing direct relief and compassion to the poor at local levels. This society inspires many, as do the Vincentians and Daughters of Charity.

As we honor this great saint, ponder the ways that you can put your empathetic heart into action. We are all called to care for the sick, poor, and suffering in various ways. We are all responsible to help share the Gospel with those God puts in our lives. Allow Saint Vincent de Paul to inspire you, as he has so many others, and do not hesitate to respond to that inspiration.


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Luke 9:18

The Deepest Human Satisfaction

Once when Jesus was praying in solitude, and the disciples were with him, he asked them, “Who do the crowds say that I am?”


It’s interesting that Jesus was both “praying in solitude” and that “the disciples were with him.” Saint Bede explains this apparent contradiction by stating that “the Son alone is able to penetrate the incomprehensible secrets of the Father’s will.” Therefore, our Lord was always alone with the Father in the sense that only Jesus knew the Father fully and intimately. This is because He is the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, the Eternal Son of the Father.

With that fact clearly understood, it’s also important to understand that as Jesus prayed to the Father within His human nature, something new took place. Though Jesus was eternally with the Father, His human nature was not eternally with the Father. Therefore, as the Eternal Son of God communed with the Eternal Father while living in human flesh, human nature was suddenly elevated to a height that it had never been before. Not only was the Eternal Son living in perfect union with the Father, but now the Eternal Son, fully human, brought His human nature into this oneness.

Though this may seem a bit philosophical to some, it points to a very important reality that affects us all. Through our Lord’s human prayer to the Father, we are all invited to join with Jesus and share in this divine oneness. The Son of God, as a human being, made it possible for us as humans to share in the elevation of our very lives to oneness with God the Father. And though the Son of God will always retain a unique union with the Father, we are, nonetheless, by participation, invited to share in their life.

So why is this important? One reason is that there is no greater human fulfillment we could ever achieve than to share in the prayer of the Son to the Father. Throughout our lives, we are constantly looking for fulfillment in one form or another. We want to be happy. We want enjoyment in life. We have a natural desire for happiness that we are constantly seeking to fulfill. What’s important to understand is that the greatest happiness comes by sharing in the deep human prayer of the Son to the Father. Prayer, true prayer, is the answer to our deepest desire.

Reflect, today, upon whether or not you regularly engage in deep prayer. Can you point to times when you, like our Lord, were alone with God, communing with Him in the depths of your human soul, being drawn to Him through prayer? There are many levels of prayer, as is attested to by many saints. Make the choice to deepen your prayer. Go before our Lord today and pour out your heart to Him, asking Him to draw you into the holy solitude of His prayer to the Father. Doing so will bring forth in you the deepest human satisfaction possible in life. 


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Saints Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs

c. Late Third Century–c. 287 or 303; Patron Saints of apothecaries, barbers, blind people, chemical industry, druggists, midwives, physicians, pharmacists, surgeons Invoked against blindness, kidney stones, hernias, and pestilence; Pre-Congregation canonizations

Today, the Church honors Saints Cosmas and Damian—twin brothers, physicians, and martyrs who have been widely venerated in the East and West since the time of their deaths. Little is known for certain about these saints. What we do know is that they were martyrs, most likely under Roman Emperor Diocletian. What has come down to us by way of legend, however, offers an inspiring witness of faith and courage from the early Church.

Cosmas and Damian might have been born in Cyrrhus, modern-day Syria, and later moved to the Gulf of Iskenderun in Cilicia, modern-day Turkey, in the mid- to late-third century. They were twins, sons of a Christian mother and possibly a Christian father, who raised them in the faith. They were educated in the science of healing and became physicians.

At that time, physicians were often paid based on their reputations. Those who were highly skilled and successful often catered to the wealthy, receiving regular salaries from them. Others charged for services on a case-by-case basis. Because Cosmas and Damian were Christians, legend holds that they decided to evangelize the largely pagan community in which they lived by doing something extraordinary. They offered their healing services for free! This charitable work earned them the title “Anargyroi,” meaning “without silver.” Their counter-cultural practice caught the attention of their fellow citizens and drew many to the faith. Legends hold that they were excellent physicians who healed many, perhaps more through their prayers than by their science. One legend states that they were the first to transplant a leg to an amputee, which is often depicted in art.

