Saint Felix of Nola

Saint Felix of Nola was a Christian presbyter at Nola near Naples in Italy. He sold off his possessions to give to the poor, but was arrested and tortured for his Christian faith during the persecution of Roman Emperor Decius (r. 249–51). He was believed to have died a martyr’s death during the persecution.

When bishop Maximus fled to the mountains to escape the persecution of the Roman emperor Decius, Felix was arrested and beaten for his faith instead. He escaped prison, according to legend being freed by an angel. After Maximus’s death, the people wanted Felix to be the next bishop of Nola, but he declined, favoring Quintus, a “senior” priest who had seven days more experience than Felix. Felix himself continued as a priest. He also continued to farm his remaining land, and gave most of the proceeds to people even poorer than himself.

Much of the little information we have about Felix comes from the letters and poetry of Saint Paulinus of Nola. When at length peace was obtained, he returned home and in poverty lived a withdrawn life until old age, an unconquered confessor of the faith”.

"Felix of Nola", Orange County Catholic, Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange, January 18, 2018
Calendarium Romanum (Libreria Editrice Vaticana 1969), p. 112
Butler, Alban. "The Lives of the Saints", Vol.I, 1866". Retrieved 2014-02-20