Saint Edmund Campion

Saint Edmund Campion was born on January 25, 1540. He was an English Jesuit priest and was martyred during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.

He was the son of a bookseller. He received his early education at Christ’s Hospital school. He was then sponsored by a governor of the school as a scholar at St. John’s College in Oxford. Two years later, he was chosen to lead a public debate with the Queen as an audience. He won the regard of the Queen and the patronage of other important people.

He was initially a deacon in the Anglican church, however, he realized later on that his heart lies with the Roman Catholicism. He then entered the Cathollic Church in Northern France. In 1573, he became a member of the Society of Jesus in Rome.

He was arrested in 1581. They tortured him so that he will renounce his faith. When he refused, they charged him with treason and execution.