In 284, Diocletian became the Roman emperor and embarked on many reforms within the empire. In 303, he began to issue a series of edicts that led to an empire-wide persecution and death of many Christians. Prior to that, persecutions were more localized and random. Around the year 287 or 303 (records are conflicting), the Roman Prefect Lysias of Cilicia arrested the twins Cosmas and Damian. Christians of prominence were often the first to be targeted.

As was the custom, the brothers were given the opportunity to publicly renounce their faith and honor the Roman gods to save their lives. They refused and were sentenced to death. Various legends surrounding their deaths state that they were first tortured in an attempt to get them to comply with the prefect’s wishes. However, they were miraculously preserved from suffering, sustaining no injuries. Multiple attempts were then made to kill them by drowning, fire, arrows, and stoning, but each attempt failed. Finally, Cosmas and Damian, along with three of their brothers, were beheaded. 

It is believed that Cosmas and Damian were buried in the city of Cyrrhus, their possible birthplace. From that time on, they have been widely venerated. Many miraculous healings have been attributed to their intercession. Within a century of their martyrdom, churches were built in their honor in Jerusalem, Egypt, and Mesopotamia.

In the sixth century, Roman Emperor Justinian I honored these saints by restoring the city of their burial. Shortly after, the emperor received a miraculous cure through their intercession. In gratitude, he brought their relics to Constantinople where he built a Church in their honor that became a popular pilgrimage site. In that church, a custom began where the faithful would remain all night at their tomb in prayer, seeking miraculous cures to their ailments. Many miracles have been reported over the centuries.

Also in the sixth century, Pope Symmachus inserted the names of Cosmas and Damian into the Roman Canon (Eucharistic Prayer I) and Pope Felix IV repurposed a fourth-century pagan temple in Rome, within the Forum of Peace, renaming it the Basilica Santi Cosma e Damiano. Though it has gone through many renovations, the fifth-century mosaics depicting their story are among the most revered pieces of sacred art in Rome.

Though we will never know the exact historical details of the lives and martyrdoms of Saints Cosmas and Damian until we reach the glories of Heaven, the virtues they enshrine should be a source of inspiration and encouragement. Their work of evangelization through free and selfless service in the name of Christ is worthy of imitation. Their heroic martyrdom presents us with the virtues of courage and fidelity to Christ. Their miraculous intercession for those who have been ill should invite us to rely upon their intercession for the sick today.


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Luke 9:7-8

Courage to Change

Herod the tetrarch heard about all that was happening, and he was greatly perplexed because some were saying, “John has been raised from the dead”; others were saying, “Elijah has appeared”; still others, “One of the ancient prophets has arisen.”


Herod the tetrarch, also known as Herod Antipas, ruled the Jews of Galilee for some forty-two years. He began his reign in 2 BC and continued to reign until he was exiled by the Roman Emperor in 37 AD. During his reign, he spent much time in Tiberias, one of the main cities on the western edge of the Sea of Galilee. Most of Jesus’ ministry took place within the region of Herod’s domain, all of Galilee, so Herod was very aware of the many stories about Jesus.

Today’s Gospel concludes by saying that Herod kept trying to see Jesus. Of course, Herod, just like anyone living in that region, could have traveled to where Jesus was preaching so as to listen to Him at any time. But he didn’t do that. Instead, he continued to receive reports about Jesus and remained curious about Him, trying to find a way to figure out Who Jesus was.

Try to imagine what would have happened if Herod would have traveled to where Jesus was preaching so as to listen to Him with an open heart. If he would have done that, and truly listened, Herod would have received one of the greatest gifts imaginable. He would have received the gift of faith and conversion and would have begun down the road toward eternal salvation. But Herod was living an immoral life. He was known to be a cruel leader and also an unrepentant adulterer. He loved his power and was quite jealous of it. Herod most likely knew, at least in the back of his mind, that if he were to listen to Jesus, he would have to change. And he most likely didn’t want to change.

This presents us all with a powerful lesson. Each one of us can easily dismiss various communications and invitations from our Lord, because, deep down, we do not want to change. God is speaking to us all day long, every day of our lives. He is constantly offering us His message of the full Gospel. And though you may be open to much of what God says, there are most likely parts of His divine message that you either knowingly or unknowingly do not listen to. The key to being able to hear everything that God wants to speak to you is to be disposed to completely change in any and every way that God wants you to change.

