Saint Barbatus of Benevento

Saint Barbatus of Benevento was born in the village of Vandano, near Cerreto Sannita, then part of the Duchy of Benevento, toward the end of the papacy of Gregory the Great.

According to the ninth century vitae, he received a Christian education, and spent a good deal of time studying the Christian scriptures. He took holy orders as soon as allowed to do so, and was immediately employed by the local bishop as a preacher. Shortly thereafter, he was made the curate of St. Basil’s Church in nearby Morcone

He warned the people of the city of the great trials they would soon suffer at the hands of the East Roman Emperor Constans II and his army, who shortly thereafter landed in the area and laid siege to Benevento. The people, in their fear, renounced the practices Barbatus had criticized. He then cut down the tree the locals had worshipped, and melted the viper into a chalice for use in the church.
In 680, he assisted in a council held by Pope Agatho, and took part in the sixth general council held in Constantinople in 681 regarding the Monothelites. He died shortly after the end of the council, on 19 February 682, at about seventy years of age.

"Barbatus”. New Catholic Dictionary. CatholicSaints.Info. 18 August 2012
Staley, Tony. "Making a chalice from a gold snake", The Compass, Diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin, 17 February 2012