Saint Cecilia

Saint Cecilia was born into a wealthy family in Rome. She is one of the most well-known virgin martyrs in the history of the Church.

According to accounts of her life, she has vowed her virginity to God ever since she was young. However, she was arranged to be married to a man named Valerian, who will eventually be a future saint as well. Saint Cecilia told Valerian that an angel was protecting her virginity. Valerian respected this but asked to see the angel for proof. St. Cecilia then told Valerian, who was a pagan at that time, that he had to be baptized first to see the angel. Valerian and his brother Tiburtius got baptised and afterwards they were able to see the angel. Later on, Valerian and his brother were martyred as well.

Cecilia proceeded to give away her possessions to the poor. She also preached and was able to convert more than four hundred people in her lifetime. Because of this, Cecilia was arrested by Almachius and executed.

She was first suffocated in the baths. However, she survived as the flames did not harm her. Almachius then ordered for her to be beheaded. They were not able to decapitate her head and so they left her to bleed for three days until she died.

Saint Cecilia is the patron saint of music and musicians.