Saint Zita

Saint Zita was an Italian saint, born in Tuscany. She entered domestic service at the age of twelve and served the same family for almost fifty years.

Through her diligence and fidelity, she became a trusted and valued servant. She gave one-third of her wages to her parents, kept a third, and gave the rest to the poor. The mistress of the house placed Zita in charge of the household almsgiving, and allowed her to visit the sick poor in their own homes and tend to their needs.

She always rose several hours before the rest of the family and took care to hear Mass every morning before she began work. She attended to her tasks with diligence and fidelity, and studied when possible to anticipate what needed to be done. Saint Zita continued to serve the Fatinellis after the death in 1260 of Guglielmo Fatinelli when his son Pagano became the head of the family.

Saint Zita was known for her kindness and generosity to the poor. She is known as the patron saint of maids and domestic servants. She is often appealed to in order to help find lost keys.
