Pope Anacletus

Also known as Saint Cletus, was the bishop of Rome, following Peter, and Linus. He served between c. AD 79 and his death, c. AD 92.

As with much of the earlier papacy, little is known of Anacletus’ pontificate. According to tradition, Pope Anacletus divided Rome into twenty-five parishes. One of the few surviving records concerning his papacy mentions him as having ordained an uncertain number of priests.

Traditionally, it was accepted that he reigned for twelve years, though the dates of that reign are questionable. The Annuario Pontificio states, “For the first two centuries, the dates of the start and the end of the pontificate are uncertain”, before placing Anacletus’ pontificate from AD 80 to AD 92. However, AD 76 to AD 88 are also frequently cited.

Pope Anacletus was martyred, ending his pontificate. A tomb ascribed to Anacletus is located near St Peter’s tomb in the Vatican Necropolis field P, underneath St Peters Basilica.