Saint Juliana of Nicomedia

Saint Juliana of Nicomedia biography are unclear. According to an account, Saint Juliana was the daughter of an illustrious pagan named Africanus. As a child was betrothed to the Senator Eleusius, one of the emperor’s advisors. Her father was hostile to the Christians. Juliana secretly accepted holy baptism. When the time of her wedding approached, Juliana refused to be married. Her father urged her not to break her engagement, but when she refused to obey him, he handed her over to the Governor, her former fiancé. Elusius again asked Juliana to marry him, but she again refused. was a 3rd-century Roman saint. He was a clergyman in the Roman Empire who ministered to persecuted Christians.

Juliana was beheaded after suffering torture in 304, during the persecution of Maximian.It is said that part of her torture was being partially burned in flames, plunged into a boiling pot of oil, and finally beheaded.

"St. Juliana". In Catholic Encyclopedia. 8. New York: Robert Appleton Company
"Gregorii Magni epist.", lib. IX, ep. ####", in J. P. Migne's Patrologia Latina, LXXXVII, 1015
"St. Juliana of Nicomedia | Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese".