Saints Epipodius and Alexander

Saints Epipodius and Alexander were both martyred during the reign of Marcus Aurelius. The earliest mention of Epipodius and Alexander is in a homily of St. Eucherius, about 440. Epipodius was born in Lyon and Alexander was a Greek, originally from Phrygia. Of distinguished birth, they were close friends since their childhood schooldays. Epipodius is said to have been a confirmed celibate bachelor, who devoted his time to Christian works.

In the aftermath of the Persecution in Lyon in the summer of 177, Epipodius and Alexander, having been denounced as Christians, left the city and retired to a nearby village. There they found refuge in the house of a poor Christian widow situated north-west of the hill of Fourvière. They were betrayed to imperial authorities by a servant. Both men were subsequently imprisoned, tortured, and condemned. According to Alban Butler, after enduring torture on the rack, Epipodius, the younger of the two, was beheaded.

Alban Butler says that Alexander, after suffering an extended and brutal beating, was crucified and died almost immediately. Another account says that he died of the beatings and ill treatment in gaol.
