Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne

St. Rose Philippine Duchesne was born on August 29, 1769 om France. She was born to a wealthy family with both political and financial connections.

In 1780, she studied at a convent and later on entered the Visitation Order in Grenoble. She offered charitable work and took care of the sick as the French revolution broke. Despite the convent closing during this period, she opened a school for homeless children and even helped priests in the underground.

Years later, she joined the infant Society of the Sacred Heart. She eventually rose to the role of a superior and supervisor of the novitiate and a school in only a short span of time. When she was 49 years old, she went on to do missionary work in America. Despite the disappointments and challenges, she founded the first free school for girls in the west of Mississippi.

At age of 83, Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne passed away. She was later on canonized in 1988.