Author name: sanjose

Psalm 34:18

Verse: “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit ” – Psalm 34:18 Prayer For A Broken Heart Dear Father, I cry to You right now in my trouble, I cry to You right now from a heart that is broken. I know that You will save me …

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Saint Ezekiel Moreno

Today’s saint, Ezekiel, was born in Alfaro in Spain on April 9, 1848. He joined the Recollect Congregation of the Augustinian Order in Monteagudo (Navarra) in 1864. He was sent to the Philippines, where he was ordained in 1871 and where he worked for 15 years. He then returned to Spain to serve as prior …

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Matthew 5:44

Verse: “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” – Matthew 5:44 Prayer For Your Enemies Lord Jesus, following Your example and command, we pray for our enemies today. Send Your love flowing through us, and forgive us for holding on to anything that could hinder our prayers. We …

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Saint John Eudes

John was born in Normandy. He was ordained priest and spent many years preaching parish missions. He organized a congregation of nuns that grew into the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity, dedicated to the care of women rescued from a disorderly life, and a congregation of priests dedicated to the running of seminaries. He …

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Saint Helena

Tradition says Helena brought a woman near death to the discovery of three crosses which was discovered during their search. There she had the woman place a hand on all three crosses. Nothing happened when she touched the first two crosses, but when she placed her hand on the third cross she suddenly recovered. Helena …

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Psalm 37:4

Verse: “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.” – Psalm 37:4 Prayer To Align To The Will of God Heavenly Father, forgive me for the times when I have delighted myself in wrong things. Keep me from fretting over evildoers in this increasingly confusing world, and …

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Galatians 5:25

Verse: “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit” – Galatians 5:25 Prayer To The Holy Spirit Help me to walk in you, the Spirit of God. Grow good fruit in my life. You are the one who produces these in me: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, …

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Saint Roch

Saint Roch is the patron saint of the sick and invalids. He was born in 1295 to a rich family in Montpellier, France. Tradition says Saint Roch was born with a birthmark of a red cross on his chest. He joined the Franciscan Order and distributed his fortune among the poor. While living in Italy, …

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