Saint Florentina

Saint Florentina was born towards the middle of the sixth century in Cartagena, Hispania. She was the sister of three Iberian bishops in the time of the Visigothic dominion.

When they lost their parents at an early age, she was placed under the guardianship of her brother, Leander, who had since taken monastic vows, and it was through his influence that Florentina embraced the ascetic life. She associated with herself a number of virgins, who also desired to forsake the world, and formed them into a religious community.

Sometime before the year 600, her brother Leander, who died either in the year 600 or 601, wrote for her guidance an extant work dealing with a nun’s rule of life and with contempt for the world. Florentina regulated her life according to the advice of her brother, entered with fervour into the spirit of the religious life, and was honoured as a saint after her death. She died sometime early in the seventh century.

Saint Florentina is venerated as the patroness of the diocese of Plasencia.