Reflect, today, upon Herod. First, reflect upon his curiosity about Jesus. This is a good quality, in that it’s much better than being indifferent. From there, think also about the fact that Herod never went to Jesus to listen to Him. His first meeting with Jesus was on the night of His arrest, when he interrogated our Lord and made fun of Him. As you consider Herod’s obstinacy, use it as an examination of your own life. Where you see any small reflection of obstinacy, fear of change or a closed heart, seek to remedy that by turning to our Lord telling Him you are open to all He wishes to say and that you are ready and willing to change in any way He calls you to do so. Do not fear the change our Lord wants of you. Embracing that change will land you on the quick and narrow road toward true holiness of life.


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Saint Cleopas


  • one of the two disciples of the Way to Emmaus
  • martyr


  • Pre-Congregation


Now that very day two of them were going to a village seven miles from Jerusalem called Emmaus, and they were conversing about all the things that had occurred. And it happened that while they were conversing and debating, Jesus himself drew near and walked with them, but their eyes were prevented from recognizing him.

He asked them, “What are you discussing as you walk along?”

They stopped, looking downcast. One of them, named Cleopas, said to him in reply, “Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who does not know of the things that have taken place there in these days?”

And he replied to them, “What sort of things?”

They said to him, “The things that happened to Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people, how our chief priests and rulers both handed him over to a sentence of death and crucified him. But we were hoping that he would be the one to redeem Israel; and besides all this, it is now the third day since this took place. Some women from our group, however, have astounded us: they were at the tomb early in the morning and did not find his body; they came back and reported that they had indeed seen a vision of angels who announced that he was alive. Then some of those with us went to the tomb and found things just as the women had described, but him they did not see.”

And he said to them, “Oh, how foolish you are! How slow of heart to believe all that the prophets spoke! Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them what referred to him in all the scriptures.

As they approached the village to which they were going, he gave the impression that he was going on farther. But they urged him, “Stay with us, for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over.” So he went in to stay with them. And it happened that, while he was with them at table, he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them. With that their eyes were opened and they recognized him, but he vanished from their sight.

Then they said to each other, “Were not our hearts burning [within us] while he spoke to us on the way and opened the scriptures to us?” So they set out at once and returned to Jerusalem where they found gathered together the eleven and those with them who were saying, “The Lord has truly been raised and has appeared to Simon!” Then the two recounted what had taken place on the way and how he was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.

– Luke 24:13-35


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Luke 9:1-2

Authority Over demons

Jesus summoned the Twelve and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick.


This is the first time that Jesus sends His Apostles out on a mission. On this mission, He is preparing them for their ultimate mission, which will come at the time of Pentecost, after Jesus dies, rises and ascends to Heaven. But for now, Jesus commissions these Apostles to do three things: to cast out demons, heal the sick and proclaim the Kingdom of God.

Just like the Apostles, we are called to combat the devil and his demons. They are fallen angels who retain their natural powers, and they use those natural powers to try to deceive us, oppress us and, in some cases, even possess us. But demons are powerless in the face of God, and God gives us spiritual authority over them. And though there are some who are given the unique ministry of exorcism within the Church, all of us do have spiritual authority over demons, especially over their natural spiritual attacks of temptations.

We combat demons primarily by revealing their lies and bringing them to light. Saint Ignatius of Loyola, in his spiritual classic The Spiritual Exercises, explains to us some of the ordinary tactics these demons use and how we overcome them. He says that for those steeped in a life of serious sin, the demons continually place before their mind the lie that their sins are enjoyable and rewarding, so that they will continue to choose them. And for those who are striving for holiness, these demons try to discourage them in their deepening conversion. They “bite, sadden and put obstacles, disquieting with false reasons, that one may not go on” (Rule 2). The way to overcome these temptations is by turning to the truth. First, by realizing that the false “pleasures” of sin are just that: false, fleeting and ultimately demeaning. Furthermore, we overcome these temptations by receiving from God “courage and strength, consolations, tears, inspirations and quiet, easing, and putting away all obstacles.” In other words, we overcome the demons by allowing God to strengthen us, clear our thinking, dispel all false obstacles on the road to holiness and by receiving the abundant consolations that God bestows as help on the journey.

