Saint Francis Xavier

Saint Francis Xavier was born on April 7, 1506 as the third son of the privy counselor and finance minister to the king of Navarre. He grew up at Xavier and even received education there.

Continuing his studies, he went to the University of Paris in 1525. After earning his master’s degree in 1530, he taught philosophy at the same university. In 1534, Saint Francis Xavier made vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, along with his other friends. Three years later, he was ordained and he also started studying theology.

Saint Francis Xavier travelled to multiple places to minister and evangelized people. He travelled to Lisbon, Goa, and even to the southeastern coast of India for his mission.

During his many travels, he fell ill with fever. And on December 3, 1552, he passed away. He was beatified by Pope Paul V in 1619 and canonized in 1622. He is the patron saint of Catholic missions.