Reflect, today, upon the fact that our Lord wants to minister to you in this threefold way. If you can work to overcome the obstacles put in your path by these demons, then you are in a good position to share in the other two missions given to the Apostles. You will be able to experience mental, emotional and spiritual healing in your life, and you will be able to allow the Kingdom of God to grow strong and powerful within your own soul. From there, you will be sent on a mission by our Lord to bring these graces to others in need.


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Saint Pacificus of San Severino


Pacificus was the son of Antonio M Divini and Mariangela Bruni, both of whom died when Pacificus was about 3 years old, leaving him to be raised by an uncle. He joined the Franciscans in December 1670 and was ordained in 1678. He was a professor of philosophy, teaching novices and a parish mission preacher. His health failed and he spent his final 29 years lame, deaf and blind, leading a contemplative life. He received visions and ecstasies. He was a miracle worker.


  • 1 March 1653 at San Severino, Italy


  • 24 September 1721 at San Severino, Italy


  • 4 August 1786 by Pope Pius VI


  • 26 May 1839 by Pope Gregory XVI


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Luke 8:19-21

Becoming Jesus' Mother and Brothers

The mother of Jesus and his brothers came to him but were unable to join him because of the crowd. He was told, “Your mother and your brothers are standing outside and they wish to see you.” He said to them in reply, “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it.”


The term “brothers” in this passage is obviously not to be understood that Jesus had blood brothers. It is a dogma of our faith that Jesus was the only Child of Mary. At that time, it was common practice to refer to one’s extended family as “brothers.” This would have especially applied to Jesus’ cousins and perhaps even those who were unrelated by blood but were from the same village.

As these relatives of Jesus stood outside and announced their presence, what did they expect Jesus to do? His “brothers” might have been there to try to talk some sense into Him. We know from other passages in the Gospels that some of Jesus’ extended family thought He was out of His mind. Therefore, it is possible that these brothers were there to resolve an extended family conflict that was erupting as Jesus began His public ministry.

Jesus’ response was not a rude response. This is clear from the fact that Jesus lived the perfection of charity. But true charity is always grounded in the truth. Jesus spoke a truth that cut through the merely human ties and conflicts that were driving these brothers. By saying, “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it,” Jesus was challenging His brothers to stop looking at Him only in an earthly way. Everyone, including His relatives, needed to learn to see Jesus as the Son of the Father in Heaven. It was the act of accepting Jesus’ divine identity and submitting in obedience to the will of the Father that established a much deeper bond with Him. That is the relationship that Jesus desired with His earthly brothers.

The mother of Jesus, on the other hand, was also perfect in every way. She was free from the disorder of sin and even her mind was clear, being filled with perfect wisdom and understanding. Therefore, when it was reported to her what Jesus said, she would have understood and believed.

Saint Bede says that when we hear the word of God and obey it, we become Jesus’ “mother” by bringing Him forth into the world through our words and actions. This also makes us Jesus’ “brothers” because our obedience makes us all children of the Father in Heaven.

By the gift of the fullness of grace, our Blessed Mother would have fully understood that her unity with her Son was primarily the result of their shared obedience to the Father’s will. She not only experienced the Son of God being conceived within her womb, she also had the profound experience of conceiving Him in her heart through her obedience to the will of the Father. That “conception” of Jesus within her Immaculate Heart would have been unmistakably clear to her and the cause of her greatest joy. For that reason, she would have treasured this spiritual motherhood of her Son as the greatest gift of all, even more than the gift of natural motherhood.

Reflect, today, upon the fact that you are also invited to be the “mother” and the “brother” of Jesus. You share in these holy callings through obedience to the will of the Father. The more clearly you hear God speak and the more fully you obey all that He says will determine the depth of spiritual union you have with Him. Our natural selves must give way to the supernatural life of grace. Make the choice, with our Blessed Mother, to pursue the glorious life of grace so that you will conceive the Son of God in your heart, become a true child of the Father in Heaven, and become a spiritual brother or sister of our Lord.


Luke 8:19-21 Read More »